>tfw it finally clicks
Little Fury Things is the greatest thing in the entire world for me right now. Also, the way they just abruptly end Just Like Heaven is so fucking noise rock of them. They may be the coolest band bar Sonic Youth and Pavement.
Tfw it finally clicks
Angel Cruz
Adrian Hall
Just Like Heaven wasn't on the original issue. Poledo is the last track.
Jaxon King
J and his spirit animal.
Aaron Mitchell
Don't forget that In a Jar is the best song on the album
Connor Phillips
u kno they just anounced a new album/?
Justin Hall
That's not how you spell Kracked.
Jason Perez
uhmmmm I think you meant to say The Lung
Carter Jones
>God Tier
Little Fury Things
The Lung
In a Jar
Dominic Nguyen
Both super calm and cute but secretly are little assholes.
Daniel Gutierrez
This guy's got it.