In the last year we've had serious memory leak issues on Gnome, PluseAudio, GDBUS and SystemD

In the last year we've had serious memory leak issues on Gnome, PluseAudio, GDBUS and SystemD

Attached: 1486912525223.gif (750x750, 739K)

Install Alpine

So only memory leak issues then..?

It's another "Autists criticize the pros" thread.

We told you rewrite it in Rust
you wouldn't listen
We told you use RAII
you wouldn't listen
now that you have memory leaks all over the place
you come to us to ask what went wrong

This is what happens when bainlets mess with concurrency without nay knowledge.

Hitler wasn't wrong though.

>manlet """aryan"""
Overrated POS

Hitler would mean a world without kike worshiping christfags ruining everything

Attached: 1521736485475.jpg (500x456, 59K)

>He unironically worships a dead kike on a stick
Meanwhile, atheists and pagans can contributed more to western civilization than christfags like you have

Attached: poettering systemd.jpg (1170x836, 307K)

>the pros

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-21 Authorization Rules in polkit.png (480x556, 60K)


Nothing poettering has ever created would be considered efficient

I doubt that, but whatever.

>inventing your own programming language is rarely a good idea
figures he would believe this since he's misguided enough to choose javascript

I'm happy with my router as it is.

1. Does way, way too many things.
2. Not efficient in the least.
>Choose one.

>the autists

Install a hobbyist Linux distro like Alpine or Void or a BSD distro like OpenBSD or NetBSD and move on with your life. The hobbyist distros have modern web browsers, office utilities and text editors, many GNU utilities, and plenty of easy to use desktop environments and window managers available. They're perfectly fine for home use.

Autism is the glue that holds together every good piece of software and every worthwhile project. Not even proprietary/closed source software is exempt from this. Even at Microsoft there are some big brained autists that work on the NT kernel. That thing has matured a lot since the early 2000s.

Attached: 56percentfaceapple.png (649x732, 594K)