How to end world hunger?
How to end world hunger?
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>"Release the mosquitos"
World hunger isn't tech.
You could just open up some mcdonalds tho to fix it
Kill all the poor people.
end the hungry in the world
Just manipulate the statistics user. World hunger solved.
Well then how to end world hunger using tech?
we currently have genetically engineered food that is designed to only last 1 season and intentionally not produce seeds
let the mega corn go free in Africa, problem solved
Wipe out all non-whites
feed people
If nignogs survived millions of years eating their own shit and mud, they'll survive losing the megacorn after one season of prosperity.
We allready have enough money and food so we just seize all the money and resources from capitalists who don't deserve it and use it to set up a world wide planned economy so we can industrialize as fast a the USSR did. Then we end unemployment, homelessness and poverty and move onto glorious world wide post scarcity communism.
yeah but point is they do that by having 20 kids and 1 or 2 lives, that's world hunger
this way all 20 make it to double digit ages
Just eat more
install gentoo
Why do you want yourself dead?
Literally just give away free "basic" food items to anyone who wants them regardless of income.
With the $250/month my fat american ass spends on rice, beans, chicken, vegetables, and other "staples" I could afford to go to the local trade school and advance my position in the world, but here I am making meager wages working far too few hours and can't be arsed to "work harder" just so I can work even harder than that.
I'd love to contribute to society in a meaningful way, but my lot in life is apparently stocking shelves and cleaning vomit off the grocery store floor.
We could turn used plastic into something that looks like food (i.e. see chinese fake rice or fake watermelons) they defenitely won't be hungry anymore and we could produce an infinite amount of said food
Round up everyone with an IQ under 120 and systematically eliminate them
this is why I keep coming back to this god forsaken peruvian hiking forum
Then who will work the farms you fucking brainlet
>let the starving people starve to death
>remaining population can afford/obtain food and therefore isn't hungry
no more world hunger
Machines which allow one man to perform the work of 50. Also you won't need as many farms if you remove 90% of the population.
If that isn't enough put everyone with an IQ between 110 and 120 in work camps on the farms
Or maybe grind death row inmates to food and sell them to poor people
take our poor people and feed them to the africans
kill all niggers
Install gentoo
This is already being done though, It's called fast food corporations.
>you should get something you haven't earned in any way for free eg. at other's expense
It's not about "ending world hunger" it is about building a global network that can deliver the bounty of our post-industrialized economy to the places that exist in marginal chaos and tirelessly fighting against those who would seek evil upon others.
offer aid to brown people only in return of sterilization
I have this sneaking suspicion that food from the grocery store (in America) is subsidized. There's no way that it's all really this cheap due on its own. If the government stopped intervening, it'd all shoot up twice as much overnight.
For real, how is it $3 for a fast food cheeseburger, but $1 for a pound of almost any fruit or vegetable and for most canned food?
Because he can't afford food
>I have this sneaking suspicion that food from the grocery store (in America) is subsidized
that's how it is literally everywhere in developed countries and in most developing countries too. it's not a secret.
Why are you stupid?
>being this brainwashed
Did you know that around every four hours someone in the world begins to feel hungry again? Unfortunately until we don't need to eat anymorez there will always be hunger in the world
kill all hungry people.
Wow I cant wait to feed all these 3rd world niggers so we can have even more useless hungry mouths. Wew.
We already did like a decade ago.
Why haven't we "discovered" a new strain of aids that sterilizes people?
You had me until communism. To achieve true communism we'd need to essentially reprogram ourselves behaviorally as human beings. It completely contradicts our base instincts.
More like 40+ years ago. Niggas be like the green revolution never happened wtf read a book.
You know what happens when you end hunger in africa? They reproduce like rabbits. Even more than they are doing now.
Kill every single worthless shitskins.
The White Race is the only worthy living beings.
implying they don't already
btw, in south africa people are getting obese as fuck so quickly...
birth control
you can't stop the 3rd world from fucking but you can stop them from breeding.
for every dollar that goes to food aid, 10 dollars should go to IUD programs for young girls
What about white trash?
A single White human is worth more than a million niggers.
You better get ready goy
catapults for range, maybe missles. Imagine those mine-laying artillery rounds but instead they have cooked chicken and stuff in them.
Even if we cloned dinosaurs, would their meat be safe to eat? The earth was very different in atmosphere and overall environment back then, there's probably a high chance that they wouldn't survive long anyway.
Another method would be lowering the number of those who are hungry my elimination. I suppose the sane sense would be poisoning the water sources or something natural, because giving them something to live on which results in deaths might paint a bad image on the people giving handouts.
I suppose teaching them how to farm for their selves would be neat. They would all have to pitch in work together because farming by yourself would be a big pain in the ass to stock everything. Farming would become their lives.
Kill all the rich hoarders
Even white trash with like 10 kids they can't adequately house or feed in a trailer home?
parody image
White racists need to die
You can't end poverty and hunger if you want communism. You can't pick and choose like that.
People starved in USSR because communism was doing its thing.
People starve in Venezuela because communism is doing its thing.
The whole "they don't do communism right" argument is demonstrably false.
You need a free market if you want a high standard of living.
If we take the Scandinavian countries as the only good implementations of communism, you quickly see they didn't do communism at all.
Sure, they have high taxes, but they don't seize the means of production. In many areas, they privatize the public sector or have it being run as if it were a private company.
As for getting paid to ones needs, there is a high difference between jobs and people do not get the same pay.
In fact, the closest you get to a minimum salary is a pay negotiated between the union of workers and the union of employers for that given profession.
Most people negotiate for a higher salary.
There are not cases where seizing the means of production have had a positive impact on the country.
It usually lead to the flight of the industrious people from whom you stole and then you are left with the people who think they benefit from being equal.
Yeah, and then all the subhumans in the world breed like rabbits until they starve because their ape brains are literally incapable of low time-preference.
Give everyone food
Kill africans and make Africa the soil of the Earth. Send poorfags to maintain the land for money.
It doesn't work that way.
Simple in concept, much more complex in real-life: robotic farmers powered via renewable resources and needing only a few people to perform maintenance.
Nuke the entire human population. No hunger if there are no people to begin with.
Kill those who need to eat
You know that IQ is normalized to 100 ...