serverless architecture

> serverless architecture

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everything has nodes, everything is quantized

be careful, you might fly too close to the sun

Serverless is a candy coated poison. It seems so simple and elegant at first until you want to interface with more and more services (at least in the case of AWS).


Serverless is just someone else's server.

this implies everyone is willing to contribute processing power/electricity/their bandwidth
just like on p2p, there's going to be cheaters and leechers


are you idiot?

>serverless server

Attached: 1498103618179.jpg (4030x4096, 1.15M)

>decentralized server

>Change management
>Business transformation
>Solutions architect

aws and ((cloud)) are also servers

perfect example of serverless architecture is server is hosted on clients like somekind of p2p

Then there is still a server

I think you're confused.

That's a definite issue, but the real problem with serverless is far more insidious: vendor lockin.

Okay, you build your platform with aws lambda on top of aws rds or whatever it's called. A few months later, amazon jacks up the price of running lambdas. Then what? You're fucked. Either you bite the bullet and pay up, or rewrite your whole platform because you can't just run your own local instance of lambda, that would defeat the aws business plan.

I will never understand this cloud bullshit. Just maintain a good puppet/chef configuration and package your system with good, reusable tools. Then if any hosting provider gives you shit, you can pack up shop and move to another provider with minimal hassle.

>have a massive server farm centralising all server VMs in a single place (or a few single places across the globe)
>call it decentralisation


Lambda is dirt cheap though, so it works really well if you want to scale infinitely but not dedicate hardware to ephemeral tasks.

It's dirt cheap now (and will probably remain that way, realistically speaking), but there's legally nothing preventing amazon from raising the rate tenfold without notice. And you're not getting a price guarantee contract with them unless you represent a massive company.

If you're going to build stuff critical to your platform in lambda, why? Are there any real life applications where "infinite scale" is actually needed?

I think serverless is an interesting idea, but if you're expecting enough traffic to worry about scaling, you might just be better off with renting a few cheapo OVH servers and put a load balancer in front. Vendor lockin is extremely nasty in the long run, and I'd rather pay an up front premium on renting my own servers than get fucked by amazon later down the line.

Somebody please link me that article where google changed up the firebase pricing model overnight without notice and some startup's monthly price went up by 10k

Wow 10k a month. That's like half the cost of a developer.

From the article you linked:
>Serverless computing still requires servers, hence it's a misnomer.

Yes, it's a misnomer, but that's still what it means. Decentralized computing is a separate topic.

I just deploy a flask app using Zappa and aws handles horizontal scaling, it works fine for some use cases.

It's not about decentralisation, it is about not having to manage a server.


Serveless architecture is currently the ultimate Valley SoyBoy meme

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