The most loveable artist. You literally cant hate him

The most loveable artist. You literally cant hate him.

he's black


Didn't he make a song for Sonic '06?

because nobody has heard about him in 10 years



So what if he's black? He's a good person and he promotes good values and ideas.

>Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Bongo Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam

also holy shit i just got my first text captcha in ages

Ghetto music but good and relaxing.

yes, but he is black

every time

Fuck you racist bitch, you're not welcome here!!


When the best thing you've done in your whole career is a guest spot on a Lonely Island song, you should really take a look at yourself


It's not his best thing. From Locked Up to You're so beautiful, he made many classic hits from the '00 decade. You're so full of shit, I bet you would say that for Jessica Alba too, well she was totally irrelevant in that video you mentioned, fucktard.

I hate racism on this board, so unnecessary since we all know black people make the best music.

So true

All the most acclaimed white albums (In the Court of the Crimson King, The Dark Side of the Moon, Tago Mago) ripped off blacks

On the other hand who did What's Going On or Kind of Blue rip off? They are completely original

>thinking one race is superior to the other
that's the dictionary definition of a word, I can't remember which one, though

Amen brother.

Superior? Just said we make better and the most popular music, too. Charts don't lie, fans don't lie, tweets don't lie, your sisters iPod don't lie...

who did king crimson n can rip off?

I fucking hate white people so much

oh baby

I only hate the ones that call me whitewashed

King Crimson was originally black but the White man changed history for his own gains. They were originally a progressive hip hop band from Egypt named King Crimsonbongomutombo, which is why Kanye chose to sample their song 50+ years later in order to spread awareness of the true history.

>tfw Akon was one of the GOATs

>Literally an immigrant African Muslim, black as tar
A lot of people are gonna dislike him for these things OP. I hate to break it to you but this is just the reality of our world

He should've been born in Senegal rather than America. There needs to be more famous from countries other than America.

>King Crimsonbongomutombo
I thought they were called Kang Crimson

I hate his music but the charity he's done is second to none.

I hate him.