Vivaldi now teaming up with DuckDuckGo


Attached: img_20180321_164854.jpg (578x391, 49K)

Give me reasons as to why Vivaldi is not a botnet.

Vivaldi was already a botnet
even fucking brave is less of a botnet because web drm is not installed by default.

vivaldi and tixati on the same page, both botnet sponsored by the NSA

lmao rip Vivaldi. I hope Brave bites the dust too.

The game was lost years ago, I think you have not read the memo, check your spam folder.

Anyone else used to Maxthon?

Attached: download.png (225x225, 2K)

what problem has duckduck go? what browser do you use?and which serch engine?

garbage browser with garbage engine
wow - it's fucking nothing

I'm surprised Firefox doesn't use duckduckgo as the default search engine. I guess that sweet Yahoo money was worth it.

>Vivaldi Technologies
>preaches privacy
>founder openly shits on Google
>Sup Forums hates Vivaldi

>preaches communist politics, wants to turn the web into a police state
>sucks Google's cock despite Chrome essentially backstabbing Firefox and killing its marketshare
>Sup Forums loves Firefox

if only the founder openly showed the code.

>preaches communist politics
lmao what

>>preaches communist politics
How to spot the pollyp

They heavily depend on jewgle, can't upset them

The source code is available

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-23.png (1096x448, 70K)

oooh /t/!

All that's doing is tailoring the ads to the individual search. You searched "niggers" so it made a request for any ads related to niggers. By "tracking" they mean they don't save your search results to in order to do to more advanced targeted ads over time.

Waterfox and Ecosia are partnered together for years, and yet, not only nobody bats an eye, Waterfox lately has been the ultimate favorite flavor of everyone here.

It's not forcing you. You can change the search engine at any time.

Provide source both are correlated to NSA, please. Vivaldi has shown to be more inclined to open source and its creator criticizes Google, while Tixati claims to have no spyware and its developer allows and encourages donations.

I just switched to vivaldi 3 weeks ago REEEE
Any alternatives?

Attached: What-the-fuck-is-that.jpg (508x474, 47K)


So this is the power of a brainlet...

What's the issue?

I use Ecosia
They track me but they plant trees with the ad revenue so it's all good

>he uses a mouse
>he doesn't use qutebrowser


Waterfox doesn't have this problem.

duckduckgo is fine
vivaldi is fine
this seems fine

Basically there's only qwant that is not a botnet now