ITT: Albums that newfags HATE

ITT: Albums that newfags HATE

Other urls found in this thread:

humble cannons


twin infinitives is AWFUUUUL
and this is coming from someone with over 3000 ratings on rym

Probably have anco in your 5s

>and this is coming from someone with over 3000 ratings on rym
woah I guess that means you aren't a newfag tough guy

not really
I like anco though

>I guess that means you aren't a newfag
that's correct

>that's correct
lol ok newfriend
Post your profile let's see what those 3000 ratings (not a lot of ratings desu) are for

I'm not going to post it because this usually leads to vandalism
Some of my 5s: The Well-Tuned Piano (La Monte Young), Music In 12 Parts, A Love Supreme, 20 Jazz Funk Greats, Sister and Radio Amor

>Some of my 5s: The Well-Tuned Piano (La Monte Young), Music In 12 Parts, A Love Supreme, 20 Jazz Funk Greats, Sister and Radio Amor
so newfriend why do you think so highly of yourself over nothing?