SSD prices

Why the fuck are the prices of SSD's still the exact same they were 4 years ago?
I can remember when USB sticks became a thing and every year you could buy more than double the amount of storage for the same price. Same applied to HDD's.

Why the fuck not for SSD?

Attached: i[1].png (750x250, 48K)


tweakers baby

RAM/Flash/SSD manufacturers are all price fixing and they will continue price fixing until a government actually does its fucking job and regulates them

What happened to the free market? I mean hasn't any manufacturer decided to just ramp up production and lower their prices a little bit?
It's not like the market is going to crash in the nearby future.

>government actually does its fucking job and regulates them
That's not the government's job. Stop buying pricey SSDs.

>What happened to the free market?
The largest distributors overseas don't have the government oversight other countries do, allowing them to artificially reduce supply to keep up profits.

I actually haven't bought an SSD since 5 years because of the bullshit prices but the market doesn't listen to me

Because SSDs are becoming faster, not with more capacity.

There's only a handful of manufacturers, and they've all been fined for price fixing before, it's pretty much guaranteed they're doing it again.

This is literally the free market in action.

Also, unless you have 20+ billion to invest in fabs, you're not going to be able to start up your own company to compete with them, and even if you did they'd probably just dump stock until you went bankrupt and then go back to price fixing.


But the whole point of SSDs is faster storage.

If you need capacity at SATA speeds, just buy a spinning magnetic drive ffs. Those are cheap as fuck.

The gap between HDD and SSD is so fucking big for 99% of the people out there (or 100% of the people that have had sex in their lives) it doesn't matter anymore how fast their SSD is. They won't notice whether it's 400mb/s or 800mb/s

>tfw no NVMe in my new build...

Attached: sheeeeeeeeeeeit.png (1228x240, 63K)

Then they all can buy older SSDs or even regular magnetic storage. I for one welcome the increase in speed, which is also why SSDs keep being expensive as vendors such as Samsung keeps cramming them with ever increasing amounts of memory so they can buffer more.

SSDs break really fat in you actually use them. They are still a meme. Even octane SSDs are worse than HDDs

*breaks in 6 months*
hheh kid

It did, right up until ~2015.
Blame smartphone faggots buying a new phone every year for it.

When idiots buy 32-256GB phones EVERY YEAR.
Like almost a billion (this is not an exaggeration) fools buying a new phone every year, with anywhere from 32GB to 256GB of the fastest NAND (since more chips = more power and phones need less power consumption) puts a dent in the ability to supply anyone else.

The inflation is about 2% per year. So they are actually getting cheaper with 3% every year.

I want a 2 TB NVMe but its too expensive to store 2 TB games I never play.

Reliability and speed have been dramatically improved. And, prices have gone down. 120 & 128 GB SSDs with 1.5 million hours MTBF and 520 MB/s speeds can be had for $40 these days. 4-5 years ago they maybe had 500,000 hours MTBF and could generally fail a any moment for no reason, speeds in the 350-400 MB/s range were commonly considered "fast as fuck," and $90 to $120 were common prices for a "good deal."

I picked up a 525 GB SSD just a couple months ago for $95, all taxes & shipping included. 530-550 MB/s write/read, 2,000,000 MTBF. Half terabyte SSDs didn't even exist 4 years ago.