Sup Forums made an album

We did something yesterday

21 whole tracks and it's still 15 minutes shorter than IDEL.

Other urls found in this thread:



Decided to do what?

About a month ago a few people on a thread were talking about trying this. Didn't know it would actually happen.

Are you talking about Sup Forums making an album?
Because we do that all the fucking time.
Hell there's two others in that bandcamp.

If we do another 1 minute track album the artist should be Chinese Cartoon again

Just sayin', OP

I'll listen to this new one when I get home and post reviews

just got home, listening

pretty cool so far i don't like giving number ratings

sorry for the shortness and out of syncness of mine i claimed late and haven't recorded shit in ages im trying to get back into it im amateur tho.

I use number ratings here because I can't be really bothered to go in-depth with ranking on a Sup Forums compilation album. It's a quick way to indicate an opinion about a track, usually the notes/comments are more important than the rating if people are actually seeking feedback.

We're doing Eccojams tomorrow and then going on break until June.
I've decided 4 albums a month is the max.


This is actually pretty good Sup Forums

Fav tracks:

What is the source of this image

So haunting

21 is for patricians

This is actually a fun listen! I'm on track 15 now. Highlights so far:

1 high production values. Very energetic start

3 feels like a soundtrack for a classic jrpg with all the midi-ish instrumentation.

4 is just high energy chip-tune fun. love it.

11 tasty lo-fi guitars

Honestly track 13 is great ironically bc it is so god damn audacious

14 is actually pretty damn good. This shit goes hard.

16 pure saxophone art

good shit y'all

Iv been waiting for this i thought it was gone forever.

Ahh man im so down for Eccojams but i got work all day tomorrow :(.

Oh your track now. This is track of the album so far. I really like when the chord progression switches. nice work.

Just finished it. Stand outs for me.
Track 1
Track 9
Track 10
Track 13
Track 14

I'm going to try and get it started at 10am est if that helps any.

im the creator of that picture of mc ride and i don't give you permission to use it
cease and desist

change the cover

I didn't give you permission to be a fag but you're doing it anyway.

Thanks man! What I wrote for track 4 was actually meant for 5. Great stuff!

What vst plugins did you use? I want those sounds yo

Oh nice, thanks man. I kinda lost steam towards the end though.

Errm i think some of the sounds were from Spire but most of them were YMCK - magical 8bit plug. Its basicly just simple wave shapes and a ADSR but if you add reverb it sounds like a gameboy. I think the undertale guy used it alot for the music. Its a free download i think.

reviews when

If you guys are digging on track 14...

That is actually volume 1/3 of original Pokemon music mashed up with bassnectar. Here's the full set:

shouldve posted a pic

Track ratings
1: 7/10
2: 7/10
3: 9/10
4: 10/10
5: 5/10
6: 6/10
7: 3/10
8: 8/10
9: 8/10
10: 7/10
11: 6/10
12: 1/10
13: 9/10
14: 7/10
15: 8/10
16: 6/10
17: 4/10

Overall: 7/10

Review: The album is either chiptune masterpieces or Lo-fi art tracks. Some highlights for me include "David Bowie's greatest hits vol.2" a chiptune songs that goes into various enjoyable melodies. The melancholic "A Visceral Art of Music Strings" is a tune that belongs in every video game ever made. The best track objectivity, however, is "Here's the thing about Freddie. The man had some serious pipes" a song that you can do every drug to. However the album has it's mediocre/low points. "David bowie's greatest hits vol.1" is the most pretentious thing I've ever heard and tracks like "Meme Supreme" and "Reroll for 86", although somewhat impressive, are clear filler trash. But overall, more good things come out of this album than bad things.

where does this album fit in with the other two in an overall ranking?


I had an idea. What if we make an album with 5 tracks that are atleast 6 minutes long but we actually collaborate on those 5 tracks? Like actually have chord progressions and music theory shit to make actually listenable long Sup Forums tracks.

I like it

What if we did a "Sup Forums covers Radiohead" album?Does that sound the least bit interesting to anyone?

lol epic we did it redd- uh i mean Sup Forums

OP please read this

He's too new to remember Dicklick Brigade

>Sup Forums does something different than they did in 2009
>"nice job le reddit"


That's a bit too ambitious for us at the moment, maybe in a couple of months.
Or you could start it yourself and not have it be a maftwm project.

i give this rating 5/10

>we will never recreate this masterpiece

You said you wanted only 4 albums per month right? It'd probably be simpler if you just had it be a weekly thing.

That's what I plan on doing after Sup Forumsjams

shout out to the plebs is comfy as fuck

objective rankings coming in

>best opener
Meme Hard with a Vengeance
>best closer
Don't Give Up, Skeleton!
>best track from each album
IDEL: Obama did Notting
DGUS: Sad Skeleton
TGAT: Shout out to the plebs at /r/indieheads (greatest hits pt.2 is close second)

I'm disturbed by the fact that some of this album is actually really good.

Thanks. To be honest, i thought mine (16) was kinda terrible, but i'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it.

We're gonna run out at this rate.

>Everyone forgets

Whatever the fuck you do do not look this album up on youtube.

Too late, user. I'll anhero now, bye guys.

>nobody remembers the meme friends

Too late

I listened to a few albums but tbqhf I'd like to listen to all mu albums. I'd suggest that we collect all the mu-albums that have been recorded in this thread.


Is it the best album Sup Forums ever made?

im pretty new here, someone fill us in on how these get made and whatnot. very intrigued

The track names are actually derived from posts with dubs. Post numbers also affect the album and artist names. So if this was a new thread it would be

1. im pretty new here, someone fill us in on how these get made and whatnot. very intrigued

After the track names have been rolled for Anons start claiming tracks. It usually takes about 4-5 hours for everyone to deliver.

wow holy shit

Well guess what I fuckin looked it up on YouTube..

How did you talentless fucks actually come up with something that's half decent?

What is it I'm too pussy

I don't think its the album itself, I think it's the results you'' get for looking up the title

What the fuck
Why is this on youtube

who would hit it? honest

So is tomorrow's album themed?
I want to contribute to it in some form

skeleton theme again plz

Just downloaded and track 1 is flame wtf?

something's happening