Cool browser Sup Forums, thanks for the meme.
Cool browser Sup Forums, thanks for the meme
Other urls found in this thread:
is that a command line browser?
jesus christ
shoo shoo female man
What a helpful ass you are
link2 -g
It's call cute browser, it's browser meant to be controlled with only your key board, althought u can obviously still use a mouse, if u enjoy the likes of vim and i3, you'll know what I mean, also lurk more newfag
>cute browser
What browser is this?
I was going to ask for configs, but two people itt don't even know what it is and a third is saying things like "cute browser" and "key board". Although honestly I don't know what I expected on modern Sup Forums, where we have threads like
Mate, this could be several browsers.
fuck you whore go google for browsers and find things yourself u little piece of shit faggot
OP here, it's qutebrowser.
It's called qute because it based on qt5.
>get qutebrowser
config.bind(';m', 'hint links spawn --userscript /bin/run_mpv {hint-url}', mode='normal'
>never have to watch jewtube in browser again
What does the run_mpv script do?
#! /usr/bin/bash
/usr/bin/mpv $1
So why not simply do "spawn mpv {hint-url}" in qutebrowser?
it usually does work that way too, but i found that going through userscript seems to handle weird long links more reliably
Why do you view Sup Forums without SSL? Are you gay?
You're welcome. Now learn how to customize your
> /usr/bin/bash
Found the hipster.