Essential Sup Forums kino

essential Sup Forums kino

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heres one

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le mr robot


shut the fuck up reddit

Since OP didn't start with an essential Sup Forums kino example, i will start in his stead.

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little x big D

anime pedophile KYS

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What would be the world today if Gary showed up to that meeting with IBM?

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>anime pedophile
Thats a big redundant font you think

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it's actually amazing how much attention to detail the creators have when it comes to methods. most of what they do is true to life, but sometimes they use unrealistic or sci-fi-ish depictions of infrastructure to make the real cool hacker shit happen.


>it's actually amazing how much attention to detail the creators have when it comes to methods
But they didn't made the MC a sissy smelly fat russian boy


yeah well why the fuck would they do that? media depiction of hacker culture should be important to you if you've ever been in a public space with a CLI on your screen, because it determines all the prejudices about you that pass through a normie's mind when they see that.

This is how real hackers looks like

I'm not talking about nix culture obviously

is this any good. oliver stone's one was ruined by all the preachy, retarded, feel-good bullshit

If you interested the slightest for the topic watch it. It is rather a documentation than a hollywood blockbuster, but worth it I guess.

Trap™ Origins


okay, you first

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friday night group stream when?


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purest Sup Forums kino

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>tfw no niggerloli gf

Gutes Kino.

Why did you screenshot that post?

Just to have some cringy roleplaying to repost.

Yeah, besides a few lies here and there arguably for the theatrical experience. I just remember watching the first episode and how he traced someone through the tor network lol

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The Big Bang Theory

I want Kuro to rape me

Serial Experiments Lain.

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THIS, lads.

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Zer0 Days (2016) for sure. It's about the Stuxnet virus which was aimed at destroying nuclear centrifuges in Iran

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I actually know one of the guys who helped write that shit.

damn that's cool. Is he a cybersecurity wizard, or did he just help write the script/interview questions?

Do your patriotic duty and dump some information.

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mr robot has its flaws but it's unironically one of the few entertaining shows on right now


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This shit is in German, but if you don't mind reading subtitles, it was really good.

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I actually know one of the guys who found that shit.

also i think this is on youtube -> at least it was a few weeks ago

>Sponsored by Micro&Soft

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Really? I didn't know that. Anyway, what are you implying?

>no bps

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Man 2003 was a magical time.

That sounds absolutely wonderful.

I watched one episode of this shit and I just felt exhausted, why the hell is it so popular?

Your brain is so wired for stimulation and visual variety that you can't sit still through 20 minutes of one of the finest visual media ever created?

I guess it's just boring and shitty, user! Darn! Oh well. Back to BLEACH for you.

BPS would have been good if it were like 3 episodes, but the way they had to use the same setup for every episode was so awful.

>edward snowden
you must be 18 or older to post here

Listen buddy, sorry to step on your cinematic masterpiece's toes, but I'm too old for this shitty psycho-drama crap anymore. Evangelion might have been creepy and unsettling the first time I watched it, but now if I do it's just so I can imagine myself in Shinji's place and fap to the sexual tension between him and Katsuragi, get it? Cut me some slack.

It's not really on the level of eva. There's symbolism in every moment of the series. It's about the connection between the wired and the self and society. Lain becomes more relevant every passing year. Do you see how connected people are? How their avatars, their selfies become greater than them? Our brains are becoming re-wired to our machines.

Watch it without subs, you can get something out of it even then. Just open your eyes to the images and relax. It's the only anime I've ever recommended to people who don't watch anime.

Well that sounds boring and depressing. I've done enough thinking and reflecting on shit in my life, and now I just wanna be a stoic bum and enjoy this crappy rock's short ride it has left into oblivion, ironically staring at a computer screen all the while.

Well, what did you expect? There's nothing positive about being connected the way we are now. Lain was always a warning of the isolation of the wired.

Hackers is unironically the coolest hacker movie.

anyone watch this?

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I have both of those Haxxxor movies. I have had them for years lol

If you are under 15 years of age


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in the url mate

Halt and Catch Fire is the shit. I stopped halfway through season two though, need to catch up.


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Are you fucking stupid? The source of the image is to be found in the url. Go there and play the movie
Fuck off

Man, this really is kino.
>How do I kickban someone from my house?

>Dumb assed kid refuses to think or to look beyond the end of his nose.
I guess you probably weren't even born when the first of those films came out

Get out of the thread if you dont like it boy. His post was just tongue in cheek. It is obvious it was not meant to be taken seriously.

>expect show about golden age of personal computing
>muh soap-opera tier relationship drama front and center
i swear if there was a modern show about wwii they'd make hitler and stalin butt-buddies who struggle over deciding on how to raise their adopted polish child half the time

niggers tounge my anus

I know a guy

What about for those of us who simply didn't have the right development and were completely socially isolated and eventually became paranoid of any social interaction?
Being the way we are connected now has finally filled my loneliness, and while the constant stream of information, entertainment and interaction with others online is probably just still a distraction, it's much better than the constant gnawing I would feel from isolation before.

ok leddit

>if there was a modern show about wwii they'd make hitler and stalin butt-buddies
You wouldn't watch that?!?

You realize they told you it's pure fiction beforehand.
Nothing to bitch about for you being a dumbass.

It just gets better and better by the seasons. The last one is amazing

Imagine having such shit taste.

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Ghost in Shell (1995)

pic related, of course

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I'll give you a body D in your little x

what anime was this? I saw it somewhere before but dismissed it offhand.

Sup Forumsdrone detected

kodomo no jikan

Kodomo no Pico