Why are you using blurry antialiased fonts Sup Forums?

why are you using blurry antialiased fonts Sup Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_20180323_142838.png (1039x965, 353K)

I use windows and it is hard to read without it. Tbh it's kind of annoying.

nvrmind the fonts.

Attached: 1511488704756.jpg (348x348, 16K)

nano is the true $EDITOR redpill

Because I don't want my screen to look like shit.

I'm not.

Attached: blah.png (736x657, 180K)

t. brainlet

Attached: windows-font-smoothing-cleartype-vs-mactype.png (640x256, 28K)

Both look terrible

I'm not a

Because they are default.

Both are shit.
t. Mac user. NOT FAG.

mactype has terrible kerning and every setup included looks weird. gdipp was good, but doesn't werk with any 'modern and progressive' faggot shit browser-based electron cuckold soy GUI and 'hardware accelerated' browsers in general (used presto opera for a long time because it worked with gdipp). now i'm on linux and don't care.

i was surpised that the fontconfig in the OP actually fixed the fonts in electron apps and chrome too

Why the fuck would you not use anti aliasing? I mean look at your screenshot it looks horrible.

>he enjoys looking at blurry text as if he's an octogenarian with macular degeneration

>Using XML/DTD and not masterrace JSON

What is the json equivalent to a DTD?

i use bitmap fonts on my thinkpad x201 because it looks sharp. However as soon as I plug a monitor on the VGA port, the everything on the monitor is blurry AF.
At 1080p and with the monitor farther to my eyes than what the laptop LCD panel usually is, antialiasing looks best.

uh do you need glasses when reading a book?

Looks very ugly

>grrrrr my computer should look pretty rather than clear

The state of anti-aliasoying defenders.

it's hard to read and looks like shit. congratulations. also you're using kde without anti aliasing, which is like using windows without explorer.exe


Because aliasing is literally a visual artefact that distorts the shape of the font. The art of typography has been developing techniques for making type more readable for hundreds of years. Distorting your font outlines to match the pixel grid of your monitor does not make it more readable. I don't know what kind of eye problems or super-autism makes you not want sacrifice a bit of sharpness for much more readability, but I hope this opinion stays unpopular.

Because I run at 4K.

Personally, I like my eyes and want to use them for a long period of time

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 08.57.18.png (394x342, 35K)

What font is that?


Because it's easier to read antialised ones? Also they look better. There are some decent bitmap fonts though, but when you just don't alias vector fonts they look like SHIT, like in your pic.

>he doesnt have high dpi
get out pixellet

>Mac user.

Attached: 1510789481655.png (323x335, 183K)

Because I'm zoomed to 150%

Fonts without AA are going to look like shit in some places. Not all fonts and font sizes were made equal. You can rice all day and you still won't have a catch-all solution.

Attached: g - Technology - Catalog - 4chan - Mozilla Firefox.png (2096x1377, 1.43M)

There is json schema. It's fucking awful.

That's why you use a browser extension to force all fonts to be bitmap fonts.

Ed is the standard text editor.

Are you serious? Just use free fonts like Deja Vu or Liberation.

get on my level

Attached: wayland-screenshot-or8.png (928x613, 67K)

that's hinting not AA and you don't need either if you have sans linked to liberation sans for example

>he thinks text made of fucking lego blocks is better than blurry text

I've been trying to do this for the font used on Sup Forums.

It works when I setup to disable all fonts within a specific size

Sup Forums is using Arial and my firefox handles that as Liberation Sans and I've tried all variations of "Liberation Sans" and even "arial" as the name string match as you have it in you font config but it just doesn't werk