So my mom fucked my router and I'm trying to plug Ethernet into modem. How do i do this

So my mom fucked my router and I'm trying to plug Ethernet into modem. How do i do this.

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if your mom literally fucked your router i think there's something wrong with her

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Sup Forums is 18+

plug ethernet into modem

lmao how are you "trying" to do this you fuccin brainlet, there is a hole, u have a cable just stick in in there jesus christ

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You have to reflow the solder on the modem. This works like the Xbox towel trick. Just microwave the modem for 10 seconds, no longer than 10 though. Some sites say to do 30 seconds but that’s too risky and tends to cause the solder to short nearby connections.

But my macbook has no place to plug that thing.



Take the plastic cap off the cable and insert the wires into the modem port that says 9v.

Op here it says the dhcp is fucked. And i am 18. Barely but still 18 parents are jews

Op again when i plug it in it says the ethernet doesnt have a valif ip configuration and the default gateway is not available. HOW DO I UNFUCK THIS


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What's stopping you from moving out?

look at your computer, not the router, and set the network/IP config to use dhcp. Failing that, choose an address like, or suitably low, and set the gateway to (probably the address of the router), and the net mask to
or stay retarded

Use a real operating system.

BUT HOW THO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has no router. He's directly plugged into the modem.

1. Factory reset your router.
2. Set your network connection to automatically obtain an IP address
3. Plug the cable into the router and your machine at the same time
4. Configure router to connect to the internet

Listen OP, you have an excellent opportunity here to learn basic networking skills. They're invaluable if you ever touch a real computer.

you might need a crossover cable to connect your ethernet directly into a modem

>Not fucking your router every once in a while

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You can't have Internet without a router.

You can't just stick the Ethernet cable from your PC to the wall.

are you 18