How do we save it Sup Forumsro's

how do we save it Sup Forumsro's

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Dragon Ball GT 1080p torrents

>how do we save it Sup Forumsro's
We don't. exists now.

It's dead, jim. We're stuck with the Nyaazis now.

Perfect example how FOSS always fails.

Is Sup Forums watching Violet Evergarden or do they think it sucks because it's popular?

>t. human failure

what's wrong with it?

>i don't get foss

they have had good threads about it

Nobody there likes anime so go figure

I hate it because it's a snoozefest entirely carried by a waste of a budget and KyoAni's name

Turn it into a private tracker.

Probably the retarded name that caused it's fall. Also is just faster to type.

whats the problem with it exactly

Still works, so it's good.

>had one job of making carbon copy of NT and failed at it
Wow I wonder why people choose nya replacement that is actual nya replacement.
It's also didn't work most of the day.

Stop being a degenerate subhuman

They're watching it
It's a great show desu with really good visuals too

anime website

si is open source too

Please teach me how to find these good threads. Whenever I browse Sup Forums all I see are weebs complaining about basically everything

Discussion threads happen just after the episode airs.

this is true of literally ever board

Herkz and his goonies had their fingers all over before it died anyways. Literally no need to change to anything but

It works and it's not like there are even any groups doing speedsubs where the stupid fucking green and blue highlights matter anymore. It's all HorribleSubs rips anyways. Literally doesn't matter.

Better servers
>be popular
Do you really want reddit to use that?

>1 Seeder
>1 Leecher
well, you need that a torrent site be popular

shorter and easier to type url

nvm turns out you can just type now

>confusing an aggregator with a tracker
your average torrent file willnhave multiple trackers and you have DHT to look for more peers. It's literally only on their side that's the problem, not displaying the correct number of seeders and leechers

But I want nyaa not pantsu. How hard can it be.

buy the stickers

People really thought the cartel wouldn't win? Daiz is the mastermind behind all anime distribution in the West, both piracy and legal. Rumour has it he's on the payroll of the Bogdanoffs. It's impossible to outsmart such an exceptional individual.

Very good. Will replace my si bookmark with this.

I uploaded a torrent there and I get ddosed some time ago.
Never again.

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No, you just need have magnet to best files in the trackers.
Or invite to a private tracker.


If you mess with Cartel, Cartell mess with you.

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barely any torrents get uploaded to it

I don’t watch any Netflix original animes. Too many Jewish tricks.

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It's almost like we're on an anime discussion board.

I wrote the torrent stat scraper for that site, I did it in about an hour and a half and it only tracks UDP announcements, not TCP.
The stat counter is massively inaccurately, and you're a gigantic idiot if you think the same torrent on two different public trackers has different seed counts

We archive the db dump and sauce code in case it goes down. Woops.

But netflix isn't even involved in making these shows. They just buy the license and slap their """original""" tag on it.

not entirely true, i made a made thread yesterday and its almost at 350 replies and 90% of it is legitimate discussion. i was expecting shitposts galore and it really caught me off guard


Stopped reading there. Can't even imagine the amount of concentrated shitposting

It failed because the dev tried to work on a mascot for over 2 months




nyaazi devs didn't even put that much effort into the whole site, buncha wankers

>Is Sup Forums watching Violet Evergarden or do they think it sucks because it's popular?
Dropped after trying to finish the first episode. Not, because it's popular, but, because it was just boring.

that show blows nut dude
the characters are actually so bad and its hella boring

From a -> s is faster than from a ->p though, so it's still way faster to type. As a matter of fact you can be done typing when you'd still be typing the p in the backup archive's name.
This. The dev had a chance to seize the market share, he had like 2 weeks of head start. In all that time he refused to implement an actual tracker, refused to implement the feature of sorting results by clicking in the columns (like virtually any site does), and neglected many other basic shit. Oh but he worked really hard in the mascot, themes, and logo; a true Sup Forumsentleman! It's no wonder than when the official replacement came up people flocked there, since it had the basic features everyone required. Then on top of that it was uncovered that the dev of the backup archive was a kike planning to add a lot of ads to the site, and that's when he lost the little support it had left.

The fucking name, for starters.

>It's almost like we're on an anime discussion board.
>Sup Forums - Technology

you can't spell technology without anime

Batman: TAS dubbed in [jp]

We don't. We use instead.

VE is fucking surreal. There's this really garbage, mediocre cringy story hyped up with a massive production budget and it's fucking weird. It's like a 5 year old's ramblings turned into a hollywood blockbuster.

its not that bad

Can we finally say "anime is dead"?

that's every kyoanus show

anime, dead???

ten thousand years motherfucker

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assassinate the cartel

We don't. The cartel alternative is much better

nigga, you're torrent chinese cartoons. how is the name of the site relevant?

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>Cheap servers, constantly crashing due to bandwidth and bugs
>Down for hours up to a day
Granted, its "ongoing development" but normies don't care.
Meanwhile the cartel:
>Silently develops own version
>Release it late but stable
>It just werks™
Geez I wonder which I should use...

IMO the real deathblow to popularity was that HorribleSubs chose nyazi. Though I don't know what the raw and jav providers thought.

Just use AB you turboplebs.

Now that What.CD is dead, I am done with private trackers. They are just too much of a timesink.

I mostly use animetosho, which I believe ignores pantsu