Have they gotten too big?

have they gotten too big?

Attached: redhat-logo.jpg (360x396, 26K)

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T Rex punching a steggie

Microsoft will buy them soon

those arms are way too big for a t rex

every fucking time

As if martial arts and lifting are mutually exclusive.

Attached: Fantasia_rite_of_spring_concept_art_T-Rex_vs_Stegosaurus.jpg (632x479, 59K)

> integrates puppet
> we love puppet use puppet
> buys ansible
> we love ansible use ansible

Make your minds up dammit

The absolute state of lintards.

Attached: Screenshot_201803032036472.png (1074x1256, 912K)

Autistic soyboy screaming as there obsolete os being drawn into them.

the linux ecosystem is already corporate as fuck right now, imagine if it had the majority of desktop market share. wouldn't be surprised if the companies would get even greedier than microsoft.

I don't see it

How to unsee

you have assburgers

Redhat are the cancer killing linux:

>require registration to read docs and get patches

Ubuntu cops so much shit but it's Redhat behind all of this stuff, a lot of it came along just when Ubuntu was getting some real critical mass and caused a lot of community uproar. Big coincidence.

Attached: fuck redhat.jpg (250x250, 7K)

>>require registration to read docs and get patches
no shit--they're selling a product and service

Wow,so you don't use RedHat if you don't want to. Are the decisions too much for you?

Rehdat has never been good, never been cool. Ever since I first began using Linux in the early days, Debian was superior in every way to Redhat; a mantle taken up by Ubuntu which is also greatly superior to Redhat.

Name one area in which Redhat is good.

Wait what the fug is wrong with wayland not even a year ago people were jumping the hype train to finally be away from X11.

I'm saving that drawing user

That's nice in theory, but in reality Redhat's big wallet is forcing the cancer into the greater ecosystem. Canonical tried to hold firm but just don't have the money to do so. Fuck redhat and fuck scum that defend their cancer.

Wrong question. What's wrong with X11?

atleast they dont have the shitty built in ads like winblows 10. If Linux got biggit it would probably go down the shit hole.

The only bad thing about it is Poettering's approach to development à la shit-shoveling. There's reason linus allowed it and why it spread so fast, the reason is it's huge improvement over the shit from 70s we had before, yes even in its current sorry state. Shows how unix is a diarrhea when an unpolished turd is such an improvement.
Anything is better than X.
Werks®, just like the rest of the shit that is linux, or unix in general.
We need more people for camkes, come join us if you want a reasonable os in the next 3 decades.

Make it a trade mark symbol.

Problem with systemd is it suffers the same design flaws as xorg

Systemd is garbage.

Xorg.conf is very annoying. If anything goes wrong debugging is usually a pain in the ass trying to decipher log files telling me I'm a doofus because I'm trying to use X11 without a monitor. I'm not good enough at computers to know if wayland could/would fix that but I was hoping for the best. I've read that maintenance of xorg is very frustrating which seems odd because xorg itself doesn't appear to be doing very much. It's basically just compositing of framebuffers, isnt it?

What is even on Red Hat the iso is like 4.7gb.

Wrong question. What's good about X11?

Who edits xorg conf in 2018? Just go with defaults. The only people whining about X.org maintenance are idiots.

Attached: just embed javascript.png (694x801, 253K)

oof messing with xorg is a big no no.

>Fuck redhat and fuck scum that defend their cancer.
OOOOOOOH! We've got an internet tough guy! Take it to Twatter, cunt. This isn't your own personal reddit soapbox. Redhat get's away with what it does, because they actually accomplish things, they're a business. There's no rules saying any distro has to follow their lead, so quit the melodrama.

Just systemd and the gnu coreutils.

fucking ubuntu 15 all that crap and spyware but its only 1.4. Wtf gives is there no compression?

Name a company that does more free software than Red Hat, I'll wait.

Good, yes; cool no. Getting s job in tech is good. Is it "cool?" No.

>Name one


Now fuck off back to your mom's basement

>Name one area in which Redhat is good.
Gee maybe at producing the most FOSS, at patching Shellshock and Heartbleed, at promoting Linux more than any other company, at buying the most companies and turning their proprietary IP into Libre stuff.

Certified redhat drone detected. KYS.

Ansible isn't as good as saltstack.

>Getting stuff done.
Name a few things that I cant do on any other distro.

cannot fuckin unsee

What are you quoting? Where in that post does it say anything about being able to do stuff in RHEL/Fedora that you can't do in any other distro?

I haven't used saltstack yet, but isn't it primarily for cloud only? We're still migrating away from an on-prem datacenter and Ansible is my jim-jam.

Actually, I could care less. I will give them credit for advancing Linux though.Do you seriously think Gentoo or Debian are responsible for any of the features used in the tech industry?

Yet it does most of its jobs better than the cancer we had before. Is it bad? Yes. But that's true for pretty much everything in linux, if your expectations are not that of someone from 1990.

>cloud only

RHEL certified detected.

Ubuntu has done far more for actual useful features.

They're working on changing the logo.

They are Microsoft of Linux, so they are by definition are cancer. Linus was afraid of big jews, but money do the bussiness.

Ah, no.

Redhat is for IT drones that lack true understanding of computer systems. Redhat integrated solutions tend to be me-too latecomer string and bubblegum shitshows. A good example is having missed the cloud, openstack and devops train, which Canonical were a very strong early adopter.

Redhat is selling some barely works bundle to people who read about devops in a financial newspaper.

literally no different than doing the same with lua, retard.

Isn't openstack a Red Hat project? Or aren't they at least one of the main contributors?

Haha! Not even.

Got an LPIC-1 years ago to get my foot in the door, never needed anything else

>not agentless

Forget it.

Latecomer bandwagoners.

Shows what you know, but even so agentless has its own issues. Better to be able to choose according to deployment.

Attached: blueballs.png (800x800, 13K)

It's apt because they've become a behemoth dinosaur themselves and doing battle with the other dinosaurs like IBM and Oracle.

You're thinking of openshit, the buzzword compliant enterprise blackhole.

Ah, yes.


RHEL is shit.

Attached: poettering-linux.png (640x600, 317K)

>hurr durr GNOME 3 is red hat's fault
No, it's the GNOME development team's fault. Note that GNOME is closer to GNU (as part of the GNU project) than it is to red hat

>ifconfig eth0
ifconfig: command not found
>ip addr

Attached: angry-must-resist-l.png (1500x846, 752K)

Now that it's the enterprise choice, Redhat has gone out of its way to abandon widely known and understood Unix conventions, in preference for proprietary methods. They build a workforce of RHEL ceritifed drones with skill that don't readily transfer to other Linux or Unix systems, and third party integrations which are dependent on the Redhat way.

Redhat is cancer.

That's dell's fault not Redhat.

run this to fix:
sudo su
echo GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" >> /etc/default/grub
#Before continuing make sure there aren't 2 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in that file if there are combine them before proceeding.

grub2-mkconfig > /etc/grub2.cfg
yum -y install net-tools
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{enp0s6,eth0}
sed -ie 's/enp0s6/eth0/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
shutdown -r now

SUSE follows similar conventions to RedHat (/etc/sysconfig is a thing, uses rpms) What other than that doesn't transfer??
Please don't tell me you are going to use Ubuntu on a server....

SUSE is corporate too tho

just another wonderful improvement from systemd!

They're a big guy.

Ubuntu is a superior server in most regards.

This is unironically a good change for anyone who has a bunch of interfaces. It's not good for anyone that just uses their machine to shitpost and do normie stuff.

>Anything is better than X.
Nope. atm wayland is not ready or usable atm (you still need X11 for 90% of things). but wayland might be the thing that replaces X11 in the future

SystemDick isn't a """huge improvment""". SystemDick has 10 drawbacks to every improvement it has made. openrc and runit are still better and more sane alternatives

>gnomeme3 werks
wait until they broke it again. gnomeme also has started to remove features. and there isn't really a reason to use gnomeme when KDE exists (if you want a DE).

lot of historic baggage and security things

wtf are talking about? that's a good change

It could have been done better and didn't require a total new set of incompatible userspace

>could care less
neck yourself.

an entire blog post trying to give reasons other than "the logo depicts a MAN!!"

if you'd knew a bit about technology you'd know that puppet is to complex and everything that you config via puppet runs within root context. permission management is super terrible, with ansible, you have your ldap based backend and sudo that is way more fine grained than puppet would ever manage.

personally i would say that automation and deployment should be done via tower while standard infrastructure configs can be deployed via puppet, chef or cfengine

typical de/g/enerate fa/g/got who has no idea about tech

It's an offline installer and has GNOME, KDE, XFCE etc DEs and all the utilities for installing pretty much any kind of server you could want.
Umbongo has what's needed for unity DE and that's it

redhat not serious linux, nobody use it.
my friends use gentoo
i use gentoo
my son use gentoo.
so-workers use gentoo.

redhat it just meme.


>wayland is not ready
Neither is linux. It still doesn't have a reliable filesystem for example. It's in perpetual state of development, that doesn't mean it's not usable. Wayland might not be ready to replace X, but it is damn well ready for use- many distros default to wayland session with GNOME. Yes you still need X alongside wayland, but slowly the list of things you need X for is getting shorter.
>openrc and runit
systemd isn't just init system, and even the init system is better than openrc or runit. The people using openrc and other alternatives are chromozome thiefs that have no clue how about maintaining enterprise servers and think everyone who uses linux has to know implementation details of the init system.
Systemd's worst offense is, apart from bad development model, not having sane defaults and refusing to have sane defaults. But that is entirely the fault of Poetterclub so the hate against him is justified. The hate against systemd however is not, as it is the best thing to happen to linux in a decade.
Shit happens, linux is eternal beta. If you want stability, use RHEL or other distro that values stability. Removing features is mostly a good thing since gnome has become bloated as fuck, their choice of features to remove is sometimes retarded, but w/e.
You can use whatever you want, if you don't like gnome. Nobody is forcing you to use gnome, except for gnome devs who are oppinionated but dumb and forceful (very common properties of linux devs in general).
>there's no reason to use gnome over kde
There is- it's the default on most distros. Most people wouldn't bother replacing gnome with kde, just as they wouldn't bother replacing kde with gnome. It's waste of time for little to no benefit- if you can't do without something that's broken/absent in one DE, go ahead and switch to the other.

>doesn't have a reliable filesystem

The software is free, the tech support is paid.

how are openrc and runit worse than systemd

Nice blog fagot

>Neither is linux. It still doesn't have a reliable filesystem for example.
what is ext.

>The people using openrc and other alternatives are chromozome thiefs that have no clue how about maintaining enterprise servers and think everyone who uses linux has to know implementation details of the init system.
and systemd does that how more effectively? exactly, it literally does not change shit about enterprise management at all. it's not a fucking configuration management, and the 2 seconds extra boot time for your hadoop cluster that is taking its sweet time thanks to all the controllers and nics that need to be initialized during boot don't change shit. the journaling on logs is barely used anywhere, because people just fucking forward their logs to splunk or logstash.

you are talking out of your ass gfto

You'll never get an answer, nor would he if he were asking about systemd. You've basically entered a thread that contains 2-3 larping faggots that are too welfare to rent a vps to host their blogs on, instead, they come here to rant and rave like lunatics, when the fact of the matter is they aren't open to discussing things. It's an empty and feeble attempt to assert dominance while risking nothing, and hiding in the shadows of anonimity. If most of the opinions in this thread were expressed on actual blogsites that were attributable to actual names, the backlash of responses would be hysterical.

Attached: 1519510536574.jpg (540x665, 66K)

How does it do anything better?

omg i love them but i hate that they rejected me twice in their final round of interview. :'(

should i try again Sup Forums ?

Indeed. I always laugh at linuxfags. ZFS for linux is full of bugs (on top of losing data sometimes) and (ext) loses data left and right. To be fair, filesystems are hard and there's only one open source filesystem that's reliable.
>how is systemd better?
By making it trivial to write working init script as opposed to dealing with all the bullshit that comes with shell scripts (good luck making your init script work across distributions as different as fedora and nixos for example).
If you work as sysadmin in a smalbussiness, you can hate systemd for forcing you to learn something new. Literally no devops in big enterprise talks shit about systemd (minus binary logs which are not problematic per se, but for the same reasons people have irrational hate towards systemd- Poettering and his club of incompetent developers).


how were the tech interviews? what did they ask? im a new grad and being interviewed over video conference in april

no, its because:
1. high bug regression, they have terrible testing
2. complex system of interwoven dependencies, so hard to debug issues
3. logind polictkit etc..
4. not a lot of gain from sysvinit, few seconds boot increase
5. logs in binary, have to use their tooling

Blackhat literally owns Redhat. Nothing is gonna happen.

>By making it trivial to write working init script as opposed to dealing with all the bullshit that comes with shell scripts

this. what the fuck.
I actually know how to write shell scripts and writing any semi reliable sysv/lsb style init is fucking garbage nightmare fuel. especially since most of them require semantic fucking commenting.

hell just recently I had to write a custom ntpd init script because the one from the maintainer was unreliable garbage and didn't even use features like pancgate and didn't even ntpd -q -g first.

plus it didn't track the pid file or check if an ntp was already running or literally anything.

mine ended up being like 130 lines that could have been written in like a ~10 line systemd unit file. fuck systemd haters.

>By making it trivial to write working init script as opposed to dealing with all the bullshit that comes with shell scripts (good luck making your init script work across distributions as different as fedora and nixos for example).
what is LSB
also who the fuck works in an enterprise and uses willingly multiple operating systems? even if you write individual software that is requested to be run on different distributions, the work for it is minimal if you follow LSB. your excuse is pathetic and irrelevant for enterprise environments.