what happened with facebook? can anyone explain? thanks
What happened with facebook? can anyone explain? thanks
>facebook data is breached
>normies then discover archive shit in settings
>includes comprehensive list of everything youve done on FB
>which includes phone calls and texts from your phone if you've had FB apps installed on your phone
normies JUST realized facebook is spying on them, and now no one trusts them
Fake news basically. Everyone wants someone to hate, now the news cycle had fallen upon Facebook.
Surely everyone already knew that those shitty Facebook apps "free personality test!" where scams.
>facebook is spying
Wait what? wtf? Send link pls
pretty much this. however, I get the feeling this is also caused by zuckerburg himself. guy thinks he can become POTUS in his lifetime and he puts lots of pressure on his company and independent reporters tot to produce negative press of him personally. I think at this point he is even willing to sacrifice facebook to get into politics.
You know that Trump asshole?
That was facebook's fault.
Effectively, nothing happened.
A bunch of plebs signed up for services without reading what perms they were giving apps permission to use.
Those apps then mined for data.
Facebook is only pissed because the product (facebook users) turned a profit for some not Facebook.
Politicians are pissed because they didn't think of it first.
Users are pissed because _______... lets be honest here they don't even know why.
they invented the internet
Normies have JUST discovered Facebook's business model.
Think of it like this, Facebook has those stupid apps like words with friends and farmville, right? Imagine Facebook being Androids Playstore, and those apps, being malware laden, data stealing APK's. Basically, Facebook hadn't set restrictions on their apps abilities, so developers took full advantage of the situation. This whole deal with trying to spin this at Drumpf is laughable, because not a tear was shed when Obama did it with the data of 190 million FB users. The whole thing is unfortunate and disgusting, but us so called tin-foils we're screaming this would happen, and nobody wanted to listen. Want another example of why shit like this is wrong? Equifax. They have all of our data, regardless of the fact that we may have never done business with them in any way, shape , or form. It's a huge liability to us to have these details in the hands of people we may not trust.
Most people are retarded and won't believe something unless it's "real", aka in the news they consume
brainlets are surprised they got botnetted after signing up to a botnet, basically.
good. the more people hate facebook, the more that slimy kike loses influence
wtf i love facebook now
users are pissed because the electronic jew told them to be upset
Can you believe that the monstrosity that is Facebook, is sooo huge, that a 2% drop in the stockmarket, caused them to lose BILLIONS of dollars? It's fucking disgusting where people's values and priorities have gone. Facebook offers nothing of value over, say, Sup Forums, and it just goes to show you how fucking inept Moot and the Gook are, if they can't turn a profit off this shithole.
"Lol who cares. I have a sticker on my webcam."
- normalfag
Share ur needle?
Why not? I'm wearing a condom.
Oh well, at least you didn't deny he's an asshole.
I just deleted my account! WOAH!
>Fake news basically.
Wrong, assholes. Fuck facebook and fuck you. No-one believes the lies anymore
did they only mine personal data? why dont they measure what the users read, extrapolate their interests from there and shit and then sell the info to advertisers?
They do.
Guy decided he didn't need any more blowies from Brenda Song and decided to shut the whole thing down
>People are JUST NOW realizing Facebook spies on them
How can people possibly be this fucking dumb?
how? got a link?
because things don't exist until there's media coverage
>people are praising Elon Musk for deleting company Facebook pages
Holy shit please I want to get off this wild ride
Normalfags don't put stickers on their webcams
How would they facetime?
(((facebook))) spying on goyim ?
jee, I wonder (((who))) marketed (((facebook))) in the first place....
>normies leave facebook
>to instagram and watsapp
Just as planned.
Literally got caught trying to brainwash people.
>liberals get tired from facebook
>find the perfect motive to delete that
Can you believe that bitcoin...
In short, people are idiots, don't think about economics too much or you'll lose faith in humanity, if you even have some left.
Facebook started out with good intentions but like all things it quickly turned out to be a big pile of shit in the end. Drama, endless bullshit, spying, random people I have no clue who the fuck they are trying to be "my friend" People I went to school with and haven't gave a shit about in 10+ years wanting to be "friends" when back in the day they didn't want to have nothing to do with me (or me them). Hell with that, I've got more important shit to do than waste time with face book. The people who know me (friends/Family) they can get a hold of me easy, just hit up my cell ,send me a damn e-mail. or fuck just stop by the house
Wish I bought bitcoin back in 2008 when it was cheap. Be a rich dude now. "Retire" and not do a damn thing for next 50 years other than enjoy life and not worry about shit
5 8
They pissed off the deep state by selling data that benefited the wrong candidate.
So what has been given a blind eye for the past decade suddenly has negative media attention and legal trouble.
idiots invaded the platform and greed took over.
Who doesn't, pretty much nobody thought people were *that* retarded. I'm angry about the computing power being wasted though, we really need some of that in pharma.
wouldnt it take the hackers quite a while to download every users data? and wouldnt it also be required that the hacker has their own data center to store the shitload of stuff?
Old NAS drives are pretty cheap if you know people. I got 12 8TB HP drives with 1 year on them for 35€ each, those things cost fortune.
>Moot and Gook
still going to need a lot more than that to clear out a facebook datacentre.
This .
>"Hey user, you know all those personality tests and flash games your constantly sharing and playing on Facebook are really stealing your personal information and sharing it with others right?"
>"Oh user, you're a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. Facebook won't let that happen, it's illegal."
>Mass media coverage of Facebook data breach
Google drive isn't expensive either.
Sup Forums is unmarketable precisely because it's a vile shithole.
who or what is this Sup Forums?
They are hackers on steroids.
He may have been just a system administrator.
A far left internet hate machine.
True. Everything is up to debate until we talk about communism and the far left in general. At this point, everyone stands united. Pretty good way to define Sup Forums, sadly.
> Facebook started out with good intentions
No it fucking didn't. The zucc was never some goody twi-shoes that got corrupted by power or some shit, he was always an asshole
Downloading the FB data made me deactivate my account.
Not because privacy, but because it dated and listed every single friendslist addition and removal.
Inrealized I haven't added anyone since 2016 and I only talk to 2 people on it, everything else is just throwing shit at a wall fishing for social interactions until you snag a bite.
Everyone is participating in this shitfest, there's almost no actual communication between shared links and ads.
Much like this place. Hell, this could even be conversation in general.
Zuckerhebe got greedy and wanted too many sheckels, typical juden.
Sup Forums is different because it's anonymous and the core of the conversation is always at front, facts and opinions.
When people's names and reputations come into play it becomes reddit but worse.
Literally this
Go look on leddit. They just want to circle jerk over Zuckerbergs net worth dropping.
Facebook has always spied on its users. God forbid normies see how much info Google keeps on them...
I was going to delete anyway, also only spoke to 2 people. Did last night.
Gf is sour as fuck Rn lmfao
The cunt
Wish I kept bitcoin instead of use it to buy steroids off silk road like it was designed for. Kek
Could be worse user. I used 1000 bitcoins to buy a $5000 motorcycle with which i drove 2 months later into an high speed accident that left me with broken unusable fingers from age 25 to 30. I had driven for 18 hours to another country to lose my virginity.
Just now at age 31 my fingers are flexible again. That girl removed me from her life 3 months after the accident because I had no money.
>media is anti deep state
Nice HN post faggot. Your writing style is fucking obvious.
What is HN? I'm just a basement dweller that fucking hates Facebook and always has.
I'm glad young normies are dropping it for Instagram creating a divide. Old people will eventually stop talking to themselves on it and fuck off (maybe, it's been 10+ years of formed habit), then we can go back to having normal fucking friends you talk to without everyone else being involved.
I never get these insults. HN, Hacker News, is a pretty dope website. Most of the shit you see on Sup Forums comes from HN. The comments aren't my thing, but the links are always gold.
user put it best yesterday.
>Retarded people took 15 years to realize the obvious.
I believe the meme you're looking for is Reddit Spacing
That's exactly what they did. They extrapolate what you've liked, what you follow, what you respond to. Then hired psychologists to produce shit specifically for your ape brain.
Didn't help them that they tried to blame their shit on Trump, either.
Zuck was out to fuck everyone from the get-go.
There was also the big news story a year or two ago about how facebook was showing particular things to groups of people in psychological studies. Normies were outraged for 5 minutes before returning to a docile dream-like existence, as will happen with this current storm-in-a-tea cup.
Facebook users aren't very bright, are they?
lol who cares.
I have a sticker on my webcam.
Nothing to hide nothing to lose amirite.
do you watch porn? what type?
>download archive
>all it has is the basic information from my profile (what groups I'm in, age, etc)
is this because I use FaceSlim instead of the official app on my phone?
Then there's the old-fashioned data tapes. You could use HDDs as an intermediary storage unit while it's written to the tapes.
A bit old-fashioned, but perfectly plausible.
>good intentions
he was always a JEW
media is the PR department of the deep state. The deep state wants facebook to suffer for letting trump win
I didn't quit Facebook because of privacy concerns, I quit it because I'm painfully ugly and got no attention.
>sending cash straight to the mother-ship
I'm sad because even knowing about the spying I was forced into using the messenger app to keep in touch with somebody important.
Of course the gook is turning a profit
>caring about the stock market
the stock market was a fucking mistake.
I wanted to get into it when it first came out because I legit thought it would end up as a good regular currency. Only reason I didn't was I was a kid at the time and couldn't. Wish I had been born a few years eariler.
>Fake news
Bullshit. It's more like OLD news. Facebook has always been spying on their users and they've always been in the business of collecting users data and selling it. This is true for Google too. It's not "fake", it's totally true. It's just not.. new(s).
>I just deleted my account!
There's a limit to how much that will help you and this is probably the most annoying aspect of Facebook. Your friends and random people will post pictures which include you and tag you in them. You'll have to talk to people you socialize with regularly and explain to them why you do not want to be on Facebook at all or avoid people who use it.
Works for zucc so you should be good.
Shouldn't there be like a million facebook clones just waiting to pounce on their demise? I haven't seen alternatives suggested at all
Let me guess, Sup Forums loves Facebook now because it's the opposite of what everyone else is doing
Sup Forums was never actually contrarian, it's just that everyone is stupid.
>Everyone wants someone to hate
The last straw of a man who doesn't want to think rationally. It's not about "haters gonna hate", it's about users not being bright since 2013. and the confirmation of the existence of a surveillance system (PRISM).
>pretty dope website
You're exactly what n-gate.com
normies act like they wouldn't trade their morals for money if given the opportunity. most just don't ever run into that opportunity
you're fucking pulling a heist on one of the biggest fucking tech companies in the world, you're telling me these people can't afford to put $2,000 into some fucking hard drives?
what the fuck is a paltalk
Wait, so this controversy is different than the Cambridge Analytica one?