I'm trying to find some genuinely depressing music but even the saddest songs I could find were written by people who clearly regularly had sex, like how are lyrics about break ups even depressing to anyone but teenage girls?
Where's the music from and about the actual hopeless?
>I find it hard to not find this cheesy. I just can't feel it.
This comment describes the song for me.
>I just don't believe you're that same synth pony guy
Why don't you believe? Who else would use this name?
Can't listen to the second song, it's boring, grating and the video has too many nu-males in it.
Anthony King
then dont shitpost with buzzwords like 'neet' and literally invite yourself to be called an autist
Mason Martin
Why would you think he was a virgin?
Evan Diaz
I actually don't watch anime besides shitty toy advertisement ones like pokemon/digimon in my youth. Would a non-fan like me appreciate it?
Lincoln Johnson
NEET is a real condition the term was first coined in the UK in response to huge growth in unemployment in the 18-25 year old age groups, and I'm not OP.
ariel pink, but it's not explicitly about being a loser, you have to read that between the lines. the same goes with a lot of other artists. daniel johnston is another one.
This is literally the first thing that came to mind. It even has a proto-Pepe on the cover.
Jason Campbell
No One is Ever Going to Want Me
This. Especially I Know It's Over.
>If you're so funny, then why are you on your own tonight?
Wyatt Fisher
thats becasuse being a virgin NEET doesn't produce any strong emotions. You have to experience relationships and struggles like work in order to have something meaningful to write about.
The only good Virgin musician was Bruckner, and he was far from NEET
I just realized this board was r9k disguised as people with an actual interest in music
Seriously get over yourself and stop focusing on sex all the time
Oliver Bell
It's the only point in living. Prove me wrong. >Inb4 muh hobbies >Inb4 wahh it's overrated
Jace Turner
What would neets write songs about ? Verses about how world of warcraft had troubles loading this morning, or about how the sunlight burns your skin or about how the neighboors are being too loud having sex or about why the girl you're stalking haven't even noticed you yet ?
Julian Cooper
theres no point in living
Jacob Adams
Life's point is to live. How could you have deluded yourself into believing that mankind, as the only specy known of the universe to have consciousness and to ascend past animalhood, is only here for honhon le benis in bagina ?
You're a lost cause and no wonder you're not getting sum
>reducing our existence to sex and hobbies
Jaxson Parker
Wow an edgy nihilist is gonna talk shit on /r9k/ posters. Your literally no better than them lmfao.
Connor Thomas
what? nothing edgy about it "lmfao"
Kayden Gomez
>Life's point is to live Kek. What's your tumblr I wana follow you. I bet you reblog John Greene memes daily.
Ryder Perry
How's having references for life as just internet tier ? I'm talking from a biological point of view you dark memer. Drop the irony hat for a second and open your dorito powder covered eyes for just a bit.
Life's point is to live, and die. It's easy yet many idiots don't get it and would rather look for some other, improbable reasons. But it's the deal. It's the shit. Go read a book on the subject or something. Other than Sup Forums/tumblr/reddit posts. It'd do you some good.
Jayden Harris
Deerhunter/Atlas Sound.
Bradford Cox is literally a virgin.
Christian Sanders
it literally means not in employment education or training. shorthand for welfare-munching lazy autismo. the guy just wants music recs for that.