In what order and when will these corps fall?

In what order and when will these corps fall?

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Facebook in 5 Years
Google in 10 years, but they have antitrust shit coming in 4
Apple in 15 years
Microsoft wins and remains


google might end up buying facebook at some point

First Apple will fall pretty low then it'll get bought and renamed by some other corp
Then the same will happen with Facebook
Then gubmint will go full military state and will take full control of Google and rename it
Then gubmint will take full control of Microsoft and maybe rename it too.

Facebook and google. MS has enterprise platform, and Apple deals in hardware so they have a solid base.
Facebook is the most fragile since all their income comes from selling users to advertisers. If the bottom falls out of the user data market, (which is in a bubble right now), facebook is toast. When that happens, google might die too since that's how they make their money too. But they're doing other things so they'll likely survive.

Google next. Politicians don't want their porn searching habits released to the public. They'll just nationalise it.

Facebook is the first one to go under. No need to get into details.

Privacy will be the talk of the town for the next few months. Apple have scored points with refusing to unlock that shooter's phone that one time so they are safe for the time being. However, their user base is smaller than that of Google products. Their hardware is also expensive and they have been unimaginative for the past few years. I say they go next. Google is big and Microsoft is established. Established is more important than big so my order is:

Facebook -> Apple -> Google -> Microsoft

with Microsoft not going under for at least a decade.

With the way things have been going for Apple lately, I think them. Their newer products are pretty shit and even the average consumer is starting to catch on.

>apple with its 250 Billion in cash failing any time soon
FB doesn't sell anything but data, if young people decide it's not "cool" it dies. Google, Microsoft, and Apple all sell actual products and services. Apple also brings in more profit than FB does revenue.

Google will just replace them as they leave and become a monopoly

>if young people decide it's not "cool" it dies.
Not him, but this is true. Those 18 and younger find Facebook "uncool". By the time the 20+ are a little older, have families, and what not, Facebook will begone. This is just They still have tons of other shit. They'll remain as a company for quite awhile. Definitely at least 10+ years.

Facebook first. It used to be something everyone used but these days it seems like only 60+ year old people are using it. I suspect their userbase is dropping and spending less and less time on their platform. They don't have other legs to stand on so they will go the way geocities and myspace did.

Google could easily be next. They used to have a good search-engine. They used to be about "don't be evil". Now they are openly talking about how they are censoring their search-results. I actively avoid using any of their services. Regardless of this, I think they would be second because they don't have that many legs to stand on - income wise. Alphabet/Google does have a lot of products and things going on besides search but most of them are not making a profit.

Not sure if Microsoft or Apple would go next but best guess would be 3 microsoft and 4 apple. It's not like Apple is innovating and people are probably fed up with their overpriced garbage products. But Apple is so admired by consumers that they manage to make a insanely high 70% profit margin on things like the iPhone X. Samsung's scraping something like 18% on their Galaxy flagships.

>I actively avoid using any of their services.
How do we defeat the captcha? :/

Too early to call.
I can't see them getting brushed aside by some new type of tech business like IBM was. They're all too good at copying their competition before it has a chance to get started.
Computers are going to stop improving and get cheaper which will hurt apple and microsoft. The internet will keep getting cheaper too, not sure how this will affect Google and facebook.

>apple is safe for meme article

they couldn't unlock it. they don't know the RANDOMLY GENERATED ENCRYPTION KEY THAT IS ON A PER PHONE BASIS.

fuck out of here normie.

>they couldn't unlock it.

uhh, ok?
the fact remains they couldn't... shit gets hashed for a reason. people don't want to unlock their fucking databases etc. everyone would steal everyones shit.

Facebook soon
Google later after they step to far, they'll just collapse
Apple will stick around for a while, then they'll betray their own memes and sell out, stick for a while longer until they fade out, kinda like Nokia
Microsoft will stay for as long as they make office, because companies will buy that, maybe libre office could meme itself into awareness, but doubt old people who 'just' learned windows, will attemt learning anything new

None of them are going anywhere.
IBM was decimated by MS and even they are still around.
They are all so big they simply buy innovations to stay ahead.

Consolidation is how everything is going and has been for a long time. IMO end game we'll have, at most, a duopoly of platforms - companies will either absorb one another or have mutual agreements to offer a parts of a platform that consolidates the user's entire digital experience.

the dump off will occur at the most opportune moment. nothin personal kid!

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Considering Microsoft has a solid footing in desktop computing, enterprise, and video game consoles with pretty decent moves being made into the mobility platform with surface after several Windows mobile false starts over the last 2p years, I doubt they're going anywhere.

Apple has a decent footing in mobility with iPhone, iPod and iPad and a double digit spot in desktop computing with iMac, the various MacBook iterations and Mac Pro, they're pretty well set.

Facebook is cannibalizing its own user base and will likely rebrand to Instagram Inc, but keep their government contracts for giving up user data and developing facial recognition software, and if VR ever stops being a gimmick they're well positioned via Oculus.

Google basically IS the mobility market right now with Android, and with all of their SEO contracts and advertising partnerships, they're also not going away any time soon.

That makes this whole thought experiment pretty silly fantasy material and a cute delusion of a board full of people that are more and more disconnected from reality with each passing day, thinking that it'll every be YOTLD or that "too big to fail" isn't actually a thing.

Considering Microsoft has a solid footing in desktop computing, enterprise, and video game consoles with pretty decent moves being made into the mobility platform with surface after several Windows mobile false starts over the last 2p years, I doubt they're going anywhere.

Apple has a decent footing in mobility with iPhone, iPod and iPad and a double digit spot in desktop computing with iMac, the various MacBook iterations and Mac Pro, they're pretty well set.

Facebook is cannibalizing its own user base and will likely rebrand to Instagram Inc, but keep their government contracts for giving up user data and developing facial recognition software, and if VR ever stops being a gimmick they're well positioned via Oculus.

Google basically IS the mobility market right now with Android, and with all of their SEO contracts and advertising partnerships, they're also not going away any time soon.

That makes this whole thought experiment pretty silly fantasy material and a cute delusion of a board full of people that are more and more disconnected from reality with each passing day, thinking that it'll every be YOTLD or that "too big to fail" isn't actually a thing.

Fb will soon, Windows isn't going anywhere. Mac meme will last for ever.
inb4 linux autists arguing that normies would swhich to linux

>FB doesn't sell anything but data, if young people decide it's not "cool" it dies.
Zuckerberg knows that, too. The FB service will eventually decline just like GeoCities or MySpace, but the FB corporation has enough money to buy some sites young people do like, as well as other things they think will expand their market share.

Facebook > Microsoft/Apple > Google

Google is the one you should be afraid of.

I'm going to screencap this post and laugh at you one day.

Sup Forums, canonical, fsf

I really can't see Windows or Apple falling. They're so pervasive. Their products are so standard and so ingrained in our tech structures, even if we purposely tried to phase out one of the two, it would be a huge pain.
It's a tossup between Facebook and Google. I choose Facebook because it has worse PR and is just easier to not use. Google has great PR and provides a bunch of different services. To be honest I actually like using Google's search engine, docs, drive etc. Whereas Facebook is a bloated piece of crap.

Just because they didn't doesn't mean they couldn't. Stating it is a fact shows how much of a brainlet you are.

Considering 3 of the 4 are in the top 30 of the Fortune 500, I doubt you'll ever have the opportunity. It's incredibly unlikely that any of them except MAYBE Facebook will be going anywhere in your lifetime, especially not Apple since they're the 3rd largest company in the world. Microsoft is considered to be the biggest upset in a while because they used to be #1... They're STILL in the top 30 of the 500 most successful companies in the world, in their *worst* position ever. Let that sink in. When they're doing BADLY they're still better than 470+ of the other most profitable companies worldwide.

This is that disconnected from reality, fantasy land shit I'm talking about. Go back to cuddling with your anime girl pillow and "investing" in toys of your waifu.

>Go back to cuddling with your anime girl pillow and "investing" in toys of your waifu.
Wrong on that one too, sorry.

>Lists the third most profitable company in the world as going under before the 27th and 28th

Wew lad.

You can see FB beginning to swirl the drain by changing their algorithm to try reduce ads, putting services into seperate apps to keep people in the "ecosystem" (Messenger, Groups, Buy and Sell) and buying out newer services like Instagram and trying hard to make VR a thing

>N-nuh uh!!
Well played, user. You sure told me!

Yeah, I'm not going to argue with you.

they all fall simultaneously
when the sub-orbital colony crashes into the indian ocean
or when mars has its peasant uprising
or when the meteor breaches the atmosphere and the sky gets ignited
when the bomb finally drops on American soil (western seaboard)

Microsoft is still there because they have many money faucets, and are in a diverse number of markets.
Google will die if advertising dies, for example. But Microsoft has tentacles everywhere.

Profit can be spent. You need a good market strategy to survive.

Adblocking is going to increase. Those companies that rely mainly on ads for income will be the most impacted.

You should include intel.

>Google will die if advertising dies
They have AI to back up


I'm not so sure about that. Online services are easy as fuck to roll out. you buy cloud from amazon and put whatever you want on top.

Never, they are too big to fall. If any of them fall they will fuck up pretty badly the USA and global economy.

Facebook > microsoft > apple > google

>>apple is safe for meme article

do normies need more than a meme article, though?

If only that meant anything in technology

I doubt Google is going to leave anytime soon, pretty much everyone uses at least one google service at this point (Gmail,Youtube, Search, Etc) the government isn't going to allow something so useful to them to die.

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ms -> apple -> fb -> google

Microsoft is a sticker company.
They will survive because they make something.
Apple will survive as long as people buy their hardware.
Google and Facebook are basically governments at this point, it is hard to make them fail.
They have larger intelligence services than the USA and Scientology combined and they are more sinister than the KGB.
If someone thinks about switching to another platform, they will buy it out before it will compete with them.

Microsoft lasts 40 years. (Diverse, safe)
Apple lasts 20 years. (Safe to a fault, derivative products but has a lot in the bank)
Google lasts 10 years. (Really big, but too reliant on ads)
Facebook lasts 5 years. (No explanation needed, it's a social network with a lot of controversy)

>Sun Microsystems(Oracle)
>Facebook (brought by google )

>EUA nationalise a private company
The future is red.

This is the ever breeding cancer of Sup Forums. Just in the last year you guys have managed to stamp any modicum of rhetoric into oblivion. This place used to be my only haven for deep, critical, and intrinsic digital discussion. Now, it's full of disgusting reactionaries and ego-to-the-brim identity politics.
I hope you enjoy your dose of dopamine.

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We get hiromoot to implement their own captcha.

Where would Amazon fit into these timelines or is it gonna be the one that never falls and monopolizes how we shop?

The correct question is in which order do these companies buy each other.

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Stop being a cheapass

Facebook First, within the next 3-5 years.
After that, MS and Apple, maybe, somewhere along the line.
Google 'never' they've a subsidery of Alphabet - even if Alphabet fails, 'Google' will be purchased by someone else.

Once had an acid trip where I saw this and I was shaking rocking back & forth in a corner for 3 days straight

None of them are going down anytime soon. Facebook may appear to be losing active users due to younger people not signing up, but in what they've lost from they've gained with Instagram.

Steve, you're alive?!?

None will fail but all will merge.

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I don't know why Apple gets lumped with these other assholes or why Sup Forums hates Apple. Apple actually makes fucking great products and two great OSes. Yes, they charge a premium, but so does Porsche.

Facebook is a data collection agency which sells its users. I hate them with a passion and would laugh if they got fined out of existence.

Google is another data collection agency selling its users and now trying to police the Internet. They do have some good search engine tech, but should be tightly regulated as a common carrier.

Microsoft has always been shit. They've always been "pajeets" even when their employees were mostly white. Produce the worst possible crap on the tightest budget to maximize profits from good goys. Windows has always been slow, insecure dog shit like most of their software. IT would be better off if Bill Gates had been smothered in his crib.

using mortar shells filled with high-explosives and radioactive waste hitting their infrastructure, we can do this Sup Forumsee. (jokes)

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Exactly his point, everything will be based either on aws or azure with other companies’ plugins so there will be really only 2 big user experiences available once amazon buys everything and makes it into the amazonsphere and someone does something similar on top of the Microsoft base

>Facebook falls first due to lack of active users and privacy concerns
>Google can't fail till Pajeets keep buying Android phones, might get a small hit. Nothing that'll really threaten it.
>Apple maybe 15-20 years if someone else can take over the "luxury" Tech market
>M$ can't die

I think that the time for a YouTube competitor to spring up and take their place is just about here. They're pulling way too much bullshit against their content creators for it to stand much longer. Gmail and search have decent competition from Microsoft, and MS seems to be happy to slowly eat away at Google's marketshare. Enterprise productivity is a done deal, O365 wins.

That picture in the OP really needs to swap Facebook for Amazon. FB as a service is almost irrlevant now, and as a company is in the same position that Yahoo was back when it happened to own the Internet's most popular photo sharing service and a popular messaging client.

Check those stock prices, kid

in burgerland maybe, there are international players

t. brainlet

you really are clueless

Facebook will never recover from the current attacks, they are Weinstein v2.0. Thrown to the wolves by TPTB for reasons I can't fathom.

Google might be next.

Microsoft will just be the new IBM, a slide into obscurity so slow it's almost imperceptible.

Apple is the only one not making huge amounts of money selling its customer's data. They will continue winning until a proper competitor turns up. Maybe Samsung learns to write software and
abandons jewgle.

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple

Zuck playing footsie with getting into politics made some people all kinds of grumpy, and this is their way of saying hi.

I think the answer of which will go first is obvious.

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>I think that the time for a YouTube competitor to spring up and take their place is just about here.
If there were money to be made, there would have been some competitor 10 years ago.

Apple and Microsoft at least sell SOMETHING tangible, Google does so to a degree, while Facebook is just a huge social network like Digg was, and it can fail at a moment's notice. They have nothing to offer except their user's data, and that can be taken away from them.

Facebook's innovation is nil.

facebook is already ded


cambridge analitica fiasco

What is the antitrust shit

FB is a godsend tool against citizens, so they are more secure than any of them. Also Thiel have better connections with Trump than Google ever has in Obama administration

FB will be will be taken over the by the US government and made to look like it failed but in reality will be kept up and running to spy on people.

Facebook first.
Microsoft or apple last (most likely apple).
By elimination, google second.

Facebook is the only remotely decent deep learning research company outside deep mind right now. Their research output in dialogue systems is unparalleled, torch is by far the best framework (theano was arguably slightly better until twitter gave us autograd, though), and they've done some really good work across the board in the field.
By comparison, microsoft hasn't done a single meaningful contribution to date, google brain is only a few steps ahead of microsoft, and deepmind is 99% hype and 1% actual results (don't get me wrong, its few results are usually a lot more impactful than facebook's, but they have very few, very specific results which strongly suggest it's driven by only a few individuals, not by deep mind as a whole, making it a bad company for research per se). Apple is too private so nobody knows if they've ever done any research at all. Amazon's got some good people but they never do any research (almost worse than m$, but at least unlike m$ they have the people). Twitter has done some good work every so often, not too much and nothing too great though.

Conclusion: facebook is the only reliable research driver in industry, google deepmind second (but it's not deepmind, rather it's a few specific people there).

Moreover, their unique access to data allows them to work on problems other companies don't have the opportunity to even imagine.

If facebook realizes this, and if they can weather out the cambridge analytica fiasco, they might even survive it (though I doubt they can do that, they'll sadly die because of this I think).

- Facebook is on the verge of collapse. Give it 15 years.
- Microsoft must either evolve or die. It's on life support right now.
- Apple and Google ain't goin' nowhere any time soon.

>First Apple will fall pretty low then it'll get bought and renamed by some other corp
Sup Forums's wet fever dream, far separated from reality.

Sup Forums

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Microsoft is basically invincible right now. Almost all its money comes from big governments. The rest of its money basically comes from a couple big companies (macy's, singtel, walmart come to mind). They don't give a shit about customers because of this. That's also why they're pursuing a cloud strategy harder than ever before, it would allow them to unify the business and non-business customers and give them full control over everything, which is useful with regard to their government consumers.

Facebook in 2 years
Apple in 7 years (Microsoft will buy them)
Google and Microsoft become partners, with Microsoft making phones for Google's new mobile Windows OS that's compatible with almost all apps on Windows Store.

facebook, no shit
then apple, people will start to realize google is making the same product for 75% of the price
then microsoft. it won't go down at first, but will be put into the novelty and legacy market like IBM or Xerox, then die out later down the line because they'll finally lose the one thing keeping them afloat: the enterprise market.
then google. despite numerous lawsuits and mass corruption, they're a household name because of the search engine. plus soydevs love their "cloud code experience" and google's hardware will put others out of business. add that to the massive amounts of datacenters they have, in addition to a virtual monopoly over the video sharing market (youtube).

>facebook, apple, microsoft, google

I like how Amazon is never on these lists- yet. It's a huge player in the game

100% of these replies belong to mods. Give me a free pass.

Next President will be a lefty populist. Agenda of anti-trust on big corps, tech and otherwise. They won’t fail, but they’ll be broke up.