Uninstall chrome because fuck chrome

>uninstall chrome because fuck chrome
>install this beauty and absolutely fall in love

Is this the best browser out there? Shit's amazing.

Attached: vivaldi.png (600x599, 34K)

firefox : chrome = brave : vivaldi

>uninstall chrome
>install chrome

Attached: pepe.png (766x598, 165K)

you're like 3 years late to falling for the Vivaldi meme

>He doesn’t use pale moon browser

Attached: image.jpg (225x225, 38K)

whats the new hip browser all the cool kids on Sup Forums are using?

Vivaldi seems fine to me

Vivaldi + TreeTabs because horizontal tabs are for absolute fucking plebs. You also have a widescreen monitor, probably a lot of which is currently unused.

>try out vivaldi
>video playback doesn't use hardware acceleration
>spend 10 minutes trying to sort it out
>uninstall vivaldi

>not using epiphany browser


does this gave scripting support?

use it, love it.

slow and bloated interface, less responsive.

Was the case for me a few years back, but not so much now. Now it beats FF in those aspects.

It supports all chrome extensions.

>non-free license
Not gonna use it.
Also, stop shilling this shit, you make a thread almost every day.


opera > vivaldi > otter

The UI is slow as fuck. Takes a second to open a new tab on a high-end PC.

literally this

Attached: 15185230654880.png (377x323, 88K)

Firefox Developer Edition
