find a flaw
Find a flaw
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not free
logo is a letter
it is, you just gotta close the annoying pop up once in a while like winRAR
It doesn't play tetris
Not minimal enough for linux autists
Not feature packed enough for soy devs
The days of sublime text are over, it has been replaced by vscode.
No custom title bar on windows
The logo is bad desu
Professional webdev here, Sublime is my ideal editor. It has essentially everything I need (after adding some plugins) while remaining fast, flexible, and unopinionated.
>Professional webdev here
>Electron based text editors
They're all pretty much shit-tier. You have to pay for that shit too (but I wouldn't).
Depending on you autism level depends on the text editor you use.
[spoiler]I use VIM.[/spoiler]
It's low-stress, low-effort, and makes plenty of money. What's not to like? What are you doing instead that's so much better?
it's not built on electron
free as in freedom
it's not Emacs
You're right user.
People who make a living aren't professionals.
Only NEETS writing in superior ANSI C are the professionals.
I haven't actually tried in a long time but I THINK it doesn't have git integration?
Someone showed me a different text editor once where you could see a the git commit messages associated to each line, which was really neat IMO.
free as in if you had any skills with which you could change anything other than the title of the program and author.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
>a few hours into writing code
>feeling really productive
>needing to look up fewer keyboard shortcuts
>already fixed a couple of bugs today
>major feature is nearly finished
>could it be?
>yes, it is!
>you have achieved...flow.
>"Hay, user! Give me money!"
>flow interrupted
It's built in solid c++ though
Why else /boughtalicense/ here?
Feels like being a pimp between all those poorfag licencelets.
ST is the editor i've been using for more than 7 years, longest one by far. It's amazing how stable and extendable it is over such a long period. Worth the little bit of money if you use it all the time.
Also, fuck electron based editors that eat my entire system ram to open a 120mb log file.
Only downside.
Okay, fine only other issue.
>low stress
>oy vey i have to learn a new build tool every year
>oy vey i have to learn a frontend library of framework and its paradigms based on the company's requirements, and in many cases i have to re-learn a framework with a new major release, aka angular
C# with .NET is a much more stress free setup.
vscode isn't that much slower than sublime in benchmarks and xplay is coming soon
ad hominem back at you
meant xi-editor not xplay
Learning isn't stressful when you're not a brainlet.
And assuming he only does small projects - they aren't stressful either because you can't fuck up more than a few weeks of work.
it's stressful when you could allocate that learning to further your core programming skills, a luxury that many other programming jobs offer
feels good to support a fellow code poet m8
I got one, it's always a surprise for coworkers that I spent money on things I like and respect
- Proprietary
- Uses more than 10MiB RAM for a text editor
- Actually has lag for a text editor
- Requires more than a 486 for a text editor.
Besides the fact that is proprietary, it's literally godlike compared to it's competitors
Nothing really, though I prefer an IDE for most of what I do
vscode is solid, and offers some IDE features, but lacks the multiselect of sublime
It uses a shitload of ram, it's also really slow for a text editor, taking several seconds to do a search of a 3kib file and having some pretty mad ui lag to boot.
It's not good at all.
Everything it can do, VI and emacs can do better.
If you don't like them nano and notepad++ are also better and also free.
speak for yourself. I use tried and tested technologies to complete my projects. I'm happy to learn new things if they give me a material advantage, but I don't jump on every piece of flavour of the month bullshit.
*blocks the twitter license*
>several seconds to do a search of a 3kib file
Sublime tends to break down with long lines, I've definitely searched longer files in less time
I've found emacs slows to a crawl after about 10,000 lines, though obviously that's my plugins
sure faggot, let me explain to my boss that I absolutely have to use this archaic terminal editor instead of something that gets the job done that doesn't need a 500+ line alias file and 2 years of autistic training and self punishment to edit some text
>Explain to my boss
Why would you be doing that - if your boss wants you to use Sublime, that's what you use - end of story.
My arguments apply only to home and hobby use.
Oh, I was talking about office use only. My point is that we use windows machines at work, where terminal are fucking garbage. I do use vim at home when it comes handy
My boss wanted me to learn emacs because he knew the productivity increase that would come from a week of learning emacs.
I don't know why it took you 2 years to learn, it's not that hard.
Huh, hadn't heard of it before.
No Kakoune editing mode.
That’s literally it. I might make one since ST already has multi-selection.
phones home, i.e. botnet
If you have linum-mode enabled, that really fucks things up. I think there's an alternative mode but I forget the name.
>find a flaw
I can find you a shitload of flaws but I am not bothering into presenting all of them here.
I had a db where I wanted to replace some strings
(the db was an export from mariadb, I didn't have the console to change the fields)
long story short, sublime failed, geany failed, I don't remember what else failed but the only thing that worked was emacs.
if I need several other editors to do a complete job, then that editor is not for me. I have been using emacs, almost vanilla, for almost a decade, and it's the only tool that won't let you down in any problem you will face.
I usually use netbeans because I am working remotely via ftp on some projects(yeah, netbeans has this feature embedded) but emacs is my old faithful.
Due to my "job"(take that as you like) I have to use eclipse sometimes.... which is a clusterfuck of shitty code glued together.
footer: no, sed or any other onliner couldn't help, I had to check several lines before to check if the correct table was the one I was changing. no, importing it wouldn't help, first I didn't want to load a db from mariadb to mysql and export it and second why would I want to import a text file somewhere when I want to change several fields?
>$70 price tag
>EVER handing your payment information and your money over to Kikes and Jews wanting money for a fucking
>Want it for FREE?
>You have to either be student or an employee somewhere especially if your employer will be generous enough to cover the price and cost by fucking buying it for you
>Your options are:
>OR: pre-cracked, a crack or registering it with someone else's license which there are millions of floating around online
>Even MicroJew has dropped the price tag for VSC down to for fucking free, the only ones they want money from are from their business and enterprise partners, consumers and customers
>Atom has its own IDE now
Now fuck off already, and go get bent, SublimeShill
What if I hate electron?
I never said anything to make feel inclined to use Atom, though
dont let it spook you but hardware is proprietary.
It's too slow running over remote X11.
A flaw none the less.
Shit thread, bye
I love ST and use it all day every day for systems work, mostly Ruby, bash, Python, and Puppet, but man the plugin ecosystem is kind of shit show. The sublimelinter folks radically refactored everything including their theming and one day all my shot was just automatically broken. I literally spent 8 fucking hours reconfiguring my theme and all the linting. At some point it seems ST removed most of the stock color themes including mine (twilight) and everything went to shit. I got everything mostly working again after manually modifying various twilight theme files but still the gutter is flaky and sometimes stops working.
You should have used Awk.
You should have loaded the dump into a temp database and made your changes there. Use the right tool for the job. You can’t expect an editor to handle massive files, for Christ’s sake that’s why the data in in a relational database and not a flat file csv or some bullshit.
t. professional WordPress developer
If you're a professional dev you should honestly just fork over the $70 since you evidently like the software so much.
sorry I don't feel like spending 3 weeks configuring emacs for full on development.
also that learning curve. jesus.
Literally work it into the flow bitchnigga. That's what I do.
It can't edit big files. (not that critical) Or files with long lines. (way more critical)
Even vim and emacs are better at this, imagine this.
>sublime text
Hahahhaha wtf are you female op? Wtf just use vim nigga
>open thread
>thread isn't flooded with pic related
Am I a productivitilet if I spend most of my time finding the perfect workflow?
horseshit sftp/ssh support
seriously considering looking into developing a multi caret plugin for kate that behaves like sublime's. its the only reason I use it sometimes.
>ctrl + B
>Saves project, and never activates the nag
Are you a literal monkey?
VS Code is better
>Only NEETS write in C
I'm used to vim. I'm sure it's a fine program though.
Atom exist.
>C# with .NET is a much more stress free setup
Hell the fuck no it isn't
I use both sublime and VScode, both have strengths the others lack, mostly particular extensions.
Pic related, vscode has multi-select. Not sure what you're talking about - perhaps some ancient version?
.NET is a mature ecosystem and you're in a basement ricing arch.
Between vs code, sublime and atom, atom is by far the worst.
Atom is the best.
electron.js from atom
vscode from electron
sublime remains mainstream and not poisoned by javascript
"no u"
just stop
>EVER handing your payment information and your money over to Kikes and Jews wanting money for a fucking
Yeah, handing over your credit card number directly to the developer really sucks. Too bad that's totally what you have to do to buy Sublime Text because it is fucking 90s again. Also, fuck people who want to get paid for making desktop software.
P.S.: Why the hell is everything moving to proprietary SaaS subscription shit nowadays?
doesn't offer compilation options
>all these nu-males advertising their shitty webdev-tier editors
What is your editor and what do you do for a living?
It's not Microsoft Word.
Faggots like OP should neck themselves.
Sublime, geany maybe even VSC for small projects
What i do for work is irrelevant,but trash software like Atom being pushed by soyboys from github/stackoverflow is not.VSC is not shit on electron because Microsoft actually develops decent software even though they get a lot of flack, most of the times deserved.Almost everything else based on electron is though
>inb4 Sublime doesn't have build tools
Yes it does, you just don't have to be mentally disabled to figure it out
what do you mean?
There's no way to keep your porn hidden on it, I want to seprate my JAV and regular movies
Whats a good python ide that tells you the arguments a function takes? I currently use pic related
display-line-numbers-mode is in emacs 27 (or is it 26?) and is part of the emacs C core instead of an elisp extension, so it's much more performant