It's 1979

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What do you guys think of that U2 band?

Hey, it's 1979!


hell be fine

David Bowie LITERALLY can do no wrong! I can't wait to see what cool shit he has in store for the 80's!

What happened to Bob Dylan, did he just stop caring after Desire?

I disapprove of it

how the fuck did I just get this sleek-looking, mechanical alien box with this weird, separate device with lettered buttons connected to it into my home?

and what the fuck is the "internet" and Sup Forums?

So now that punk is dead, what's next??

What if we made music with synthesizers instead?


So I love this band The Cars. they are soo new wave, but they are no The Knack. Those guys are excellent and going to be huge for decades.

cool kids never have the time

New Genesis album next March. Who hyped?

Have you guys listened to the new ABBA album yet?

Hello Wisconsin!

>weird robot-y music
>no longer based glam rock


I bet these guys only have two, maybe three albums tops left in them.

>listening to post-Gabriel Genesis
Collins is a hack

How long does Sup Forums give this style of "music" before it goes out of style? Realistically, I'm thinking about 2 years but, if I'm being generous, I'll give this thing 5 years before it sinks like an anchor.

The Wall is the most overrated album of the year

>implying Wind & Wuthering isn't their best album

Have you heard the news? The Village People are making a movie with Bruce Jenner! It's probably going to win both an Oscar, AND a Grammy when it's released next year.

Disco's gonna live forever!

Hehe, that Robert Palmer guy is the definition of One Hit Wonder. We'll never hear from him again.

hey Hey Hey - The Long Run was Rolling Stone's album of the year. I love the Eagles. They are the greatest.

Seriously, who's gonna listen to a band called The Police? And does anybody else think that Roxanne song is annoying, and obnoxious? That lead singer's voice reminds me of finger nails scratching on a chalk board. Nobody's ever gonna remember or care about this band, next year.

I think The Grateful Dead have finally gotten the message, and are breaking up for good. They just got rid of their piano player, and that god awful catterwalling female vocalist. Good riddance, I say!

Bell Bottoms will never go out of fashion! They've lasted nearly 15 years, and they'll last through the 80's!

Rock is dead! Even Kiss have gone Disco. Get on board rockers.

only 34 more years until Sunbather comes out, guys...


This is the last year there's going to be any good music.

My dad works for Brother Records and he told me he overheard The Beach Boys recording the remaining vocals for this album and later overheard the immortal Dennis Wilson tell some chick this album is coming out by the end of this year!!!

by the way, I got to meet Dennis once. Such a swell guy. I get the feeling he's going to live for a real long time.. :)

Holy Shit