When will droids

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fuck off and die google shill

Finally, iphone and android users can agree on something: Android phone manufacturers need to stop copying every retarded thing Apple does.

except the essential phone did it first

so it's apple that needs to stop copying android's retarded design

Fuck andy rubin

essential did it first but apple made it a trend. and they're copying apple rectangle notch not the circle from essential

Cry more androidfag.

>essential only has a camera
>apple adds in sensors that require that space
>android oems copy notch size but just with a FFC


suck shit android fags, enjoy explaining how the essential phone did it first when someone sees your iphone x clone in the next 1-2 years

im sure you will run into one of those 90k people who will know the essential phone lmao



>being so insecure your phone is getting more screen real estate because it looks like an iphone

>got BTFO
>b-but nobody knows the original

Attached: applel2.png (645x543, 30K)

>Essential sold fewer than 90,000 phones in its first six months
>Yep, the Essential Phone was a total failure
>Discounts and holiday sales haven't helped the Essential Phone

With this you can tell which manufacturers are serious and which ones just want to ride on Apple's trends.

It's a shame the OP6 is probably going to be shit because of that. Also it's ironic that Xiaomi won't fall for this meme, given that their business model revolves around shamelessly stealing Apple's designs

lol their next phone will just have it

everyone will eventually have it

what more can you do besides tiny bezels like the gs8/9

Should i post again?

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a company built entirely on marketing is just as bad as a company that bases itself entirely on the principle of warraty voiding

such low effort trolling lmao

You are the one who ignores the facts. How many mouse sold by Xerox before Apple copied them? Checkmate autists!

Attached: applel.png (594x648, 152K)

Did essential put anything in there besides the camera? iPhone pretty much has a Kinect in its notch.

no it's literally just a camera

Were the notch and lack of headphone port a joke by Apple just to show how much they're copied?

Cry more googleshill.

I fucking hate google. I think you misunderstood. We're in an android marketing thread and I was voicing not liking that.

Fun fact. Apple copied removing the headphone jack from Motorola.

the scanning is just infrared dots and an infrared camera that scans them...
and take away fingerprint reading ?
thats what i call retarded :)


There's no excuse for the notch knockoffs desu

I'll stay with some manufacturer than can do its own designs, like Xiaomi and Sony.

The iPhone was already sketched our years before that meme phone was made within 3 weeks in a shed somewhere. Do you retards really think release date = conception date? The iPhone X was in development for 5 years. The essential phone was in development for 3 TOPS. How the fuck is this a tech board when you don't even know how its made? Jesus Christ.

>notch instead of bezel
>screen can appear to the left and right of the notch
>notification bar appears beside sensor instead of underneath it, gaining you some screen space
>can be entirely blacked out like LG's phone making the "notch" not visible while still gaining screen space

Why are people pretending to be mad at this again? I know Sup Forums likes crying but still.

>The essential phone was in development for 3 TOPS
[citation needed]

Rubin still worked at Google in 2013 you dumb fuck. Essential Products was founded in November 2015, you dumb fuck.

the notch was a workaround you dumb fuck, because they couldn't get touch id to work with the screen

stop claiming they thought about this shit 5 years ago

according to apple, the touch id under the display was a plan B. face id was their first choice.

by the way, apple acquired the kinect developer PrimeSense in about 2013

Apple doesn't do compromises. I'm sorry, but if you think Apple wasn't attracted by Face ID you're a fucking retard. Unlocking your device securely, hands-free was the next step. There's been countless times I've been cooking and I can't get Siri to do shit because it needs to unlock and I don't want to get my greasy fingers all on my phone. Situations like having the phone in a mount on the dash while driving too.

>literally written by Zach (((Epstein)))


>Apple copied removing the headphone jack from Motorola.
why is nobody copying them by making 16:10-notebooks with backlit keyboards?

Now, I'm sure you can't pinpoint the exact date when either decided to put a notch. So we can't say either copied the other.
The essential phone and iPhone X independently added a notch, similar to how Newton and Liebniz independently discovered calculus.

Looks like the OnePlus 5T will be my last Android phone if the no headphone jack and notch memes go on.

In one breath he says that Samsung should have copied the X design and in another he complains about other companies copying the X design.

Just how much Apple cock is in his throat?

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