Mad man

Mad man

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He actually did it

the absolute mad man

So what's this about?
And who still uses Facebook really?

Musk delivers

all the pussies you'll never put your dick on

Yeah everyone's piling on Facebook but they won't think of leaving Instagram too.

Today some yuppie lost his/her social media management job.

your parents or grandparents probs

user I think you're trying to insinuate an insult. But you've managed to come off as charmingly naive. I'd squeeze your cheeks if I could.

The soylicon wars have begun. The liberal left pseudo-intellectual vanguards will begin devouring their ill-gotten empires as their brainlet follows are thrown into a schizophrenic mess as to who to support. I love this last stage in a bubble

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Holy shit fucking based Musk

Pic related. It's you.

>frog poster
shitlib pun >soylicon
man... i laughed to much with this.

They would also need to leave Whatsapp.

Fuck Telegram is so much better yet nobody uses it.

based, hopefully twitter is next. I got banned for calling a faggot a faggot the other day

You showed to that pesky FAGGOT!

Musk may he the soyboy Jesus but at least he doesn't fuck around

I only use facebook for the marketplace

lol dumb fuck


Kikebook let muh russia shill for le racist cheeto man and so people are deleting their pages to protest them not censoring hard enough.

At least that's what some cnet article said was going on.

normies are waking up, we should use this opportunity to tell them about how Google, Twitter and Microsoft are the exact same shit

I like how this only becomes a problem once Trump is involved.

twitter has nudes shut up

I'll say it just this once; Based Musk.

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I don't care, I'll take any chance I get to destroy the people who destroyed the internet.

Also, do you really think they won't find/make a worse replacement?

Probably but normies are now aware of this and they'll probably be more careful, next thing in the news will be "new social media just as bad as facebook!!" and shit

Tbh he warned us about AI

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>posted on Sup Forums by a tripfag with nothing but a bad story and some public information about the ME
oh so it's literally nothing

It's only good because our aunts aren't using it. Once everyone starts using a service it's inevitable it gets turned to shit.

>not being banned in the purge
Fucking faggot.


Hate on this man as much as you like but what he just did was pretty based