Dont this make you sad that one of our guy from the past is nowadays working to develop the same botnet against whose...

Dont this make you sad that one of our guy from the past is nowadays working to develop the same botnet against whose policies we are fighting from years??

Attached: 59467qfV.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It happens, no big deal

who is that faggot?

Also what’s this “we're fighting for” bs... what have you personally fought against, name one policy Sup Forums has collectively resisted.

I honestly think moot doesn't actually do any real work and simply lives of the 1M he got from hiro, so no, it doesn't bother me particularly.

Why would he work there if he can live by that money??


>our guy
>we are fighting
back to normiebook

He collects a symbolic salary, aka free money. Who wouldn't show up to collect it?

>Sup Forums fights against
fucking kek, you faggots can't even fight an oppressive-by-design captcha system. No, other chans have been fighting, not you ZOGleashed fags.

Attached: better.jpg (830x869, 290K)

You haven't fought shit bro

That's not what that means.

I still think it's baffling he sold it for that little.
He could have easily gotten a ton more than that.

>posts pic of mark zuckerberg
op confirmed faggot

It's a shitty PHP hack of a website that mainstream media thinks is a nazi hacker forum, it generates about zero revenue and it costs a small fortune to keep it running. Hiro has been forced to scale back a bunch of times due to the cost.

Exactly. Why would he work for google when he got 1 million from Hiro. He could have done much from that money rather than from a shitty corporate job from a shitty company

the founder of 9gag


It's still among the biggest websites period.
1m is chump change for what Sup Forums is.

The man probably makes a few hundred thousand dollars a year for doing jack shit, and contributing his opinion on things. I would take it too even though I think google is the most destructive company on earth

>It's still among the biggest websites period.
It's really not.


>forced to scale back
>scale back
The nigger cheaps out and got those shitty servers, the ones that aren't 4cdn.
Site traffic is more than it's ever been, but he refused to upgrade servers or move the high volume boards to their own instances.
Keep begging to remove archive (cause that's not what user culture is about) but he just adds more boards and cancerous ads, and now literal Sup Forums money in some stupid MMO.

Wait, Sup Forums is in php?

he's their token "evil white male". he's just another diversity hire like the women and PoCs they hire. He's a virtue signal that they are "fair and balanced" and "unbiased" and open to "differing opinions" even opinions from "wrongthinkers" like moot.

Well, yeah... The source code even leaked back in 2008 and revealed that moot and his previous dev had no idea how basic security against code injection worked.

>creator of facebook
>one of our guy
what did he mean by this?

Attached: mark_zuckerberg_leaked_nude.jpg (648x1000, 195K)

i just got promoted


Either you die an hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

lol newfag xDDD


literally who?

>Make a website to discuss animu
>It spawns a culture of toxicity, endless scandals in the news, cyber crime, exploding vans, and kekistan
I'd want off the ride to

>costs a small fortune to keep it running
lmfao, you actually believe that retarded zipperhead?

>t. hiro

>server costs are free

150M users, to whom it serves large image files
You're delusional if you think Sup Forums isn't extremely expensive to run

and that's what the ads are for. if they weren't invasive and hiro wasn't such a smelly japanese kike trying to jew people into buying (((passes))) then I wouldn't block them

If you think the bandwidth costs are going to be cheap you are delusional.
>2,838 Terabytes per month
And this was three years ago, so it is probably a lot more now.

Attached: Capture.png (311x280, 10K)

I miss when Sup Forums used to have more shoops.

no. dude's gotta do something real with his life. working for google at least looks a lot more impressive on a resume than merely "web administrator"


In a way he got lucky with the timing. I imagine if google announced it was hiring him today, there would be far more backlash and they would be forced to reconsider.

what a tremendous faggot. he had everything fame (infamy), fortune, influence. he was something and someone. Sup Forums was his magnus opus. and he gave it all away? and what for? some shekels?

Attached: 1487598921684.jpg (400x400, 19K)

He became one of those stereotypical millennials with hipster progressive New Yorker friends and became desperate to dump this shit on someone else.

I remember him crying how much this site was putting him in debt and he had to borrow money from his mom. Was only when he got shekel money from passes that he finally started getting a bit of money or at least breaking even.

a shitty website or not, its still 73rd most popular site in whole world according to alexa

>implying that this didn't go exactly according to moot's plan
1) Decide enough is enough, I'm gonna cash out

2) Create Sup Forums, a echo chamber for millennials that can't tell the difference between ironic racist memes and real life

3) Sell website to hiro who is extremely keen on easy money

4) start working for an ultra-leftist employer

5) r/the_donald/ and Sup Forums manages to influence enough insecure edgelords and angry MRAs to tip the election in Trump's favor

6) media now pounces on this racist hacker site called 4chins

7) hiro doesn't make any money and moot is touted as a champion of internet free speech

Moot's tripcode was #nigger, pretty hilarious he works for the Goog now.

Pretty sure it was #faggot

oh, yep you're right
still hilarious

We are here for the lulz not politics. Fuck off to Facebook or the cnn comments section

Yotsuba got leaked? Gimme that shit

it's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. it's possible nobody else wanted to buy it even if it theoretically is worth more.

He could've started a new and better Chan, but he gave in to ((((them)))).

He got lucky with Sup Forums and anything else he tried just didn't work out. Remember his Canvas project and how hard it flopped as an example.

If there was a logical thread age system, it could go down by a lot, or something like a report-based automated threadkiller.

Absolutely retarded ideas, and would do nothing to reduce bandwidth usage

He's fighting the system from within.


I saw some Google employee talk about how not all 4channers are bad and there's people like moot who can 'turn'.
That's probably the creepiest thing I've read this year.

Google/Moot and Hiroshimoot have been collaborating for years now attempting to shift discussions on Sup Forums to support more establishment-friendly, moderate positions

>how hard it flopped as an example.

It was a good concept but I'm guessing the rise of smartphones and mobile sites killed it, oh, and requiring a facebook to sign-up at first tells a lot of audience it was marketing. At least the source code is out there.

No, we knew he was a faggot from the beginning

yeah right...

t. drumpftard
The framing of the past US election was to force traditionally nonpartisan millennials to side with one of the two relevant political parties. The most important thing for both parties is keeping their hold on power through exterminating hope of outsiders gaining power in the election. Trump is a puppet who will do whatever the republican party elites want, he is as establishment as they come, and Sup Forums fell hook, line, and sinker for his campaign

hehehe xd xd

Mute is a nub xd xd

he needs to stop being a candy assgot

am I rite bois


>We are here for the lulz not politics
dumbass newfag doesn't know what Sup Forums used to be



He was never one of us.

He left already in 2012 when he allied with the sjws. After that facebook users and stupid phoneposters conquered the site anyway. It's dead, Jim.

Apparently neither do you

True, he's a failed normie.

I have no idea what m00t is up to these days.

founder of 9gag :)

liebrul degeneracy

still anyone made the most important question:
is he still (Shit)posting here? did he really got tired of us and managed to break the "we're here forever" meme?

Last I heard he was getting free bucks from Google to make Hangouts less shitty.
The first ten years of Sup Forums was saying fuck you to neocons like Bush. GTFO with this r/theDonald shit.

Are you disabled, newfag? Thats moot, the man who started this shitshow.

moot is rich as fuck, and has purple-haired bitches on his dick 24/7
There's no reason for him to come back here

>The first ten years of Sup Forums was saying fuck you to neocons like Bush. GTFO with this r/theDonald shit.
And Sup Forums still hates the neocons and Bush, they're globalist cuckservatives to them.
What's more, Sup Forums has always made fun deviants like furries and pedos, not to mention emos, otherkin, and all other kinds of internet narcissists whose whole subcultures consist almost entirely of drama and atttention whoring---the special snowflakes of yesteryear

Friendly reminder: there's nothing wrong with botnet

>our guy
>policies we are fighting from years
Are you underage? Or just a plain autist?


nah fuck pol

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Adolf Hilter, the King of Wakanda.