how elaborate do sex dolls need to be to satisfy you? personality-wise, comfort, looks, price, maintenance etc
How elaborate do sex dolls need to be to satisfy you? personality-wise, comfort, looks, price, maintenance etc
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unless it actually had a personality like a human, IE 2B, there's no way i'd ever buy a sex doll
it's just pathetic desu
What is this, are we having a daily sexbot thread now? It sounds like you need to get to work developing instead of posting here.
If they can't clean themselves, then I am not interested.
I want a gynoid I can love and fuck, not a fuckdoll with added emotions.
Maybe it's just misanthropy.
I have no interest in them no matter how advanced they are (despite being a wizard).
it can't be too hard to have a personality better than mine
I would buy 2B
over 300lb of ass is required
Prior to sex dolls we need to improve the issue of heat conduction. Fleshlights are terrible heat conductors and dolls are currently made of the same stuff. The dolls need to be body temperature.
$1000, about as good as they already are. I could be perfectly satisfied by a current-gen sex doll if I could just afford one.
So women who buy dildos are pathetic?
People who look at porn are pathetic?
Did you even read what I typed?
I said sex dolls, not pornography or dildos.
They already do most of the good stuff a woman does without being an obnoxious cunt. Once they can give automated blowjobs they'll basically just be a straight upgrade from the real thing.
personality is unnecessary, I'd be fine with rei-tier personality
comfort, maintenance, looks, price matter to me, in that order - if I can't fuck it and enjoy fucking it then there's no point. Self-cleaning is preferable, but whatever.
I would pay several thousand, but less than 10 grand
last thread was breddy gud, but yeah people need to get off their ass and get to categorizing as much amateur porn as possible
Well it really depends on the price range and the materials the sexdoll consists of.
Not a wizard but slowly getting there, and I feel the same way. Just seems like another piece of tech I'd buy on a whim and never touch again.
One thing dissuading me from even reconciling the idea of purchasing a sexdoll is the functionality it lacks.
have you ever purchased an onahole? if so, what was your experience with maintenance?
I have not, and don't plan to. Fine doing it manually.
One that looks realistic as possible and is self cleaning
You think sex dolls are not a sex toy? Are you a retarded nigger?
No thanks, I'm waiting for genetically engineered gfs
Sex dolls can also be too tedious to pose with and a great deal of effort is required to inseminate with one. On top of that, sexdolls are prone to damage via skin friction or just everyday general use.
you should give it a shot if you come across about $30 in disposable income. Some Japanese Alice in Wonderland fetishist makes a good "starter" that comes with plenty of lube
Your butthurt sjw is showing.
Sex robots on the other hand is a subject which quite honestly excites me. The reason being its user customisation and overall general concept. Just imagine programming your very own sexrobot and setting it up as a sort of defence turrent. All the while she sucks your dick and cleans your house.
You still haven't read what I typed in my first post.
This. I wouldn't judge someone for buying a fleshlight, but a sex doll is pathetic.
Not only that, but with enough sufficiently advanced technology/software. Your sex robot could also be your main desktop computer via online streaming.
What about a ruberized ass n’ pussy?
I don't really see why purchasing a sex doll should be considered pathetic. If someone isn't hurting anyone and is just pleasing ones own sexual desires. Then why ostracize him?
Besides, morals are subjective and fluctuate depending on the individual conceiving them.
Last thread died quickly. The thread before that was extremely interesting, but got pruned/deleted for some strange reason. Maybe related to this retard that keeps saying >>Sup Forums, but who knows. I wonder what /sci/ is like.
But you're right there, that's probably the easiest way to get started down the path of some sort of proper artificial logic and such. I very much want to see the advent of realistic android companions, and I think that sexbots are likely to push every boundary first.
The general concept of sex robots is extremely appealing to many individuals scattered across the globe. My issue with the concept relating to sex robots is the question of how we manage to execute it in terms of reality.
So to recap a previous thread, dumping a bunch of clips of porn in various positions into a machine learning algorithm should enable anything one hooks it up to to understand what that position/act is. Blowjobs or handjobs would be an ideal starting point, as the hardware needed for only a blowjob/handjob would be much more compact
>start downloading as many videos of a single position/act you can find, and cut them into individual scenes where only one act appears
>then you (or someone, but in the interest of bandwidth probably you) can feed that into a NN. Voila, a program that can recognize a single act, though it won't be able to interface with anything.
some user wants to
most processing could be offloaded to an external base station, which when coupled with a hardware key could also act as insurance against theft
From what I understand, Singa is the most promising platform for image recognition, though tensorflow may also work. Not sure what specifically would work.
God bless any user trying to make robots a reality.
Sex robots that is.
Someone was working on the first part.
that's great!
now what we need is a way to translate those recognized acts into a 3d model/rigging, and a way for that rigging to control actual robotics
the last good thread was , might want to read through it for ideas
unfortunately, nothing will be accomplished if we all just sit around on Sup Forums. If anyone has a repository with something they find relevant, please post it here
desu when I lost my virginity I kinda wished I had a blow up doll to practice the pistoning motion befohehand.
I went to a sexdoll brothel once. Due to their weight, they're actually very difficult and awkward to maneuver/position.
I like the weight, but I think they would need to have some kind of robotics that allows easy, guided movement and positioning.
All that neat shit that Boston Dynamics has been doing for years is essentially because of military and because-we-can, isn't it? Then they just have patents to sell. If you watch their progress, they're getting better and better at emulating human-like motor functions. Executing a sexbot in terms of reality should be along the same path. A nearly endless series of small baby steps. A frightening number of people that post in these threads never seem to grasp the concept of iterations and say "it can't be done now, why bother". A truly good sexbot will be capable of so many things by the time that it reaches such an ability, but it needs to happen in increments. One could almost think of their progression as working towards a robotic puberty.
First you crawl, then you walk, then you run, then you can converse, then you can interact with your world, then you can fuck like a demon. We need to determine what these baby steps are, and is a very good and very easy start. Sure, we then have to figure out how to tell a machine "you know what this is, now you must understand what it means, then you must be able to replicate this action". It can all be very worth it. Might as well feed that NN all sorts of videos, doesn't even have to be related to sex. Show it a titjob just like would show it how to catch a fastball. The more well-rounded our future machines are, the better off we may be.
It's good practice for when you're going to fuck some girl that doesn't know how to fuck and just lies in bed with her legs spread apart.
Good point.
Come on Disney start making sex robots as a side venture.
The last thread died buddy, but we can still brain storm ideas.
Shit meant for
sure it died, but it lives on in the archive of your choice
I wonder how much a DIY sex robot would cost to build material wise. I mean it isn't exactly rocket science, but who knows.
Well shit I can't seem to access it.
I would say that it would largely depend on the quality that you would want. Do you want a full-flesh simulate that may someday pass as a human? We need to take some dives into material and fabrication sciences, as well as who know what else. Do you want something a little less complex like your pic related? That may be something of a DIY community specialty, right there. I'm still imagining many thousands of dollars for a from-the-ground-up freeware version like that. Do you want EDI with a vagina? Can probably snag something off the future shelves and implement a relatively quick mod. Still likely several thousand dollars. At least for a while.
depends on how nice a skin feel you want from it. The actual design could be done pretty simply, using stainless steel as a skeleton. CNC that up and you have a very floppy skeleton that needs to be coated in (generally proprietary) synthetic skin. IDK if you could actually even get any of the nicer materials, but assuming you could buy it and mold it, you'd need a fair bit. If you didn't want that, there's always ballistics gel sanded up a bit and covered in baby powder?
of course this is all for a puppet, no motors or movement besides what you and gravity enforce on it
Realistically I guess to some extent you're right. But lets say if someone just wanted to DIY the baseline exoskeleton of the sex robot. Where would he begin and how much do you estimate it would cost?
Well at that point I guess I would be better off just buying sexdoll. I mean puppets can be quite stimulating play wise. But they just don't hold up to fully functioning/programmable sex robots.
I would need to be able to emotionally and physically abuse it.
Let's say you want a "Wellden Medical Anatomical Human Skeleton Model, 170cm, Life Size, w/Nerves, Vertebral Arteries, Stand Included," but made entirely out of steel. I don't know if the listed weight included the stand, so I assume it doesn't. The skeleton model is made of PVC and weighs 20kg, which equates to 123kg of steel. Or about 49kg of aluminum. Which would have to be milled, most likely, so you'd have to buy a fair bit more to mill it from. Let's say 80kg to give ourselves some breathing space. then you fill it up (mostly) with ballistics gel, which is cheap as shit. Then you give it a 0.5-2cm coating of the "skin" of your choice. That's a pretty damn high quality puppet.
Christ, I remember when I first saw that thing. Quite honestly, as fire motor control goes, that wasn't too godawful. The challenges faced by that model would then be balance, power, and implementing whatever we would call their "AI".
How hard do you fuck? You could 3D print a jointed skeleton for what, a couple hundred bucks tops? Then pop in a fleshlight and go to town, I guess. Got some more gusto to your thrusto? Wood is even cheaper, and probably easier to work on. Surround that with some densely-packed poly foam and wrap it up in a wetsuit maybe? If you're going to be cheap about it, you might as well take this to /diy/. Implementing the robotics, intelligence, and realistic features is when the money ought to really be coming down hard. And by the time you're in that deep, you might as well be paying for carbon fiber skeletons, distributed heating, and reactive textured skin materials.
It needs to actually look cute instead of those disgusting bimbo looking ones that are available now.
I have no idea how more companies don't understand this
carbon fiber is hella cheap now, at least 3k is. Might even be cheaper than metal. The issue is that it would likely splinter because it'd be cheapass chinese carbon, and those splinters could be shifted to the surface. I don't want carbon splinters in my urethra, personally.
Shit I must the alcohol must be getting to my brain,
The asians will have that covered.
I think you may be a tad drunk, yes
if you know how to set up a neural network, then now's the time! commit to it drunk and clean up in the afternoon
I fuck like an African pygmy.
Shit what the fuck was this thread even about?
sexbots and how to progressively develop them
Das rite sexbots.
Or even just an average looking woman of a few different races. Fuck, I find it sexy just thinking of all that hardware efficiently constructed into such an innocuous shape. A marvel of engineering.
Ugh, alright then. Maybe titanium? But that would probably make it expensive as hell to machine. Aren't there plastics being developed that can "heal" from deformities and fractures? I wonder how those developments are going, and how applicable it would be to create a skeleton.
Well I mean we gotta think realistically here buddy, the Japs are already on the verge of establishing the technology necessary to build sexbots. The only problem we face is implementing said technology in the west while feminazi shit it still running rampant.
From my personal experience, a good onahole, sex pillow, and VR makes for a pretty good experience for the cost.
Not good enough for me user, I need something with a bit more functionality.
recommend an easy to clean and quiet onahole?
ignore feminazi shit, refuse interviews, sell them regardless of public opinion
I'm not saying that with a good layer of laquer over the carbon it couldn't work. I'm just saying carbon fiber itself is an imperfect medium to stick your dick near
Sex is the least interesting part of relationships, I doubt sexbots will ever be good enough.
Found one. We can do this shit, anons.
>imperfect medium to stick your dick near
Well yeah, you're not going to stick your dick into the skeleton. It's a skeleton, it's there to hold up the rest of the body, including whatever hole(s) you wish to penetrate, with some insulation between the two.
What materials do you suggest we make the synthetic skin out of? Silicone? TPE?
Good point.
then you're not thinking creatively enough, user. I mean, try sticking your dick in an octopus.
Not great.
But what if you could have mechanical tentacles coated in something that felt better than a clammy octopus, that also was intended to pleasure you and didn't try to bite your dick when you shoved it in?
Much better!
there are a truly staggering amount of onaholes out there, and there seems to be some sort of revision to each manufacturer's materials once every 3-5 months. However, all are relatively maintenance-intensive. I don't know - I figure that would be one of the very last considerations before producing one
Designs are essentially free. Take this for instance:
Download the model, Scale up the parts on your screen, and use them as bases to model a hand-crafted cardboard prototype. Work out some finer details and adjustments that you may want to have for a prototype 2.0 exoskeleton. Use that to construct an endoskeleton of your choice. I suggest solid wooden dowel or aluminum pipe for those just looking to get their rocks off in the most overly-complex fashion. Then build up a solid foam body around your new bones using the exoskeleton as a template. Cover it in a skin if you like, plug in a hole of your choice and presto, you've got a fucktoy. You and others can fuck a doll without buying one, and the rest of us will continue saying that we're trying to develop autonomous android waifus.
frankly, app-controlled "kneel, open your mouth, and start sucking when you feel a dick in it" or "get ready for doggystyle" is about the most autonomy I expect in the next 5 years
Most closed-back onaholes are pretty quiet. Venus Real (Soft) and Lilith Uterus (Soft) by Tomax are both good. Fairly easy to clean once you get used to it. Not as easy as a fleshlight (since that's open back), but not a huge hassle.
I'd say that's a pretty decent goal for 5 years. Hell, it's ambitious. I'm not expecting quick results, but I am optimistic that there will be something somewhat convincing within our lifetime.
I expect this performance in the shape of a human within several years. It would only be a matter of time after that.
>dat ass
that's damn good balance and damn good strength - more than is entirely necessary, even.
the sucking part shouldn't be too difficult as a separate act. Kneeling and keeping balance while letting a human lead its fine positioning shouldn't be difficult compared to doing a backflip, either. Four points of ground contact compared to zero