is this the new c?
Is this the new c?
The new C++. C# is to Java what C++ is to C.
It's the new Java at best. It has nothing to do with C or C++.
What's the best way to learn C#?
>18 years old
Exactly that!
I fucking hate programming in C, i suck at it. C# is easy in comparison.
huh. I legitimately didn't know you could use c++ style pointers in c#.
# character can be build from 4 + characters if they are put together, so basically yes ?
It's a failed project against Java.
Honestly I prefer C# over Java, but Java is so much more widespread it's not worth it to master C#
C# is right up there with Java as the most pajeet tier language
it's super easy to pick up relatively speaking.
No, completely different use cases... C is fast, low level, embedded, portable; C# is barely portable and not too slow half the time. Not shitting on it, it's a comfy language with some nice syntax sugar and features, and windows forms is a killer feature. Overall, I'd say it Just Werks
Just no.
C# is to Java what Delphi was to C++
It's Java if Java was designed after a proof of concept was on the market for 10 years, for the purpose of improving on short comings
ITT baited fools.
I love C. I used to hate it too, because it really showed me how much of an amateur I really was. If you persevere, you will be happy that you did. The longer you spend with C, you can't help but become a better (and more careful) programmer, even for other languages it helps you improve.
All low level/extreme performance use cases aside, C# is a hilariously productive language for systems development if you know what magic nugets to use circa current annum. Hint: they're all under the Microsoft.AspNetCore.* and Microsoft.DependencyInjection namespaces.
I can write a cross-platform JSON API in C# which can service requests using a framework-native libuv hosting layer (kestrel) in about 5 minutes with the amount of tooling they have these days. This can service millions of requests per second if the hardware is up to task.
Define "failed".
If you NEETs havent looked recently, Microsoft also has some of the sexiest looking documentation available online. For actual software development, this is a huge deal, but I'm sure most of you will never realize this.
Yep, and C# is stupid easy to build software in. All you really need is to import some libraries and you're good to go. Very easy to use, but pay is typically lower than other dev fields because it's so easy to get into.
Isn't c# just c++ without pointers?
More like Java with added layers of pajeet. .NET is pajeet hell
Learn the following:
>how to nuget
>how to source control (use git always, github's visual studio default ignore file is perfecto)
>proper project/solution structure (always fucking use VS2017 for everything on windows or its cancer)
>how to DI (Microsoft.DependencyInjection)
>how to async/await (Task API - gives you the rape-fast 100 core parallelism)
>how to host my shit in a browser (AspNetCore)
>how to persist my fucking data (EntityFrameworkCore)
>how to serialize my data (pretty much always Newtonsoft.Json)
>how to write actual c# classes without looking like a pajeet (this is the hardest one and just takes experience).
That is honestly it. Just find some projects that are highly starred on github that also kind of do what you are trying to do, and look at how they approach these things. Look at multiple cases and extract common threads and normalize what you see.
People use the same story for Rust.
So lower level langs do help you understand the way memory and programs work?
Making gui apps in C# is just how it should be, I've suffered the hell of win32 api in C++ and I can tell you, I was shocked the first time I tried making a GUI in C#
Who the fuck start a retarded thread like this?
We should ban all Poojeet ips.
In my experience (around southwest american region), the language doesnt actually mean shit. These companies pay for delivering working business solutions and not memeing some social code-justice warrior diversity hire shit into reality. Since C# is so productive, it frees your mind to focus on the architecture, which is the actual perceived complexity from the business angle. To give you an contrived example:
>Hey user dev, we need to build an integration between system A and system B (both of which happen to have proper JSON APIs). How long will it take you?
>10 minutes?
>Holy fuck. Ok how about if we wanted to integrate with 100 systems in a similar way?
>maybe a week if you bump my salary?
>[profit sharing and business scaling to moon intensifies]
They don't pay for magic code source files or in terms of which road was more difficult and technically proper than the other, they pay for working integrations and customer-facing solutions. The faster you can deliver, they more they will pay you. Think of it in those terms.
Microcucks need not apply
I don't like it therefore failed
glad to see microshit astroturfing again
check out Span in C# 7.2, my friend
>Thinks paid shills would describe an API as 'rape-fast'
This shit is so sexy. Way better alternative to byte arrays when streams are not practical.
either bait or genuinely retarded
Yuuup. Lower languages give you more power and knowledge. Like super hero.
no, its good Java
Can C# easily do what's described here?
bullshit, they have more or less same share in the job market. with C# you're more likely to develop new stuff, nobody uses Java for new projects anymore
>multiplat -> javascript
>phone -> kotlin
>web backend -> literally anything including better C#
>i am bad at c, i like c# because it holds my hand
c and c# are used for different things. also, see and but windows forms is shit, use wpf
>language is bad because its clean, easy to use and has tons of help increasing productivity
how to spot a neet hobbyist - someone who does not realize that programming is about coming with an effecient, easy to maintain solution with the right tool rather than remembering syntax and typing fast in riced out vim or emacs.
Oh come on now pajeet, C# is much better language than fucking Java.
that's not how you spell Rust
I don't understand these claims.
Are there really people that wrangle super expressive aspects of languages well and struggle with C?
I just don't comprehend how. C is very simple and has truckloads of libraries to use.
It's really not difficult to use for anything but tasks that require things like introspection or other high-level language features you don't see in C.
You're right, they're bad programmers. And no, they don't grok higher level concepts either because they're copy-and-paste programmers who don't plan out anything before they starting 'coding'.
>This programming language that needs a bloated runtime and can barely run outside of windows is clearly the new C
C# is comparable with Java, C is much more powerful
That's because you suck at programming, which is why you're developing on windows in the first place.
"My green stinky baby shit is better than your brown runny hangover shit"
Only if javascript is the new assembly
That's not how you spell Swift.
objective-c was unironically better in every single way, and you can thank objective-c for you being able to even post your dumb fucking comment seeing as the world wide web as we know it was started by linking NExT boxes together. why the fuck are you developing on windows, anyway? literally the only thing that windows has going for it is vidya games, and if you're trying to make vidya games, you should be using c++. c# is completely and utterly pointless, it's the worst of all worlds, it's the nonmenthol newports of programming languages