Eagles of Death Metal

Muslim survior of Paris attack writes a letter to Eagles of Death Metal lead singer Jesse Hughes for being insensitive to Muslims. Very proud.


Music needs to completely eliminate these hateful conservative voices.

>Ismael El Iraki

Sup Forums is always right

Please keep political posts to the boards they belong on.

>this thread is totally about music i swear!

Why the fuck can't we just discuss this shit anymore?

Why does it have to always be fucking obvious as shit bait posts?

Why can't Sup Forums have a rational discussion about politics?

I would murder every single muslim I saw if I could get away with it. Who else feels the same way?

Because Sup Forums is never rational


Are there ever rational discussions about politics?

This isn't fucking c span

there is a good reason why moot deleted /news/ in the first place, and why he kept thinking about deleting Sup Forums as well.