Norway is very close to becoming the world's first fully electric vehicle country. Norway has the best universities.
America can't compete.
Norway is very close to becoming the world's first fully electric vehicle country. Norway has the best universities
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Norway is smaller
Why do all electric vehicles besides some tesla models look like cuckmobiles?
my thoughts exactly
because they are cuckmobiles
Fuck Norway
Fuck electric cars
Fuck self-driven faggotry
Cold dead hands, Elon dicksuckers.
What's up with the wonky soviet design?
>99% white Norway is better than 56% white Burgerland
Wow, what kind of racist would brag about being so lacking in diversity?
They are attractive from a utilitarian perspective. You boys need more cerebral awareness. Women surround me.
>canvas roof
never knew norwegians were such optimists
Norway has less people than NYC.
Salty Americans who can't comprehend being btfo'ed by Norway.
>>Sup Forums
Exactly correct. As an American, I look to Europe, Norway in this case, and admire their aesthetic, wisdom, and intelligence.
Electric cars are pointless if they are being powered by coal/natural gas/oil. Is Norway's power infrastructure 100% "renewable"/nuclear?
also pic related
The cars derive power from our star in the form of solar power. It's a beautiful thing. You know what's also beautiful? A plant-based diet. American creatures die from benign diseases the rest of the world has known how to avoid. They must realize they live in a hyper, greed-based society that feeds on their misery. Oh well!
So you are telling us that one of the countries coldest and most deprived of sun light has the most efficient solar electric grid?
Battery power is at a premium, so the vehicle needs to be small, light and aerodynamic. You can retrofit electric motor into normal car but mileage gonna suck - it's just too heavy and have too much drag.
True but that still means no exhaust in the city from cars. Using electric cars had the same core purpose as using electric trains.
My car runs on solar power too, it's just obtained from million year old plants instead of solar panels
high verticle volume, low horizontal space
good for parking, moving large spaces
You can't compare Norway (or the rest of Europe) to the US.
The United States should be compared to other contries with a significant negroes population. This makes the US better than average in their category.
I'd rather ask a friend with a truck for help than have a retarded looking car 24/7. I'd never buy one because muh ICE but if I went for an electric car I'd want one like a Midget
>country bordering the arctic circle
>The cars derive power from our star in the form of solar power
Norway is not a joke country. We don't exist for your comedy. Our cinemas are no longer a monopoly, and we sell solar panels in stores now.
Amerikkka get rekt, and a soy based diet is actually very healthy. Stay jellous Americans.
If it makes you feel any better for comparisons sake. I'll let you know that Norway has a rising Islamic population, and we are still better than U.S. Migrant crime rates are only slightly rising.
Where's a cheap friend you can buy?
you know what is better than "migrant crime slightly rising"?
small homogeneous population coupled with competently managed oil wealth makes for a good country. Norway wouldn't be where it is today without the black gold- just a smattering of fishing villages.
So you'd rather force your friend to buy the truck and you to buy your fancy car? Does that mean he would have to rely on your fancy car to drive in his weekend trips?
No, I'd rather ask a friend who already has a truck because he like trucks.
>Does that mean he would have to rely on your fancy car to drive in his weekend trips?
No? He'd use his truck/
>Norway has the best universities
And what metric are you using that puts their universities ahead?
So you want to find a retard who always works his ass off while you party? Seems like a parasitic "friend" to me.
What does his work schedule/ethic have to do with it?
Do you have autism
>Norway's power infrastructure 100% "renewable"/nuclear?
They haven't fallen for the nuclear meme and never will
It's only growing because you get free ferry rides, can drive in collective field, free charge, free toll both etc.
Whenever it reaches above 50% they'll remove all that, and people will then go back to cheap gas driven cars.
>be burger
>go outside
>get shot
>be burger
>go outside
>die of diabetes or other junk food related disease
>Is Norway's power infrastructure 100% "renewable"
Yes, it's mostly hydro.
enjoy your hurricanes
>you know what is better than "migrant crime slightly rising"?
how to spot a polish cuck who goes to summer slave work to norway each summer because his own country cant offer him anything better
Good. They're better than US on every level!
>Be Norwegian
>Have no memes about us
>Realize that we're really not important at all
>Continue shitposting about Americans
>Be Norwegian
>Have no memes about us
i actually consider this a virtue
nobody uses electric cars outside the capital city
t. norwegian
when was the last time youve been to the royal frozen shithole of tromso? theres a shitton of teslas around here
>best anything
t. soyboy cuck
Go prep Ahmed to fuck your wife faggot
>look it up
>this is real
for every car you don't pollute with America will run 3 diesel trucks
also converting everything to electric means fuck all if half the world still uses coal and gas to create electricity
Norway is 98% driven by hydrop though because they have shitloads of dams. Anywhere else in the world will probably have to pay twice the amount or more so it's not worth it.
>Be the cleanest country in the world
>Still get killed by burgers and chinks
Just fucking nuke them now.
wasn't norway millionaire thanks to oil?
So I did look it up:
so basically just as real as pic related
the US has oil, so whats up with that? too fat for your own good?
Norwegian here, that actually happened. He was on shows and everything
>numerous sources corroborate story
>pick the only 1 that can seem discrediting
>le fake news shill face
and their willingness to take Ahmed's cock up their bungholes
Then it sounds more like boyfriend than rapist. Are you all Norwegian dudes secretly wanting buttfucked by niggers?
Nei, det skjedde ikke. Slutt å lyve.
He's a lying piece of shit.
Vet du noe jeg ikke gjor? Det var jo på nyhetene og hele pakka. Egen dokumentar og hele pakka. Skal veldig mye til for at en type går og sier at baken hans ble ommoblert av en somalier på tv
>påstår det var overalt i nyhetene
>lenker ikke til en eneste sak
>literally countless other sources all saying the same thing
>hurr durr durka durka punch Nazis durka durr abdul impregnate my wife and her son
>land of genocide against troll
>no memes
Fuck you
>countless sources
>doesn't bother linking a single one
Really makes you think.
Der er to. Bodde du på Svalbard mens det spektakkele holdt på?
Jeg pleier ikke lese hverken NRK eller Dagbladet fordi det er sosialistisk propaganda, og ser at han er en SV-cuck, så da har jeg sikkert bare registrert det som at han fikk det som han selv ville.
We should start using Askeladden as shitposting material desu
>too retarded to spend 1 second Googling it
>Norwegians, advanced in anything but dildo technology
>implying I can read Norwegian
>conveniently fails to mention the independent or the thousands of other sources all corroborating the same thing
>hurr durr I won't believe it unless I see it first hand
>hurr durr I won't believe it even if I do see it first hand since I don't speak Norwegian
etc etc etc
I guess maybe you're too busy servicing moohamit's dick to google it yourself, I understand user.
>and their willingness to take Ahmed's cock up their bungholes
Norway isn't Sweden, sorry.
It's like you didn't even read the thread.
>a literally norweigian took ahmeds cock up his ass and tried to stop ahmed from being deported for raping him
You can keep your electric cars, and everything else for that matter.
>linking norwegian links
>linking RT
Bend over Norway.
I want to live in Norway so badly but I fear it will be lonely and I'll go crazy because the hot women will never fuck me and every woman is insanely hot.
Even Sweden isn't the Sweden you hear talked about online lmao
I've been to Malmo and it wasn't that far off.
America needs to immigrate more Norwayans instead of all those Shitholians.
Because America needs more faggy self hating SJWs.
you forgot to mention the lack of electricity and charging stations, and the little fact that nost of the electricity which is used by those vehicles comes from coal
Because they're built in cuck countries
please elaborate
Hahaha America sucks so hard you have to add qualifiers when comparing it to other countries.
>when he already served prison sentence.
Of course the fedora tippers at breitbart forgot that
Electric vehicles are the cuckiest thing you could own.
Be a fucking man you degenerate europoor
muh chernobyl
>when he already served prison sentence.
Because that makes it better?
but muh france
forget norway, kenya is where it's at
Where the giraffes are, and the zeeebrraaa.
another insecure eurotrash tries to grasp at superiority thread