Is it possible install Centos/fedora/Debian/freebsd from command line...

Is it possible install Centos/fedora/Debian/freebsd from command line? How disable shitty graphical installation and how I can get sources?

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Use a minimal installer. Usually available from the website. Ubuntu and Debian has minimal installs that I know of :)

Yes it's possible and Google is your friend

If you're too dumb to know how, stick with the GUI. Even the standard Debian install (non-minimal) offers a text based install.

first you have to make sure it's going to be comfy
comfy is the only thing that matters to all these fucking Sup Forumsays

>brainlet pretending to be le hackerman
kys, your iq is too low if you cannot figure this out

If that was true we'd all be using XP.

Yes, similiar to arch. Just make sure you use a live cd.
>partition the hard drive according to your system needs mdos/gpt
>mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXY if you use a scsi disk
>mount that bitch on /mnt
>mount /dev/cdrom on an empty folder
>use unsquashfs or rsync to copy over the files to /mnt
>properly chroot into /mnt, don't forget to copy over /etc/resolv.conf
>setup locale(s)
>setup hostname
>change your localtime and hwclock --systohc
>setup /etc/fstab
>passwd root
>you can update your system and create your user now or later.
>apt-get update && apt-get install grub-pc -y
>install grub
>reboot and finish up your install!

>Is it possible to autistically install autistic OS in an autistic way?
Yes user, before they made things easier that was the only way to install so if you pick a minimal installation iso you can do it still.
But to answer you in a funnier way, does the pope shit in the woods?

Thank you for spoonfeeding him, now you've guaranteed he'll make another thread for tech support when he gets stuck on step 3.

How i can get stage3/4 and install system on debian/centos/freebsd?

Learn english and .

I need analog likely pacstrap /mnt base base-devel in debian/freebsd

>the pope shit in the woods?

>offers a text based install.
What?! Debian has GUI dialog shitty installation. I need full install from cli.

You don't need, you want. Try harder.

>the pope shit in the woods?
No, but the last one shuffled and obsecured pedophiles.

go back to Sup Forums kid

Do you get your piddle diddled and now you stockholm syndrome? Fuck you, I'll keep helping this faggot if I want.

learn2english faggot

ofc. just manually perform what the graphical installer performs. (drive partitioning, mkfs, copying directory structure, mknodes, etc)
it takes some time but if you are poor (hint: you are because you're using linux) you have more time than anything else

>t. pajeet
Did a priest fuck your ass, and now you have some faggot love for him? Clear enough for you, Jetesh? Have you heard grammar?

You there isn't a command for that. Inside the iso there is a file system: /live/filesystem.squashfs
You unsquash this file to the mount drive like this
unsqaushfs -f -d /mnt /path/to/mountedCD/live/filesystem.squashfs
or you mount the squashfs file to an empty folder and copy it over like this
mount -t squashfs filesystem.squashfs empty\ folder/
rsync -a empty\ folder/ /mnt
# if the mount command give you an error, run the followimg command
modprobe squashfs
This will copy over all files.
After that is finish you need to chroot into it and setup your system

If I were to buy one of these on ebay or something, what range am I looking at? I imagine bids get pretty insane during the last few minutes.

Idk about ebay, but my cousin bought an apple II for only a few hundard dollars. It was fun to fuck around on it.

Mac SE/Classic? A couple bucks to $100 bidding, maybe around $300 buy it now for a full system (don't pay more than that).

Why CentOs developers can't create stage 3 installation ? Do you mean i need to copy files from livecd to chroot system?

Why can't you spend some time reading and learning? If you can't figure this out, you don't deserve the job. How can you chroot into a folder that is empty?

>Why can't you spend some time reading and learning?
Because he obviously can't speak english and just wants to do autistic shit for fuck all reasons. Keep helping him though.

> Keep helping him though
Okay, I will.

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>recommending google
No u