ITT:Post your favorite album and have others guess things about you

ITT:Post your favorite album and have others guess things about you

you have shit taste

you have good taste, probably hyperactive though
not much you can tell from drake


I also like this one

you work in retail and want to get a new job

you're not very social but you're not bothered by it

>you have good taste, probably hyperactive though

>you're not very social but you're not bothered by it

Both true, nice guesses.

nice, I'm gonna check out jandek for the first time really soon
this used to be my favorite but I listened to it waaaaaaay too much

>Lower middle class raised by bombers and you take after your parents
You're white and like attention
You have the sads but compared to your life you really have no reason to be as blue as you are, you think a girl will solve all your troubles


I'm guessing you're here for the summer

youre a faggot who starts off topic /soc/ threads

you listen to music for the lyrics and cannot stand instrumentals
Slightly depressed, probably enjoys current house music even though you don't keep current with EDM, especially My Love by Route 94. Liked TLOP. Probably underage by about a year or so. Possibly gay or just very single.
Still looking for that girl of your dreams
should I know this album
Actually has fun with other people
what are you doing on this website
first introduction to music was the Dad's Catalog of Rock Music

almost there
heard someone figuring the title song out on guitar a long time ago, it never left me.

>You're white and like attention

Not white, but I do like attention.

>you listen to music for the lyrics and cannot stand instrumentals

Very true 95% of the time, nice.



Also how is this off-topic?

I will never understand the point of stoping threads like this, while they're social it's better than constant music argument. /soc/ is pure autism I'd rather get social on my home board.

I don't see the point it stoping this it's not like it's a hunger games or "post your shoes" thread

I was talking about his musically taste. I have nothing against these threads, as long as it didn't turn into a /soc/ thread with no inclination of music discussion.

Either a functioning stoner or quite depressed.

musical taste doesn't necessarily tell you anything about the individual. you could replace favorite album with favorite ice cream and the thread would functionally be the same. furthermore no discussion of the music ever takes place.

but you know all this and were just trying to excuse this off topic thread because you didn't think i would actually back up my post with facts.

mods, lock this thread.

>should I know this album
Orchid - Orchid
(AKA Gatefold)

Stop being a baby. These threads are good for board health and you can tell a lot of about a person by their musical taste and what they gravitate to it's simple psychology mixed with stereotyping. These threads are completely fine becuase they provide us a place that's not just arguments and discussion with people who actually know something about music.

Stop being a bitch made boy throwing a temper tantum, you sound like the kid whining to a teacher because someone is playing with their ruler or some petty shit.

I think this thread is alright.
Could break some stereotypes, provide some entertainment.



You're a cool guy

You are half a cool guy

Shit forgot image





you dropped out of tertiary education

White, middle class, late teens/early 20's, probably pretty chill most the time

ur dum
ur p cool
ur arent smart
u r 2 years old
u r white

pic related is my favorite album


bretty cool guy

also cool guy



you think you're clever but you're not
you suspect that you're clever, though you can't be certain of anything. you're correct on both counts




drake is a meme/10
i wouldnt fuck with you/10
blanadian r&b is surprisingly good/10
good dadrock/10
my nigger/10
more memerap/10
read above statement

this one has really been growing on me lately, not a single bad song on it imo.

>>inb4 french fag








If you were a girl or a fag I would date you/10

You like electronica and the feels.

girl with daddy issues
youre 25+ years old
trash taste
younger than 20
fun guy
discovered Sup Forums last year
want to kill yourself
normie but fun



You have autism, you're morbidly obese, you have down syndrome eyes and a small, squished face that looks horrendous on your enormous body. Also you never shower.



You're just getting into Radiohead


You're an honest person

You're white and you have never had a conversation with a black person in your entire life

True and wrong
Also nice trips

You're a NatSocalist

Pretty decent album, few songs I don't like but I can listen all the way through it


You also like Mr. Bungle.


I don't believe you
maybe you've had small talk with a black person when forced but you've never been friends with a black person

What am I seeing? This thread

Are you autistic or what? I know black people and I can call at least two as friends.


I don't know much about ya'll, but GOOD TASTE

great taste though

You have fun at parties but is rarely in the center of attention at them

>Congratulates generic Sup Forums core while posting more generic Sup Forums core


Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

FUCK chance the rapper and anyone who likes his faggot ass. Irritating voice, annoying personality, fake as fuck, relies on good production, basic, etc. This is coming from someone who knew him in high school. (Sold weed to him a few times)

Real Chicago rap fans (not rich, suburban, edgy teens) know that chance fucking blows and all of his faggot ass fans should be lined up and shot.

Radiohead is overrated as fuck. Can someone please explain to me why Sup Forums has a fucking hard on for those guys?



youre just salty as fuck that he's successful

Absolutely I am. I'm ashamed at the human race for buying his awful records and supporting him on his journey for fame. There are so many other rappers out of Chicago that are more talented and not fake as fuck that deserve the spotlight.


Don't be mad that you will die as a no one like us


Not mad that I will die as no one. I would consider myself fairly successful and am very happy with my salary and social life. I just really, really hate Chance.