Typing test go

typing test go

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tfw pathetic

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-22 20-48-20.png (858x509, 44K)

made some improvement on second attempt

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-22 20-52-16.png (896x515, 45K)

same guy contd.

zty.pe is also fun game

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My [spoiler]gf[/spoiler] did this.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-22 at 21.17.41.png (748x395, 33K)

>tfw will never top 100 wpm
I don't know how people do it

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great job user!

a few years ago i could do 130. must be more gay now

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>tfw WPMlet

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100 with absolutely horrible posture. 110-120 sitting properly. Thanks, MUDs.
Are there any of these that use punctuation and capitalization to give a more accurate to real life speed?

get on my level faggots

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Are you faster?

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do mavic beacon for a summer? i know i need to improve my pinky usage more. absurdly slow with symbols too even though i write code.

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you're lucky I don't have my mech.

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this gui the devil


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How'd I do boys

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i make way too many mistakes

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hello fellow typelets

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Hey, I did mine on a phone

key.br is the best resource I've found for typing speed. It learns based off of the way you type instead of just a generic practice set so you get to work on the keys and patterns you struggle with.

thanks maybe i can stop fucking hunt-n-pecking now and finally achieve >130

i can't fucking concentrate with the countdown timer in the corner

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my problem isn't that. it's that i learned incorrectly and my right pinky almost never gets used, so I'm trying to relearn again to use the pinky. my right middle and ring finger does too much work and move around way to much, which is probably causing most of the slowdown (as well as inaccuracies for symbol presses). the keybr one looks like something ill do after i fix my current typing issues.

okay actually looking at it a bit more it's probably not even that useful for people over 70 WPM. it improves accuracy but not speed. either ways ill start off with mavis beacon again then probably move to some sites that are specifically for code typing.

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eh not bad after 4 glasses of scotch

im also a shitty typer since i never use my pinkie, only rarely use my ring finger, and I still have to look down sparingly to type.

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Try something actually challenging.


Is touch typing a meme? I've tried forcing myself to learn it to increase my speed but obviously it doesn't help. This is the fastest I can do. Whatever method I use, I can't go faster

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I learned to touch type. It has helped, but less than I thought, and it's taken years to get much faster than before. Before touch typing WPM was perhaps in the 50's. Now it's up to the mid 70's. Formally practising each day might help me, but I think I just have naturally slow fingers.

I have natrually slow fingers. Took this test where you spam x and z as fast as you can.

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I'm literally stuck on that number too.
If you are above 55, you are a freak imo. Like just how fucking hyper are you?


It's actually a test for the rythm game osu

When I use the "correct" touch typing fingers, I get an average BPM of 60. If I use my two index fingers, I get 176. If I just hold z, I get 286.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-23 20-15-08.png (1600x900, 218K)

is there any resource for learning to type fast?
i don't even know how to position and move my hands properly, a software that teaches and measure your improvements would be ideal.
also s there any difference between english typing and italian typing? i would need to use a couple of extra keys but i don't know if it should change the hand positioning completely.