Is it worth upgrading an i5 2500k?

Motherfucker still works like a charm, but the motherboard is busted and wanted to move to micro-atx.

Is it worth getting a new motherboard for the i5? are there even any micro-atx that fit the socket?

should I just wait to see what the fuck amd does?

Attached: i5.jpg (500x375, 78K)

Upgrade to 7700k

I'm kind of in the same boat. My i5 2500k is still working great, but I'll need to upgrade at some point. I'm eyeballing those cheap-o amd cpu/gpus. I probably need to cut back a bit anyway. I have lost my interest in having the most amazing graphics on my computer so those seem like they would be a good fit.

you won't gain much unless you do video encoding for a living or something

nigger how much is a cheap micro-atx for the i5? just use it until it dies


I'm still rocking a 2600k

If you're happy with 4c/4t there's no reason to upgrade. If you aren't, wait a month for the R5 2600.

this is bait

a simple/cheap 8400 would be a great upgrade

>not upgrading to ryzen + and saving 50-100 dollars on mobo/CPU costs for equal performance

t. brainlet

Attached: 0eRAdWR[2].png (915x389, 30K)

no micro-atx mobos for it. Yet.

buy a 30$ mobo if this one fail, but do not upgrade

Wait for next year for sure if you rally dont want to uppgrade

Is that image real life?

Or it's just a fantasy?

If you have to buy a new motherboard you might as well upgrade your CPU. No sense in putting it off forever but I mean it's up to you and what you do with your computer. 2500-2600k still hold their own in games. If all you do is browse social media and watch videos than there is no reason to upgrade at all.

No upgrade path though.

no. get zen2 when it comes out. 2500k is fine right now. zen has much better single and multi thread performance. zen2 will be much better and less expensive: performance

lmao I hope no one thinks this is real. perverted cucks never cease to amaze me.

yes get 8700k or ryzen 1800x

Depends on how much money you want to spend. If you get AM4 or LGA1151 you have to spend another $150-200+ on DDR4 RAM.

Absolutely. CPUs rarely die, but mobos do. Unless you're aiming for a shitty H61 board with no SATA3, USB3 or any modern connector you should upgrade. Even if you don't need performance, get a 2200G for a sidegrade, with a new platform that allows you to install octacore CPUs if you wish so.

Pray for spectre fix and wait for whatever intel/amd bring out next.
Depending on what you do on PC the current intel/amd CPUs might not make much of a difference.

>last worthwhile CPU was released almost a decade ago
>its been nothing but shit since then

fuck this gay earth

this is the correct answer
unless you NEED a new mobo just stuck with your shit until zen2 comes out

avoid intel until it sorts the spectre shit out

The only good upgrade is Ryzen, especially zen+

move to apu+matx mobo and a sff psu with a tiny case.
go for the 2400g

reddit cuckold storys always made me laugh you also have the one from the guy with the limp dick?