Are Normies Completely Incapable of Escaping Facebook?

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Calling people normies is the calling card of the normie. Stop trying so hard to fit in, normieOP.

>leave facebook
>for facebook owned social network
Facebook users are clinically retarded, aren't they?
I bet they don't even know what Facebook owns Instagram.

Well there is a lot less data you can gather from Instagram. Photos, connections to other accounts, and locations if provided.

Compare that to everything you can make a facebook post about.

But you can make almost as much data available on Instagram.
Pair that with the fact it is heavily photo based, the service could easily build profiles of where you often go, what kinds of things you own/buy, people you know or interact with, and so on.

It doesn't have the same communities like Facebook does, but for the act of gathering data from individual users it could easily gather as much.

the zucc had this planned

Yes, the Zuck knows normies literally cannot help themselves. They are compelled to show off to other people what they are doing as if they are interesting. Unfortunately, the world is run by normies, so you're stuck in the hard spot of looking like a probably-unemployable weirdo to normies and defying the Zuck or caving at the expense of your dignity and privacy. He won.
gg no re

No it isn't, no!#$e

Lmao, now that you mention it, I told my friend this, he had no idea. I was like, dude, do you know how many companies Facebook owns? He had no fucking clue.

>Everyone moves to a social network based around taking photos of yourself that is still owned by Facebook
>Facebook now has access to tons more location and photo metadata
>Probably uses pattern recognition to determine your general values and interest in brands/products
Well done.

Zucc is a sheep herder. Once Instagram becomes lame, they'll be going to something else.

I don't think their aim is to stop giving their data to a company. I prefer instagram because it has less ads and people post pics instead of albums explaining what they did. It kinda gets to the point quicker with less bullshit.

Why do you want to look at other people's pics?

>They trust me. Dumb fucks.

Is dictatorship the only way for foss to be the way

Are there ads? They have to know what and who to advertise to.


>Facebook users are clinically retarded, aren't they?
Yes, was this ever a question?

I have a facebook, and i use it here and there, but i have about 5 things on my wall from the last 5 years and i've posted maybe half a dozen times in those 5 years. I don't have facebook on my phone either, i check it when i check my email.

I've noticed most people around me either don't have it at all, or are all in - on their phone, always messaging or posting on it - really engaged with it.

This. Only normalfags use the term "normie" unironically.


I'm not leaving, the only thing I do there anyways is looking at weeb pics. If they're not gathering data from fb they'll gather that data from an another source probably

Next you'll be saying only normies have more than 5 piss bottles due to overcompensating for poor autismo larping.

>normies false flagging to try stop people calling them normies

lel. It's pretty bad. I've even seen people calling for Facebook to be broken up as a "monopoly"; with things like "Where's the option to switch to a Facebook competitor?" being said.

People just can't help themselves.

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>normies move to Insta
>black twitter gets amplified x100
fuck, im going to delete my Insta account now

newfag detected

normies shouldn't have access to technology more advanced than a TV or coffe maker

the instagram app on android still got access to your contacts, messages, call history, etc

I work as a teacher and the youth of today mostly do not use facebook and if they do they are much better at controlling their privacy settings, this is in scandinavia. It's the people born between 60-95 that are the problem and have mostly no idea what they're doing online :)

calling people gay is the calling card of the gay. stop trying so hard to fit in, gayOP.

Calling people pedos is the calling card of the pedo. Stop trying so hard to fit in, pedoOP.

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That's what you get when you enable plebbitards for years.

People are leaving facebook not because security concerns, but because it have become a massive spam shit bucket. You don't even see your friends pics or posts, you just see a wall of ads and re shared viral videos.
They go fo instagram because you actually get to see your friends stuff.

They're going to use that data to put people into theur respective classes when they take over the world. All sluts will have to become prostitutes working for the Zucc, all the degenerates will be sent to the spacegulag, Sup Forumsentoomen will be sent to Andromeda, soyboys will be Zucc's personal gays and ao on.

People are leaving facebook because it's the new hip hashtag deletefacebooklulz trend of 2018. Not because they don't like all the clickbait spam all of a sudden

It's been heading this way for a long time, young adults have always prefered IG to FB, it was just "old people" who still used FB, now to stay up with what most people are doing, they have used IG more. It's not like they care about privacy or hate facebook, it's just the way fads change. (remember myspace?)

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Exactly, your aunt isn't leaving facebook because of data mining and metadata, her niece or kid is on IG more, so now she is.

LOL, like, bruh, dude

>implying common people carry about privacy or security
Remember Discord become the "new Skype".
Most of young people are moving to Instagram because Facebook is full old people.

>bye something that allows you to make throwaway account and reach whatever person you need to contact quickly
>hello retarded mobile-focused shit that is impossible to use from desktop at all

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why would you hop to a less featureful medium? isn't instagram just for posting images?

Desktop is for work only, user. Get with the times

instagram has an official webpage now though

Impossible to read DM's, impossible to post a picture. T-thanks, IG.

instagram is what everyone uses facebook for with less bloat
>send messages to other users you have accepted to view your profile
>upload, capture and blog about your normie adventure
>comment on others blogposts
and not much more

>Desktop is for work only, user.

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snap chat already won. it's ability to send self destructing nudes sealed the deal for all the roasties out there.

Facebook works as a good tool for some things. Messenger is good since all my friends use it and pretty much everyone where I live uses it. The app might be hideous but it works.
Events are a great way to organise stuff with people
Groups are kinda ok, but I haven't really used it since uni.

Everything on the wall is pure shit and literally just ads coupled with retards who share everything they find online to their facebook wall, photos about them eating dinner or whatever and other unnecessary shit. Rarely, there's an interesting update but not usually.

I won't delete my facebook because I'm not a paranoid autist like you all, and you have to have been a braindead idiot to not think facebook was gathering info YOU put on it.

Honestly, if you're dumb enough to post whatever it is on your wall, you deserve to have your information sold.
If you think your wall is private, you deserve to have your identity stolen and lose some money.

>Facebook works as a good tool for some things
yeah, making money off of idiots who literally give up the details of their entire lives FOR FREE. lol

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The amount of panellists on news shows telling me that facebook is done and many users are switching to Instagram without mentioning that facebook owns instagram is maddening.

And I'm in a country where 95% of people use whatsapp and the other 5% use Messenger. And the Messenger cucks have been bitching that Messenger refuses to delete you from it kek. It's ogre, Zuck won, just accept it you DUMB FUCKS.

>>They go fo instagram because you actually get to see your friends stuff.

You get just as many ads, but IG ads are far less shit and blend in more than facebook's blatant spammy shitgarbage.

For me, I.G. is Japanese studio.

They've been ass since Psycho Pass ended.

They don't care though. It's been said time and time again that Faceberg owns anything and everything you upload there, but people didn't get outraged because they weren't told to be outraged. Compare that to the outrage of Equifax. They weren't outraged because their credit information had been stolen, but because their personal life had been invaded. By "invaded" I mean things were taken that these same goys willingly hand over to Faceberg. And everything, everything where these goys are concerned, works like that. They don't get angry unless they're told to get angry and that's when their doublethink is really exposed.
Take a look at how many Muslim rape gangs have operated, and still operate, in Britain. No one says a word because they don't want to be racist bad goys. Then look at Jimmy Savile and how many goys have something to say about it. It's basically the same thing except one of them was committed on a far, far, wider scale with many, many, more confirmed (and that's important) victims. At one point a Muslim was being paid to rape children (they were white so it isn't important) by the police just so he would pass information on to them.
A bomb goes off and kills hundreds of people, but you keep a stiff upper lip because you aren't a racist. Meanwhile some rhino dies and you demand something be done so these animals are no longer in danger.
We live in a period of hypernormalisation, just like Russians did under Communism. The difference between the two is that the Russians, like the NorKs, didn't truly fall for it.

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They made Guru Guru (2017).

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stop trying to get normalfaggots to leave facebook. it is a containment board. Use these hashtivist tags when promoting containment: #keepfacebook #nothingtohidenothingtofear #deletingfacebookisantisemetic #deletingfacebookisracist

most used apps, old people have phones too...

Lmao the cycle literally repeats itself. There is no hope for normies, they have been perma-dumbed down.

>A lot less data
Comment threads, EVERYTHING is a photograph, geo tracking, advertisements, likes, follows, trending, hashtags...
Sounds like there's just as much if not more data.

Man, I'm glad that I never got conned into making any social media profiles.

If you actually want privacy, you have to create a facebook account, so that people wouldn't think that you're weird and have something to hide. Employers look at this, potential others do as well. Smart people live with double identity. It's like having an admin account and user account.

Facebook owns both, and gains revenue from both platforms.

However if people leave Facebook, then there's only 1 platform for revenue.

the jewntels started everything.

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botnetbook is good as long as you don't show your power level desu

they don't

i had to show them that the pics are stored on fbcdn

These are actually really and undeniably true. Normal people don't think about gays and pedos all the time, and therefore we don't think about calling others that.

>clinically retarded
I think it's more about Facebook being effective manipulators and herding their users.
Depends. If people will use Instagram as a replacement there's no difference at all.