Why is Gnome the most popular DE?
Why do you use Gnome?
Why not KDE or another DE?
Why is Gnome the most popular DE?
Why do you use Gnome?
Why not KDE or another DE?
>Why is Gnome the most popular DE?
For the same reason why Windows is the most popular OS.
Get out of here with this bullshit.There is no definitive answer to these questions. You're only trying to trigger people.
They pay companies to preinstall it in their consumer systems?
It's the default
KDE fucking sucks donkey balls
XFCE/LXDE/anything openbox can be cool but takes a lot of ricing to be useful
Cinnamon is just GNOME trying to look like Windows
MATE looks severely dated
>Why do you use Gnome?
Because it's the most popular.
Gnome works good only on fedora, but still not as good as openbox or xfce. KDE only work passable on Neon but it still kinda slow and buggy, not as bad like in past, where i can't even use it properly, but still not good.
what about Budgie?
Could be good when they switch to Qt.
Really nice on solus.
I'm using XFCE right now, but I'm gonna be switch to something that isn't Gnome once 18.04's out of Beta.
*switching to...
I use GNOME because Red Hat knows what is best for me and im too dumb to know how to configure my desktop.
everyday this kde shit fuck off mate
I remember when gnome 3 first came out trying it out, and thinking, " Hey, this doesn't look too bad, when they flesh it out and add a few features...." then I immediately was like, " no wait.. gnome devs.. that will never happen".
I haven't bothered with gnome since. But I remember that gnome-tweak-tool thing so you could get broken bits to work. I bet that's still a thing all these years later, isn't it? Yeah it is, I just checked.
Lol, gnome. It will always suck.
Ubuntu Budgie is outstanding.
It just werks
When I tried budgie it gave me the impression that it wants to be cinnamon when it grows up.
Because Stallman hates KDE
rossman is that you?
funny how the situation is now reversed and gnome is threatening the whole linux ecosystem
Because it's the default for my distro, and I couldn't be arsed to change it..
In the contrary, GNOME is empowering Linux
by forcing devs to break compatibility with other DEs? seems about right, ""empowering"" mostly consists of fraudulent behavior these days
because it's developed by a semi competent company
They aren't forcing shit, they are doing the right thing, unify Linux in a single DE, the rest are just fragmented deadweight
no thanks mein fuhrer
Actually no, they are making a big favor to Linux
thanks, but no thanks. i like to have choices. that's the great thing about linux; don't like a ram gobbling monstrosity? just install a different DE.
i'll stop bashing gnome when they accept that they're just one among others and stop forcing their shit though. got a bit too big for their shoes
>thanks, but no thanks. i like to have choices.
And you will still have them, but not spect those irrelevants DE to dictate the rules, they are not worthy
>i'll stop bashing gnome when they accept that they're just one among others and stop forcing their shit though.
They don't have to admit shit cause they do not care what NEETs like you think, they care in making shit happen, people who are obsesses with ram are actually improductive mame players
muh nigga
GNOME 3 is utter garbage trash.
Gnome 2 or KDE 3 is where its at.
I love GNOME!
It's best DE for developers! Because it comes from developers!
- minimal distractions
- simple
- no need to do any configuration, works out of the box
- software is integrated nicely with DE
It's the best!
>Why is Gnome the most popular DE?
Not any more, lel
Actually, it is.
The cut back functionality is really just stripping it off of unnecessary distractions. GNOME devs are doing us a favor!
GNOME doesn't even have a built in calculator. What a joke.
>Why do you use Gnome?
I don't, I use unity.
pfff, not even KDE developers like moronix.
Preach it bro
This. In KDE a grandma could accidentally delete her system. This isn't possible in GNOME.
Short answer: No
Says who? The Gnome developers?
this is the main reason i use it. any os that doesn't have this feels uncomfortable.
because its the the most comfiest and we all know all DEs are shite
I haven't touched gnome since 2011, I'll never use it again.
Wow, mac OS sure looks ugly these days
I like Cinnamon, is there something wrong with me?
I wish I could go back in time and prevent Miguel de Icaza from creating GNOME
but anyway, desktop linux will only succeed if YOU make sure not to use GNOME. Don't support gnome and its evil developers.
>A survey of a strugling Linux "news"
Fucking KeK
but gnome 2 was neat as fuck
good thing there's xfce: original desktop enviroment do not steal which recreates the feel of gnome 2
>it's all a conspiracy!!!!
May I ask why you are defending GNOME this hard?
At least, they include a calculator
Cause Linus use it, Stallman loves it and is making Linux great.
GNOME doesn't include a calculator by default.
I honestly can't think of a good reason for why anyone would stick with Gnome. KDE is so good now that it should be the "default" Linux desktop.
>making Linux great.
Wtf does a kernel have to do with GNOME?
>KDE is so good now t
Not at all, is a buggy POS shit, Akanodi sucks, Baloo sucks, Plasma crashes a lot, it is a shitty DE and it gets more attention of what it deserves
Gnome can't interact with the hardware without the kernel.
too many customization options. it makes things harder to fine. i remember installing kde and i couldn't find the option to show hidden files.
i hate customization. i want a simple desktop environment that doesn't have a bunch of customization options
File picker meme. Need I say more?
>i hate customization. i want a simple desktop environment that doesn't have a bunch of customization options
Sounds like the total opposite of a GNU/Linux system. You really should switch to Mac os or windows.
No, suck a dick, GNOME is perfect for that
>Akonadi sucks
I don't actually know because I don't use it and it's actually unnecessary.
>Baloo sucks
Literally just works for me. Yeah sure when it's doing the initial indexing it sucks up CPU power for too long (assuming you have a ton of files already) but once it's done, it doesn't even bother the user.
>Plasma crashes a lot
The reason why its so good now is because it doesn't even crash anymore. You just need to use actually up-to-date software. Older versions are buggy hellholes but the latest stuff is fucking good.
>product key expiration
>forced updates and forced restarts
>pre-installed adware
i would use windows if it weren't for these things
Maybe you shouldn't be using a computer.
That's great. FOR YOU!
You are not me. I am not you. I personally have no issue with customization, and would be incredibly displeased if any of it was taken away.
This is why there are multiple desktop environments. Some may cater to different types of people, so that everyone has something they can use comfortably.
Additionally, some may choose a less feature-rich or pretty DE like XFCE or LXDE/LXQT so that they can run their system smoothly on very old hardware.
This is an important strength of Linux (or GNU/Linux for the autists). While there are certainly disadvantages that come with its fragmentation, there are also unique advantages that give the OS capabilities that its competitors don't have.
I'm a kde guy but it still buggy as shit
In other words: you're stupid
>Why is Gnome the most popular DE?
Because it's the default installed on the most common and widespread distros.
I don't use GNOME, I prefer KDE.
Tried GNOME recently but on a shitty old laptop, was laggy as fuck. KDE runs fine though. I originally switched back in the KDE 3.5 days since GNOME had deleted yet another feature that I personally used all the time and it was the last straw so I said fuck it and went full KDE. Had previously used both KDE and GNOME but was primarily on GNOME at the time since that's what Ubuntu at the time had and that's the distro at the the time I was using and it had worked more or less well enough, but just kept getting shittier and shittier. Of course once the clusterfuck of KDE 4 happened I switched away and used various WMs and shit, but KDE 5 seems to have fixed most of the bullshit, granted I took a long ass leave of absence using OSX on a MBP as my primary.
>You are not me. I am not you.
Precisely, so get over the fact that others prefer options other than KDE. You shills have replaced Sup Forums as the kings of annoying.
i am stupid because i don't enjoy hindrances?
I don't enjoy customization options cluttering up my file manager?
i don't like having to find a product key every time my product key expires?
kde's file manager is an ugly piece of crap btw. you are insane if you think it looks better than nautilus
>get over the fact that others prefer options other than KDE
I'm not sure why you're saying that. I was never claiming that everyone needs to use KDE, and I don't know where you got that idea from. However, just as not everyone needs to use KDE, GNOME should not be the only DE.
Stop using old versions.
No, I do work in industries that aren't mouth-breathing software development, computers today are designed for people like me, deal with it
My intelligence is not in computer development, neckbeard.
>kde's file manager is an ugly piece of crap btw. you are insane if you think it looks better than nautilus
Looks the same to me. The difference if you want to change how nautilus looks, you literally cant.
>GNOME should not be the only DE.
It isn't, and I don't see the people who use WM's throwing tantrums about how their personal choices are not the default. Get over it. None of us made the decision, why burden us with this bullshit?
customization options are the opposite of minimalist.
they make the desktop environment more complicated than it needs to be. the point of minimalism is to make the desktop less complicated to save time
gnome is more minimalist than kde, xfce and all these shitty desktop environments you people like
The only problem is that GNOME devs also control GTK
>he thinks customization options = bloat
If GNOME is so minimal, it should obviously be the lightest and fastest DE out there.
What's that? It's actually one of the slowest and heaviest?
well then...
5.12.3 is old huh?
Screenshot it.
>The difference if you want to change how nautilus looks, you literally cant.
no matter how you customize the file manager for kde, it looks like shit. what's the point of customization when it still looks like shit no matter what you do.
the nautilus file manager will always be better than dolphin or whatever the fuck that file manager is called.
Even when they look literally identical?
Please give an explanation why.
What is wrong with you and
>this DE doesn't include calculator by default
EVERY linux distribution has calculator!
1. Open your terminal emulator
2. Type bc
3. You have a calculator
Subjective. I personally think Dolphin looks way better than Nautilus, and think Nautilus looks like crap.
But I don't think you should use KDE if you really don't want to. If you're happier with Nautilus and GNOME, then go ahead and use them. See? That's how choices work.
Those fucking touchscreen titlebars on the left are revolting.
Default Gnome is actually pretty lightweight, I've installed it many times. It does tend to bloat up quickly, though. I regards to the performance issue, there is a legit reason for that, however I can't remember exactly what it is. I wanna say it's related to mutter, but I don't want to misinform anyone.
Not good enough for the average normie. They need a GUI calculator.
>inb4 I don't want the normies to come over anyway
You do if you want companies to give a shit about supporting Linux. And yes I said Linux. Specifically referring to the kernel here.
But gnome depends on systemd
i never said customization options equal bloat. I implied that minimalism implies simplicity and xfce and kde are the opposite of simplicity(especially kde) with all their customization options.
determining whether a desktop environment is good based on its ram usage makes you an idiot
From my experience, it's actually heavier than Windows 10. I have no idea how that's possible, but apparently it is.
Dolphin looks like a polished turd though. Feels bloated and sluggish compared to nautilus.
But it's fine with me, if you like using bloated and buggy software it's your choice. I'm fine with it.
No hard feelings, buddy.
And so do the majority of distros. Not my problem. I didn't make the decision. If it's an issue, gather up your lady friends and bitch on Twatter. Maybe you can accuse Linus of rape or something and he might change his mind.