How the hell do I activate Windows 10 without talking to some rude fucking Indian who barely speaks English?

How the hell do I activate Windows 10 without talking to some rude fucking Indian who barely speaks English?

>Sir can u pls helping me type in the run box SLUI 4
>"Yes but it doesn't do anything."
>Sir how can I helping u then
>Sir I am telling u but u no listen type in the run box
>Do u no the run box
>SLUI space then 4
>Now telling me wut u see
>"I know what the run box is and I'm typing the activation ID command out but it's not popping up, nothing is happening."
>How I can help u then huh? U not listen

God damnit I hate Indians. I recently upgraded hardware and I just want to activate Windows 10 without using a keygen. I was a digital upgrade so I don't have a physical key.

Attached: heart attack.jpg (1100x734, 67K)

get cucked by poos brainlet

>"Bill speaking"

Attached: 20170228202010-GettyImages-1510990.jpg (700x350, 34K)

>Microsoft Toolkit

>Uses an OS that needs activation
>Complains about having to activate the OS
Imagine being this stupid.


Yep, that's my complaint. Not the fact that Microsoft outsources their shit to India and makes people deal with those fucking assholes.

Already have that for Office. Was hoping I wouldn't have to since I already have Windows 10 for free.

You got what you deserve. Now leave, we don't care about you.

Just get a new key for 4$ on eBay

Ok?? You don't need to talk to anyone there are keys online that will work a quick Google search wouldn't hurt you.

>installing windows 10

Attached: 1499448212158.gif (445x247, 2.62M)

Got it taken care of and got a hold of Pajeet's supervisor. I hope his rations are cut and he gets whipped.

>Watching cartoons over the age 10

You should use an os that respects your freedoms. especially one approved by the fsf.

Like he cares. He'll just go work in one of the thousands of scam call centers available in India and pretend to be from Microsoft instead of actually being from Microsoft.

>actually paying for windows

Attached: kek.png (601x566, 973K)

It was a free digital upgrade from 7 but what I didn't know is that if you change hardware, it will de-activate and you have to either re-install Windows or call them and have it re-activated.

>windows 10

Attached: 1324392w.jpg (259x194, 9K)

What else is there to use?

>be me
>literally retarded
>cant pirate
>get's """"""free""""" windows upgrade
>upgrade is windows 7 to windows 10
>not realising it's a downgrade
>cant be fucked to upgrade to linux
>Muh software compatability
>muh ease of use
>dont have enough braincells to activate windows by himself
>goes on Sup Forums to complain about poointheloofags and microsoft

i hate indians but you are worse, do us a service and an hero

That’s when I switched to Linux. No need for a key and it never expires. Plus it’s always the Premium or Professional version.

>luddites pretending 10 is not miles better than 7

Attached: 1521759301031.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

Works on my machine

>he doesnt know about the new mobile phone activation system

It's rad. No humans to talk to and the thing is basically a keygen created by MS to make activation go quicker.

is kmspico a keylogger?

Me too. Sounds like he has a configuration issue.

>using microsoft products
You bring these headaches on yourself. On some level, you have to realize this. That said, why would you come here looking for help or sympathy? Since you apparently have more money than intelligence, perhaps a Mac is in your future? It's my understanding that they at least have good tech support.

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What show is that

What is actually better with it?

I don't usually gib sauce, but I have to do it for her.

Attached: soranowoto.gif (320x180, 1.75M)

they dont have an answer because there is nothing better about win10, only downsides that they refuse to acknowlege

better window snapping
virtual desktops
doesn't look like antiquated shit
runs better

Forward march!

enjoy the chinese malware john

>runs better
It uses like a gig of ram.

Ask to speak to their supervisor, idiot.

I think OP wants software that really works.

Do you have to activate it?

i hope this is sarcasm. what is actually better?


If you can't get a legit copy of Windows 10 for free you aren't googling hard enough. That is unless things have changed since 2016

Things have changed since 2016. At the end of 2017 in fact they finally properly ended the free upgrade.