16 year old edition
Kpop general
>using filters
>getting your feelings hurt through reading text
I love this teen goddess
my girl, I'm talking about my girrrrl~
more like OhMan!(face)
quick flip some hearts at people
they're literally the same person
I prefer with cream and sugar.
we already have good twiceposting!
your manface services aren't required
I've got hoes
now that the dust has settled do we agree that lovelyz - a new trilogy is AOTY?
the manface guy is actually a mastermind who wants more mina pics
Dubu is cute here
the absolute memer!!
she did it again!!
i'm perfectly fine with this
never getting on during Twice spam hour again
violent manface
I like this thread
saved this pic just for yuju desu
no. We never agree on anything
we like pit-chan here
burger queen~
AOA wins a shitty award. Nevertheless.
>high five
This pair are the only reason I save any GFriend
looks like momo wants every gook dead
do it chu...
looks like her regular manface 2bh
If that is a manface (or minas) I like manfaces
How bad is that?
she was so careless in that fancam
good man, we need more yuju posting in these threads
this pic makes me smile everytime.
favorite bunny
those unfortunate knee scars
I want to make love to her
Dont like dicks tho
extra luwv
you like manfaces so you will get used to the dicks soon
>8 when Shinee debuted
Damn. Taemin was only 14.
is this yulhee?
Best smile in kpop.
urgently needs a jawshave
post the other one
>mfw not enough annoying Seolhyun spam.
goddess desu
jesus why that faggot photoshops his pictures...
it really is
we like yuju just the way she is
I'd like yuju naked tbqh
don't enable him or I'm leaving
what is your favorite thing about yoona
Girls' Day died because some stupid gook tried to feed them his shitty dumplings
did yoonamanlet ever tell you guys his height?