ITT: We celebrate how far we've come and how much better things are now for computers.
We've come a long way
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how does a laptop replace scissors or a printer ?
Because we don't need to waste paper (or space) with printing or printers any more.
Also that's a fax machine, not a printer.
OP's thought was all I could think of when I worked on my AMD K6-3+ Socket 7 rig today, then I moved over to my Threadripper and was like wow look how far we have come, watercooling an SS7 was unheard of back in the 90s and you had to fab up everything yourself out of automotive parts but now I can buy a turnkey AIO kit for my Threadripper that works well and installs in like 5 minutes, and it's cheaper than the 90's setup was in 1998 not even accounting for inflation
ok user, I'll take the bait.
How do you open up a package you got with your macbook�
Edges are sharp enough
>he doesn't have soyfinger friendly packages that can be opened with your hands
Heheheh, looks like someone took a wrong turn in their life.
For apple users
idk why I find that so funny.
Can't believe we had 8C/16T 65W TDP processor.
>ITT: We celebrate how far we've come and how much better things are now for computers.
Add a bunch of tangled usb-c adapters
I'm more interested in how it replaces the picture of a dog. We're not allowed to hang pictures on the wall in this brave new world?
No time for doggos; just work now.
Top one is more comfy.
Real calendar, dog photo, globe, real phone, real calculator, tape, cork-board, reflective sunglasses.
#1 is comfy, and follows linux principle of many tools that each do one job.
#2 does not follow linux principle, and looks hipsterish and memey and overpriced
Wowzers, I had no idea a macbook had a printer integrated.
>cell phone replacing car keys
I'm moving towards #1 these days.
I like having dedicated tools that do their one job very well, instead of one tool that does all of them sorta okay.
You can look at that photograph of your dog any time you like on your laptop computer. In fact, you can look at pictures of other people's dogs as well.
Lmao kys
Applefags on suicide watch!
#2 has less vertical offset between monitor and keyboard, thus causing people to hunch like a basement dweller. #1 unironically has superior ergonomics, thus leaving the user with a superior physical appearance.
I unironically prefer the top one.
Technological advancement was a mistake.
good luck charging that phone without the dongles
>no calc
Jokes on you, every accounter has a calculator on her table.
so glad we replaced glue, tape, scissors, sunglasses etc with modern tech...
Oh I get it: the fax machine was removed because applel can't interface with fax machines and/or printers.
I just bought a fractal design R6 because just about every surface of the thing has dust filters. In 2000 i jigsawed a hole in the side of my case and glued a car intake filter to the side in an attempt to build something similar. It needed multiple strong fans to suck through, but was a partial success at avoiding dust. The R6 works better, is off the shelf, and is cheaper than that case mod was. gg progress.
>wall outlet and charger
>usb-c to usb-c cable like the one my phone came with
>usb-c to lightning
Today card graphic is as powerful 20 years old supercomputer
Are you french?
How does a laptop replace an actual camera? Do people walk around pointing their macbook's webcam at things?
Are you really that surprised? 99% of macfaggots don't even know what a computer is.
I don't understand where the camera is used ever in office.
The phone has a camera.
>when you realize that even that shitty Macintosh did everything that's on the desk on the first picture (except color)
It's obvious the image was made by a 20 year old.
The dog is dead now.
You can have a dog wallpaper now on your desktop.
that's actually a good silicon dildo if you ever buy one
>You can look at that photograph of your dog any time you like on your laptop computer.
You can do that on the old mac as well faggot
>The phone has a camera.
implying a phone camera has decent quality, I guess I can throw my Nikon away according to the mac faggots.
Yeah, but the driver still uses keys dumbfuck
>implying a phone camera has decent quality,
Well, I can photo an A4 page and it would be read fine.
>hey guys, look what the higher-ups just had installed in our office!
Wotcha dem computrz?
>Mac still can't protect your eyes from UV rays
Agreed. Now, I just wonder when we'll finally hit bottom.
original mac in the "old" picture is comfy as fuck
lol he has the apple is gay frog glasses
I need paper for my job
Opening a sticking on my laptop at work is an inconvenience; I have enough files as it is.
No UI to date is faster than my Mont Blanc on paper for jotting something down in a rush.
Maybe my note 8 with the s pen but that is literally the same as using a notepad and pen.
>right center of the image