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Fake/10 fantano doesn't have legs.


Fantano Go To Fucking Bed

That's Anthony Fantano

That's Assthony Fucktano.

>it's a high schoolers have the weekend off episode

literally fuck off

I'm feeling a light to decent 3 on this one.




It's a melon



I think there's plenty vaginas waiting to be reviewed

kys kpop

our god

I give it a minusten outatehn.

Internet's "busiest" music nerd


he does produce a lot of content tho



Puntony Memetano


best one yet

If dubs I'll poo myself

I'll roll for you

ty user


So what's the deal with his body type? Is he jacked or what?

he's a bit built, yeah. But also kinda fat. He's not built enough for bear mode, but also not lean enough for athletic mode. Built-fat.

Post rare fentanos

dude got some tiny ass feet


as a person who likes strongfat, he is not a good example of it
his body type is like some previously unknown alien shit

He's got the eggman physique.

shit you're right
he's literally a living skin egg