Elon Musk deletes SpaceX, Tesla Facebook pages


Is he /ourguy/?

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>Is he /ourguy/?
yeah /ourguy/ is the social media whore.
Let's see him delete all _his_ social media accounts and stop attention whoring there.

There are reasons to delete kikebook, and its because its a skinner box that makes you and everyone there worse people, not because it can be used by shills to help the candidates you're told didn't deserve to win elections win elections.

>Is he /ourguy/?

>Musk was ousted in October 2000 from his role as CEO (although he remained on the board) due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows.

Sup Forums is the exact same thing. You going to quit coming here too?

for what purpose

I try, but everwhere else you quickly build up a reputation which is way too much work trying to keep a handle on. Except for talking in person, but that's too expensive.

No, he's reddit guy.

/ourguy/ is RMS

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IMO, this whole Facebook/Cambridge Analytica mess is a organized campaign to prevent Zuckerberg from becoming US presidential candidate for the Dem party. Or perhaps someone/some groups are extorting him and trying to get something from him. Or both.

>IMO, this whole Facebook/Cambridge Analytica mess is a organized campaign to prevent Zuckerberg from becoming US presidential candidate for the Dem party

mr. reddit

Not saying it's bad, but it shows the shady stuff some people/groups are capable of doing, to keep their power, or to get more.

Imagine being this paranoid.

*eats shit from foot*

Not an argument.

Imagine being this naive.

and now linux is used on the shitty center console of a tesla

>Open source food cultivation
I bet you don't even know where your food comes from, or what processes it underwent.

>Opens sores food

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>Hey! This person did a tiny thing that aligns with my idea of a good thing, therefore his beliefs must be 100% aligned with mine, and as such I should project an ideal persona on this business owner.

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Musk did a "lol what's facebook" tweet, and someone challenged him to delete his facebook accounts

Pretending driving a Tesla isn't a huge privacy risk.

Wait, has zuck finally been cucked?

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the absolute madman

>delete (deactivate) fb
>move to FB owned Instagram

Space Tech, Tesla, Flamethrowers>>>>>>>GNU/Linux programming

I can't wait for fuckerberg's downfall

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*has billions of dollars*

pssh nothing personel kiddo

He didn't make the Facebook pages

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Social media isn't attention whoring bro

>social media isn't attention whoring

Isn't he the asshole that told white people to stop breeding? Fuck RMS.

He probably just meant red state trailer trash.

Not always but thats what elon uses it for

Probably, since the retarded blue state masses are more than happy to fall for commie promises.

It usually is bro

that's kinda the point of it

Sometimes I go into Reddit to get really triggered about things

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Didn't Obama did the same shit in 2012?

>Data mining for me but not for thee

technically they are right... and kikebook didn't do nuffing wrong... they just did what the terms and conditions said they might do.
on facebook, google, windows, e.t.c., you are the product.

This user knows what it's all about.
This place is a shithole, but it's fun and it doesn't bleed into real life. You are calling a user faggot not commenting on how Becky is getting fat.

Now I have to delete my SpaceX and Tesla Facebook pages.

I think most of us are better people for using Sup Forums. We exchange ideas freely with no fear of repercussions, yeah it shows the uglier sides of humanity sometimes but nobody is pretending to be something they're not (except for traps lel). We don't have to put on a mask when posting.

We can call each other faggots in one thread and help each other out in the next one. This really is the last bastion of the old internet, once Sup Forums dies, in my eyes the internet dies. Though I think the spirit of this place will live on once it inevitably does go under

Ignorance is a bliss my lad

>"Elon. It's Bill here. What are you doing?? You are jeopardizing the plan. Remember. I can activate the hardware backdoor at any moment. Want to lose another rocket? Think about it Elon."

Attached: Bill.jpg (140x140, 4K)

>>"listen to him

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musk has personal issues with zuck since the AI thing even though they both don't understand a shit about AI, but it's nice anyway since many soibois will double down on their god's (aka musk) bet and will try to hurt facebook even more

It does seem very politically motivated. Ever since Trump won they've been trying to blame someone for It, Russian story is going nowhere, fake news was a huge topic, so they will go after Facebook and zuckerberg. This shit is nothing new, Facebook sells your data. But because Trump won this was made big. Also every thing I read or watch mentions the alt right, Trump, the election.. Dems finally are gonna take someone down for Trump being elected and will be able to pin the blame on someone. Zuckis fucked.

>We don't have to put on a mask when posting.
have you ever been to Sup Forums?
I agree with the rest tho

This is pretty much exactly how I feel. By not having to maintain an identity I'm free to express what I really think, and there's no social pressure keeping me from admitting I'm retarded and changing my mind.

I'm true here, if a bit more vulgar for the bantz.

it's a huge mixed bag. people do wear masks because of the rampant trolling which Sup Forums is best known for. but yeah, this is truly the last "big" place that keeps the spirit of the old internet alive in some ways.

What a time to be alive.. leftists destroying each other.. two soyboys of soylicon valley batteling it out over who is the bigger pseudo-intellectual asshole leaching from society...

To think people actually thought they'd have to do anything to fight against them..
> mfw they are fighting and cancelling out themselves

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>just don't use google
LOL, as if the average person can just choose to do this in any capacity.

Fucking based


We'd probably have a Mars colony already if the Russians had made Musk president.

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>the ads you get
what' s adblock plus retard?

Virtue signalling faggot.

fuck that shit

Their rockets run linux today. Seriously, a real-time optimized one: lwn.net/Articles/540368/
>Linux is used for everything at SpaceX. The Falcon, Dragon, and Grasshopper vehicles use it for flight control, the ground stations run Linux, as do the developers' desktops. SpaceX is "Linux, Linux, Linux", he said.

go back to Sup Forums and stay in your containment board, cancer

>We'd probably have a Mars colony already if the Russians had made Musk president.
amifats and russtards never had space programs themselves.
Both stole V2 rockets from Germany in the end of wwii.
You'd probably have a Mars colony if you have let Hitler gas the kikes.
In that timeline you'd have never heard of Musk, the 25 yo bald e-jew.

How am I from Sup Forums because I said it seems politically motivated? Fuck off you retarded peasant

You are insane. V2 plans allowed russkies to launch their radio to orbit during famine, while people were dying, instead of spending money on food or useful machinery, and that's it.

>but it's fun and it doesn't bleed into real life.
That's fucking bullshit. I've seen spergs screaming 'cuck' at eachother at 3 in the morning at a McDonalds and talking about shitposting on Sup Forums. It's not a secret club once a bunch of brainlets from r/TheDonald showed up.

upboat xD

>Social media isn't attention whoring

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You can't tell from memes what websites people browse because pretty much everything from here goes viral to all other parts of the internet since 2008. Terms like cuck are said by many people I know that never browse Sup Forums.


>pretty much everything from here goes viral to all other parts of the internet since 2008
this is such a dumb meme, I can tell you're new as fuck

>said the Sup Forums user

>getting a positive PR image for your company via social networking is bad
>using a readily available platform to get people interested in your company and space exploration is bad



Holy shit how can one man be so based?
Sup Forums we should start a petition to get Hiro to invite Musk for a Q/A session here? Imagine how f*cking epic that would be!

A real hero.

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either a calculated PR strategic move to somehow benefit his company, or he's a complete retard. i honestly don't think he's a retard

Back in 2000, Windows was prob actually the better action, as Linux was in its infancy. Nowadays Linux is all grown up I see why he likes it.

Elon Musk’s dad has had a baby with his stepdaughter, who is 42 years younger than him - report

The 72-year old Errol Musk has admitted to the Daily Mail that he has fathered a child with his stepdaughter (30).
This has caused tension in the Musk family
Errol's son Elon, the billionaire CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla, has called his father 'evil'.
The Daily Mail has revealed the reason for the bitter rift between the billionaire Elon Musk and his 72-year old father, Errol Musk, who lives in Langebaan in the Western Cape.

According to a report, Errol is the father of a 10-month old baby son by his 30-year old stepdaughter.

Jana Bezuidenhout is the daughter of Errol’s ex-wife Heide. They were married for eighteen years, and have two daughters together. Bezuidenhout was four when they got married.


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what are you trying to say with this post?
He already disagrees with his fathers values

>Is he /ourguy/?

this is well-established. haters gon hate

imagine how Zuckerberg must be feeling now. His own people are abandoning him. The modern left, democrats, which the kikes thought they had in their bags have now caused the single biggest dent in his wallet since FB started. Sheryl Sandberg is on record saying she wants to help Clinton win. Imagine how she feels now. I think this whole fiasco will bring out the vengeful jew in them. I hope Zucc gets impulsive and goes on autistic rants about democrats being dumb fuck sour losers because Trump won and not Hillary, even though Obama did the same thing 8 years ago.

so? the sins of the father arent the sins of the son or are you gonna invoke some tribal law bullshit if so go back to africa were you belong.

Based Elon.

Actually, linux was significantly better in all applications relative to the day's windows than it is today. Microsoft implemented a shitton of nifty features that linux has had forever while linux sagnated and even became worse in many regards.

based Errol


the real reason the scum media and tech websites are attacking Facebook isn't because privacy at all, they all track your ass whenever possible and sells your data to the devil if possible. The real reason is because Facebook's feed algorithm doesn't serve pages anymore, if you have a page with a million fan, your post won't reach 30,000 at best and maybe 100,000 if you pay. The whole thing about sharing articles and youtube videos collapsed since Facebook wants you to stay the fuck INSIDE facebook as long as they can.

>social media isn't attention whoring

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can't imagine how great a world would be if hitler gassed all the kikes then died himself

non military state + no jew fucks

Don’t ever post in this subreddit again faggot

Based Stallman. I want to suck his 10 inch penis. I bet it is 100% uncircumcised.

>Social media isn't attention whoring bro

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It's like these people don't even realize that ads are inherently bad and intended to ONLY deceive you.
That's it.
With social media especially its not even about exposure to good products which could have been an argument. But even if that were the goal then you've clearly missed the mark when your ads look like they do.

You guys do realize this shit and fake news was all done by news corporation getting afraid of being replaced by social media

include me in the screencap

sup /r/Sup Forums

Liberals have been going on a witch hunt ever since Trump won.

>that makes you and everyone there worse people

They're whites in South Africa they're going to get ethnically cleansed.

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