Can I learn to code from just lurking Sup Forums for hours a day?

Can I learn to code from just lurking Sup Forums for hours a day?

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Addenum: is posting in Sup Forums threads a good guide to bullshitting the professional language of software?


Yes, but you can only do fizzbuzz solutions

Sup Forums is basically a consumer electronics board now, theres no way you can learn anything meaningful about programming from it anymore

A thread died for this.

This, kek

There are daily programming threads full of people solving each others problems.

You might possibly learn to screenfetch tho.

He learnt everything he knows from Sup Forums, including how to use a keyboard, and he wrote the world’s most widely used operating system. Never give up on your dreams.

Attached: linux.jpg (900x750, 66K)

I'll give an honest answer here: yes (kinda).
>be me
>lurk Anoneemoose IRC channels in highschool because autism
>get redirected to le Sup Forums
>get memed into CS because autism and we r lijun
>get to university
>fuck me I don't know shit
>Everybody knows more than me about computers and programming
>They're just programming in visual basic but what the fuck did I know at the time
>Spaz the fuck out when professor explains the concept of RAM because wtf
>Find out about Sup Forums (I was mostly on Sup Forums at the time)
>Even more spooped by my lack of knowledge
>Decide I can't live like this
>Force myself to browse Sup Forums everyday of hours until I can understand every single thread
>Researching every single word posted here like a madman
>Get into ricing
>Rice the fuck out of my w7 install
>Dual boot Linux Mint (wiping my entire data in the process, twice)
>Wipe Mint, install Debian because anons
>Programming in C all the way through
>Dumpster dive for puter parts, make home server from scratch
>Flashing stuff on my 50€ Android phone because Sup Forums told me to
>Buy expensive headphones (after literally 1 year of research)
>Powerlevel through the fukken roof
>I even fap to anime every now and then
>1337 friends come to me asking for advice on technical stuff
>mfw all this because I couldn't understand what the neets on Sup Forums were talking about

So yeah, I guess it did me good to be on here, but you've gotta be willing to DYOR

Attached: TerryBlack.jpg (612x459, 58K)

Nice, this was exactly the type of post I was fishing for.

Crux of the matter is years on /lit/, /tg/ and leftypol have broken my brain's social centres. The only peer group I want to impress or relate to is an anonymous one that cannot judge my occasional failure - and for reason especially these shitty imageboards.

I've wanted to learn to program for awhile, and posting here seems like the tactic to really connect with my lizard-brain motivations. Thanks for the experience.

What does fizzbuzz mens in this context? I’m afraid I might be a fizzbuzz developer

>I even fap to anime every now and then
nigga what

You're trash

Im halfway through a machine learning PhD and probably know more than you do

Canada? I might know you
Not that cuck user btw

Sometimes I find decent career/interview advice here.

No, you learn dev by reading code and documentation and writing code and documentation

Sup Forums made me install arch and stopped me from wasting my disposable income on a new gayming PC.

Heck, I even decided to take a second shot at the CS degree after being a total failure dropout mainly because of you Sup Forumsuys.

Nope, Yuro

FizzBuzz are small tests to test good a programmer is at coming up with solutions to abstract problems, on the spot, but people have 99% of these test memorized already.

And your name had better be Sanjeev

Absolutely, along will looking at pics of obsolete tech un retro g!


is this copypasta

Yeah but you’ll probably get an aneurysm first

It might help you a bit if people occasionally post useful information, but the best way to learn is to get some good books, read, and experiment writing your own programs.

Of course not

The only thing you'll learn from doing that is how to shitpost about OS's and GPU's.

he is moot. Inventor of facebook

In a motivational sense, though?

No. Get a book faggot.