>pretends her life's exciting
>when you realize you are talulah gosh
music for this feel?
>pretends her life's exciting
>when you realize you are talulah gosh
music for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Enjoy your adolscence, OP. Keep fighting the good fight.
seriously though i want more like talulah gosh (not counting heavenly, and i've already heard the shop assistants)
i've seen this chart but didn't really pay it much thought because of the ones on here i'd already heard, i don't consider the wedding present or mccarthy to be twee, they aren't really cutesy enough for that (especially mccarthy)
Absolutely abysmal t b h, ignore this chart.
other bands to check out that aren't in the chart:
>the cat's miaow
>the wake
>another sunny day
Did you listen to tiger trap? they're great.
chin chin
also black tambourine
I listened to Tiger Trap, but at least on the first listen, they sounded too much like the Shop Assistants and not enough their own band. I'll definitely revisit them though.
OK, anyone have a better chart? Or can someone please make a better chart? I think a few people might love to explore this little genre.
you dont need a chart just go through sarahs catalogue
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why this culture of spoonfeeding? You check out an entry level band, you check out the label they've had a release or two on, you check out any comps they've made appearances on, you check out other bands on the comp, etc.
You're all such unrepentant spastics, fucking hell.
just go on rym or youtube suggestions
charts kill discussions ffs
C86 isn't even close to all twee, but if you get the reissue, it's got quite a few twee acts on it. Discovered the Shop Assistants and Talulah Gosh through it, among others that aren't coming to mind right now.
use rym
bands i like
action painting!
beat happening
black tambourine
the cannanes
the cats miaow
the dolly mixture
free loan investments
golden grrrls
go sailor
henrys dress
kissing mirrors
the marshmallow kisses
the motifs*
nine steps to ugly**************
the softies
trixies big red motorbike***
twa toots
tiger trap
camera obscura
OK, thanks.
So helpful, so twee.
isn't thehorbgorbler just the bestest?? :D
RYM, right.
Grow up.
Shut up you misreable cunt.
Are Sarah's v/a compilations good, or should I stick to albums by the bands themselves?
yea listen to the comps also
that list is ok
with this type of stuff compilations are better than the album
but dude just explore and listen to everything. you act like this is some major purchase. its free music m8
There is literally no hope for people like you. You shouldn't be allowed to listen to music.
Not disagreeing with you, but the source is obvious
i mean most of those are pretty popular twee bands with a few exceptions. there are also a bunch of other good lists. because i feel like the top twee albums chart is pretty meh
I like buying my music though. Which sucks when everything is out of print, like Sarah's stuff appears to be.
how about....finding music from sources other than rym!?
where? imo its the best way
Ignore him, he's a mong.
you should listen to vaselines if you don't already
Went ahead and got the two largest Sarah compilations, gonna listen to them later this week.