Developers, Computer Scientist, etc

Recruiting more groups of Programmers in all fields of study.

Attached: IMG_20180323_171811_478.jpg (640x640, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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cringiest thread of the day

Do infosec and networking guys count too Sup Forums?


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doesn't work

> telegram
> requires registration with phone
botnet gtfo

Alright, thanks. Just wanted to know.

Uh, sure.

We have a Programmer's Unite bridge on Freenode. The channel is: @programmersunite

We need more people like you. Help Wanted!

What for?

The best kinds of people who give no fucks and make fun of everything. It's the perfect cure for depressed developers.


Attached: Screenshot_20180323_194651.png (339x295, 39K)

Also along with pdf resources on any programming topic you can find.

Telegram > Kik
Due to the lack of features and sheer number of bugs from Kik, Telegram is and for developers that are migrating towards.

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OP is a faggot who needs to be kicked. Repeatedly. In the head.


that wouldn't be an issue if he had put the { on the same line as the loop

I miss being 14 and actually finding 'programmer humor' funny. Jokes about semicolons, there being 10 types of people, dec 25 = oct 31, etc.

if this post is unironic then i agree and i feel your feelings

Appreciate the 6 additional members that joined.


I'm a HTML5/ CSS3 engineer. Where do I sign up?


Could either use the Telegram app or visit #programmersunite on

Lead Technologist at Browns'n'Sons Chop Shop

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