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Eclipse is underrated for C++ too

Previous thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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fuck opengl

>Eclipse is underrated for C++ too
Quit putting your shitty advertisement into /dpt/ OP you retard

>Eclipse is underrated for C++ too
yea, because it's a pile of shit

>citation needed

Reminder that Java is the most useable language and the fastest among usable languages.
For any serious project that is not a 3d videogame you should choose Java

"It's a pile of shit" - me
You can quote me on that

What about haskell?

>this post was sponsored by the republic of india

C++ is only worth the pain if you need bleeding edge performance
nicely meme'd sir

truth hurts, huh

>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Looking back with disgust at my first game. Was naive enough to program in C.

Attached: he_died_for_our_sins.webm (692x570, 2.98M)

It's far too usable and practical to use

>What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Learning Haskell with xmonad.

lol jk, I'm just suffering rn.

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t. rajeesh

I use NetBeans for Java.

what is this update frequency

it doesn't like you either

>Was naive enough to program in C.
What's wrong with C?

Slowly learning C#.
Did FizzBuzz.

First version:
using System;

namespace Tests.and.Tutorials{
class FizzBuzz{
public static void Main(){
for(int i = 1; i

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A literal brainlet here.

What is the best resource for Java exercises for beginners? Preferably something that could provide a recommended solution to the problem (i.e. code)

You wish.
Don't get me wrong, most criticism leveled at Java is well founded (horrible verbosity, low level of expressiveness, etc), but ignoring its strong points is quite, uh, autistic.
Not that I wouldn't avoid it if I get the chance to work in something with decent trade-offs.

i recorded at 24 fps, game fps is uncapped.



oh god the verbosity

>this is infinitely better than java according to Sup Forums programming experts

it's not Java so that's already a plus

It's survived this long for a reason, chumfriend

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Just because it's relevant in legacy and embedded code bases, it doesn't mean it's good. It's old and from the times that we didn't know much about programming languages. There exist much better and more productive alternatives nowadays that C should be considered only for a very narrow amount of projects.

What would be the optimal design for a Product class and other classes like Clothe and Food.
Same question for the database mapping of these classes.
My current choice is to make the Product class abstract and make Clothe and Food extends Product.
For the database (i'm using JPA/ Hibernate) I have a Clothe and Clothe table with a FK referencing the Product table.

Is that the way to go?

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What are superior alternatives to C?



Cool, keep working buddy, but fizzbuzz is easy as fuck (not to take away your credit, you did great) but you should start to do simple and lvl.easy programing challenges, I can recomend some but right now im on the train, if you reply this, later I could send you all the cool links, but right now I would recomend to you Project Euler (all math problems, which improves to you your math skills, and has A FUCKTON of exerxises of ALL levels).

Also as soon as you feel confident eought to do what im going to say (sorry I am not an english speaker) you should try to do some simple GUI usefull-ish apps/tools/whatever to also learn some practical skills on your own.

I guess this recomendations go for anyone who is noobish and red this, keep practising!!!

t. A faggot who works on the same campus he studies and forgot the word that defines someone who works the same time he studies fuck fuckk

There's no ultimate language that's suitable for every task. Sure, you can perform every task with a single programming language but that would be just plain stupid. You should always pick the best tool for the job so the answer varies depending on what you're trying to achieve.



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thank you, user

vbos and vaos are fucking black magic
just use processing3d

everything that C can do, C++ can do better

>vbos and vaos are fucking black magic

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Did you mean to reply to someone else? I don't see how is your post relevant to what I said.


this is what dptards actually believe


it has very specific usage today. still important for what it's intended for, but for general purposes there's no reason to use it anymore. the only people who use it outside of its scope are either oldschool programmers or just kids who want to look cool because they've just learned about pointers.

>What are superior alternatives to C?
>avoids answering the question
>muh different tools for different tasks
>doesn't mention C++

Perhaps words, such as "thorough" and "meticulous", would be more appropriate.


in video game development? it hasn't

There aren't any. In every domain except perhaps network-facing code, C is still relevant. It's the lowest-level language you can use while remaining portable, and writing as close to the metal as possible is the way to make programs fast. Besides, even if your application code is written in some higher-level language for reasons outside your control, C is the lingua franca of FFI APIs, and therefore the only game in town for writing libraries.

Java is unironically used even in embedded systems. Your credit card is running java.

Java being slow/poorly optimized/bad/only for pajeets is such a stupid fucking meme.

How low level can I get with Lisp?
Do there exist extant Lisp dialects without a garbage collector, for example?

I don't like Java or C#, what do?

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well, if we want to be polite, I'd go with

everything that (your favorite language) can do, Lisp can do better

professionals use C++ and even visual scripting stuff like in unreal engine
stuff like unity engine (C#) and game maker (GML) are huge with amateurs

What are you even trying to say? I agree that C++ is better than C for a lot of tasks but C++ isn't an ultimate solution either so I don't see how it's related at all. If anything, you've missed the point of my post you were replying to.

ZetaLisp can be used to write operating systems.

oh boy, who knew lisp suddenly got
>non-trivial compile-time guarantees

Well yeah that's what he said, C isn't relevant in video games.

JavaScript can be used to write kernels

well shen probably does.

>C is still relevant. It's the lowest-level language you can use while remaining portable
>not writing llvm ir

>llvm ir
explicitly unstable internal-use-only format is obviously the best choice

Well, apparently it used to be. And clearly things never change.

LLVM only serves a handful of platforms and isn't viable outside the x64 and ARM monocultures.

oh lawdy

embrace the danish gnome

>not compiling llvm ir into C to compile it with GCC to gain all gcc portability


it used to be...15+ years ago

Since we're speaking of video games.
Any particular reason why Java isn't much used or used at all in bug video games project other than the fact that most libraries and frameworks are made with c++?

Serious question.

Too slow.

on a side note, java will finally introduce var, 20 years later. better late than never i guess.

Have you ever played Minecraft?

GC latency. Java (the language) makes it very inconvenient to write code that doesn't allocate, and allocating will fuck up your frame rate. C# has something called value types (structs) that aren't placed on the heap, so object pooling is easier. C++ has even better control over what allocations happen and when.

What are some free courses/certificates whatever I can do online for free just to add to my CV?
inspired by this askreddit bread

>using eclipse

there's not enough manual control over memory and the ~3x performance penalty actually matters for games since games tend to be very close to running out of performance (even sub-60 fps is common on shitty hardware like game consoles)

minecraft was made in java but it was a fucking mess with deprecated opengl rendering, a ton of grabage collection etc

>other than the fact that most libraries and frameworks are made with c++

It's precisely that. Unity is C#, which is just Microsoft's java (and actually performs worse than java)

There are some very successful games using java though. Mincraft obviously, and more recently Slay the spire

Shut the fuck up, retard

He asked for a reason other than lack of libraries.

C++ gives you more fine grained control.

Everybody recommends sepples.
Most engines are in sepples.
People spout that java is too slow on the internet.

Jmonkeyengine is used for 3d games and libgdx is used for 2d games.

The issue with Java isn't just the sub-optimal speed itself, but the garbage-collecting. You can't play a game that freezes intermittently to free large chunks of memory


not him, but is there any way in java to have a separate rendering thread with the GC turned off?

You can probably get away with using a dictionary instead of creating a custom object.

Java can do 3d perfectly fine, see jmonkeyengine.org/

The issue is simply that if you want to make a game where graphics matter than you will be far better served by unity or ue4, since they are more popular.

If you develop a game where the gameplay is fine without fancy graphics then you can do so without problems in java (and still make money, see: Minecraft, Slay the Spire, Android games)

Wew lad.

>without problems in java
>see minecraft
*chokes on a frame update on modern hardware*

Still working on my shitty game.

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OpenGL may be a piece of shit, but you are just a brainlet.

>If you develop a game where the gameplay is fine without fancy graphics
GPU makes those fancy graphics and the effects are done in shader code glsl or hlsl.
Java's problem is if you have literally millions of objects that gets freed or allocated quickly. If you do minecraft in naive way then java is shit for that.

You made a mistake, you have to write "system.out
println" without quotes ofcourse

I'm agree with OP and i don't smell like shit...

it would probably perform better if it had been written by an experienced programmer in the first place. i'd cut that game some slack.

>How low level can I get with Lisp?
What do you have in mind?
Low like bit twiddling or low like set up interrupts?
>Do there exist extant Lisp dialects without a garbage collector, for example?
Kinda, didn't check the project for a while so don't know how active it is.

True but Microsoft had 4 years to improve.

Yes, and it is ded.