Just installed this yesterday, holy fuck is it comfy as anything

Just installed this yesterday, holy fuck is it comfy as anything

Attached: 1200px-OpenBSD_Logo_-_Cartoon_Puffy_with_textual_logo_below.svg.png (1200x781, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Should I try it in a VM?

Install it, run it, love it.

is there any reason to use BSD over Linux other than being a special snowflake?

only if the VM is comfy

its shit, install windows

Okay, I will try it now.

I would also like to know that.

because it has to be comfy while getting comfy with your new comfy os


In my experience it is a lot lighter than GNU/Linux, package count only 47 at install

How does a new C programmer contribute to try to help OpenBSD?

only 47?
wow! that's comfy

write some comfy code and make a comfy pull request

Subscribe to their mailing lists and lurk for a while, I guess

And then get ripped to pieces by Theo for your newbie C mistakes? Guess that would be a good way to learn better C.
and checked.


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this guy is comfy

So very comfy/

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is there a reason to ask this same question in every threas other than being annoying

>pull request

windows is comfy

I can't, the logo is too ugly.

The daily BSD shill thread. OpenBSD is great, once you have it running, and have the right hardware.

I've never entered a BSD thread before because I've never seen the point. Today I just felt like asking for the first time. Suffices to say I did not get very satisfactory answers

that's because it's a completely pointless question that i'm tired of answering when it could either be googled or tried out for free

>Suffices to say I did not get very satisfactory answers
Not surprising, as you asked a question that doesn't have an answer. Notice how the faggot that replied to you could only manage to tell you to "google it" or install it for yourself.


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>it's all these vague things that also apply to every other modern os on the planet
You're really selling it.

Hope you are using comfy window manager

It's not like this is /bsdgen/, the only threads you will get using a fucking niche OS is people asking whether it's worthwhile vis-a-vis the status quo. If you want to jerk off other BSD users I am sure you guys have an IRC channel somewhere

>also apply to every other modern os on the planet

I know you are not even trying, but just so you know no one here gives a shit if you install it or not, OpenBSD people don't give a fuck about evangelizing others and being the number one OS in popularity.

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>muh IRC
there he goes again

NetBSD is smaller and works on non x86 architectures

No games tho LMAO

>but just so you know no one here gives a shit if you install it or not
Oh, obviously. That's totally not why this thread exists in the first place, let alone has all this damage control already happening.

Time to just post some chinese cartoon pictures.

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>we dont care anyway
>go away
>please stop bullying
are all BSD users weak chinned nerds that retort passive aggressive comments instead of answering a perfectly legit and relevant question?

Any game worth its salt will be free software

OpenBSD is cool, but no drivers for my shitbox.

People discussing technology doesn't mean they want to sell you something, are you retarded?

>Time to just post some chinese cartoon pictures.

Don't answer me.

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who are you quoting? yourself?

NetBSD is great for embedded systems
FreeBSD is great for servers
OpenBSD is great for old thinkpads and routers

>NetBSD is great for embedded systems
What if I want to use netbsd as my daily OS?

>god, please, just go away
>if everyone starts using it i'll lose my special snowflake status AGAIN, just like with linux

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? you know what I mean, clever boy

see, how hard was that you insecure fucking gimps

What did he mean by this?

>OpenBSD is great for old thinkpads and routers

It literally supports the latest ThinkPad

Do you know what a "base system" is?

He meant that you were just another tryhard hipster who doesn't actually have any real use for any particular OS, and just pick them based on what you think is going to get you the most "nerd cred" on an anonymous Latvian titty sculpture board.

it would've been easier if you just googled it, you spoonfed retard

Hope you're not using an ssd, cause it's 2018 and there's still no trim or even proper power management kek

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also isn't it funny that these people always claim that they don't post in these threads yet they always resort to similar shitposting styles

who are you quoting?

isn't it funny that you couldn't even reply to the post that triggered you because, in your mind, there's this weird little kid game you're playing where you can't give someone else a (You)

NetBSD can run on a literal toaster. Why should I use OpenBSD over NetBSD?

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The days of software incompatibility are largely over. The only thing that I am "missing" on OpenBSD software wise is wine. I don't have any desire to run windows apps, and I don't game.

Onto "why" OpenBSD? It is the most secure OS hands down, with clean code that keeps these philosophies:

keep it simple stupid.
if it can't be done right, it won't be done.

assuming you use BSD for some reason OTHER than being a special snowflake maybe you could inform other board members what your personal rationale was? fact is that you DID use linux prior to using BSD. so instead of taking it as a personal attack and getting all defensive like a sissy bitch how about you act like a normal human being you fucking sperg

it's "secure"

nobody because i know how meme arrows actually work

you didn't answer the question which can't be googled

Messy to implement? No.

Sign an NDA? No.

Non-free blobs? No.

Incorrect license? No.

Insecurities? No.

Doesn't work? No. Fork it. "shut up and hack"

I am the original poster and I swear this is the first time I've ever posted in a BSD thread. People are probably just curious?

is there any reason to use Linux other than being a special snowflake?

these threads are cringeworthy

because i prefer it

i know this opinion is too much for the feeble Sup Forumsirgin brain

don't try to act reasonable

you came into this thread to call us special snowflakes lmao

Almost forgot about that cartoon

I did, in a jovial Sup Forums-esque manner. I didn't know BSD threads are safe spaces

GNU/Linux is superior to any BSD in every way

I would consider using Linux with BSD userspace. GNU is sometimes full of autism

they are when they're entirely made up of hipsters that jumped ship from linux when it got too "mainstream"

NetBSD runs on a sega dreamcast, where's your god now

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*BSDs for the BSD god

Plenty. For me I found it a lot easier to develop software in Linux than I did in Windows. Package management instead of some clunky GUI installers and bloatware Visual Studio

>BSD thread
>40% posts faggots arguing
Never change Sup Forums

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>wow a /bsd/ with lots of replied, is it finally /our/ time
>it's full of shitposts

I preferred PSX. Sega failed with their consoles anyway.

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/FGLT/ started off as /flt/ and it was full of shitposting too

What did you expect? BSD is the boring cousin of Linux that only pushed by some edgy retards since it's fucked in the ass.

That's fine because netbsd runs on a ps2 as well and unlike your ps2 linux it still gets updated

>BSD thread
>40% posts are actual BSD users trying desperately to convince themselves (and anyone else who will listen) that they're using BSD for any other reason than hipsterism
>60% of posts are people mercilessly trolling those faggots
Never change Sup Forums

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That's because Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumsermin who think their new iphone is what Sup Forums should be about

Yeah, that could be it, but it's probably just because obvious larping hipster kids make it so fucking easy to make fun of them.

Install crupix
>OpenBSD kernel without proprietary blobs
>only libre soft in repos
>source based
>fixed gtk filepicker

>pull request
marvellous banter

>IRC channel somewhere

Attached: jesus_doesnt_save_dead_babies.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

And I just found out the best part
>works even on a fucking gameboy

OS X can offer the same thing

It has sane defaults. But hey if you are happy with linux why switch?

Personally I got tired way back when on linux distros and their package manager which fucking kept installed everything because depencies which I don't need and worse on that they kept on autostarting mysql and other services which I fucking don't need or want to run. Eventually I got tired of switching off services which kept on autoinstalling/autostarting on startup. Don't know thou have they changed that but personally I am comfy with OpenBSD so too lazy to switch back.

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>try googling this
>nothing found
Have I been memed?

Quite possibly.
To begin with, openbsd ships no blobs. They're super-serious about that.
They have a firmware downloading tool to fetch them as an explicit step.

Nope, thats the another ELITIST feature of crupix, You have to make it yourself and host your own repo on Tor (they don't work through clearnet)

maybe he doesn't want to shell out an arm and a leg for a macbook and doesn't have compatible hardware to run a hackintosh?

>kept on autoinstalling/autostarting on startup
what distro did you use?

meant for :^)

Yes and without those blobs the fucking driver/fuckingWifi is totally useless. Good luck running OpenBSD without blobs or worse than that good luck downloading those fucking blobs without working ethernet and wifi.

And these fuckers think that it is _a _ _good_ thing to not to ship those blobs to actually get your memepad running.


Still running OpenBSD and happy with it but sometimes these fucking autistic deveplovers drive me mad like the whole "lets have fucking 10 years old outdated as fuck GCC as a compiler because GPL2 vs GPL3 license". Which fucking can't compile anything else than the OpenBSD basesystem. In everything else fukken useless. HOLY FUCK!!!

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>And these fuckers think that it is _a _ _good_ thing to not to ship those blobs to actually get your memepad running.
It is a good thing to keep them very separated.
It's also a good thing to make it easy and simple to determine which blobs are needed and fetch them.
This is mostly the same approach Debian takes.

but has the compatible hardware for Linux

No it is not a good thing to do so and if debian does it it should be a clue that you are probably doing it wrong. The mental gymnastics you are doing on defending shipping broken system instead of working system is sign of autism

Been using linux/*BSD since before 2000 so pick whatever distro chances are I have atleast tried it. Most happy been with slackware which actually dis not autostart anything by default but back then there were no buils system for that and got tired of upgrading my system by hand. Later somebody copied some build system for 3rd party system from NetBSD I believe which fucking did not work at all like in *BSD so trash it went

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does it? i thought they gave up on that years ago

wow youre an epic trolle

OpenBSD won't even boot on my 10 year old thinkpad R61. The installer seemed to work OK, but on the first boot with the disc removed it crashes with some kernel fault that gives no useful information.

You don't need to argue with them user, some people don't realize that computers need to be usable in order to be useful.