Muslim survior of Paris attack writes a letter to Eagles of Death Metal lead singer Jesse Hughes for being insensitive to Muslims. Very proud.
Music needs to completely eliminate these hateful conservative voices.
Muslim survior of Paris attack writes a letter to Eagles of Death Metal lead singer Jesse Hughes for being insensitive to Muslims. Very proud.
Music needs to completely eliminate these hateful conservative voices.
>Ismael El Iraki
Sup Forums is always right
Please keep political posts to the boards they belong on.
>this thread is totally about music i swear!
Why the fuck can't we just discuss this shit anymore?
Why does it have to always be fucking obvious as shit bait posts?
Why can't Sup Forums have a rational discussion about politics?
I would murder every single muslim I saw if I could get away with it. Who else feels the same way?
Because Sup Forums is never rational
Are there ever rational discussions about politics?
This isn't fucking c span
there is a good reason why moot deleted /news/ in the first place, and why he kept thinking about deleting Sup Forums as well.