Parents need a new pc for everyday use

>parents need a new pc for everyday use
>I point them towards a cheap ass pre-built
>everything just works and the thing makes 0 sound
virgin build your owners btfo

Attached: b0DN2Q9[1].jpg (1368x1014, 280K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You off your meds again?


Your parents died 9 months ago, it's time to move on.

I-I can bring them back

Checked. Poor OP.

Huh? So what's good for your parents should be enough for everybody here?

yeah unless you are a bunch of virgin gamers/coders LOL

had to do a custom build for my dad because there is no prebuild that has 10TB of storage and plays 2160p HDR blurays films by default. That's all he's using his computer for.

is your dad a virgin?

>4k hdr blurays on a computer

Why not? He uses TV as his permanent monitor in th

e living room

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Should've just bought an xbox one and a NAS.
bluray is dead on pc

>gaming pic
>has politic things in it
since when did gaming have anything to do with politics

Attached: 1520938591859.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Here almost begin cheap old machines run Linux or old Mac computers

Am I allowed to have an active wow subscription if I work there

>tell dad I'll build him a good office computer
>he goes out and buys the shittiest prebuilt with a fucking 5400rpm hard drive
>complains it's slow

Is anyone saying going to Best Buy and getting a $200 pc with monitor combo that costs less than the windows license it’s packaged with is a bad deal for people who only need a Facebook and YouTube machine? Just reinstall windows with the included code to eliminate bloatware and you’re golden

People say to build your own if you need stupid fast compute for compiling your gentoo install or something similar, almost every thread prioritizes value over pure speed

Are you even a native of this board or are you just an angry Sup Forumslock

Since devs started injecting their belief in videogames.

Attached: 1497387566931.png (1200x900, 979K)

Swap in a cheap SSD for him?

Women devs don’t count user

the thing about prebuilts isn't that they're bad, they're just more expansive than building yourself, especially if you're a gamer

at least that's how it was. with gpu prices that high it's probably cheaper to buy a prebuild now

Pleb and proud!
Good for you

>xbox one

Tell that to soyboys devs who put them on a pedestal.
Gaming nowaday is a fucking joke, pay 2 win cashgrab filled with identity politics and marxist propaganda