I've finally cracked the code

I've finally cracked the code.

Sup Forums hates anything remotely fun.
Prove me wrong.

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name things that are fun that Sup Forums hates

Having any sort of relationship with a 3 dimensional, biological female.

Video games

is it possible to restore my fat wifes hymen with machine learning?

You're confusing Sup Forumsentelmen with weebs.

there's a lot of overlap there

Attached: i love anime.png (335x169, 36K)

Video games are waste of time. Literally nothing good comes out of them. It's a way to escape reality. Nothing fun about that.

Be gone, child.

>Sup Forums hates fun

no, really??!?!?!?!?

for real!?!?!?!?

Now tell me that Sup Forums cares about Sup Forumsitics too...

Yep, just like Sup Forums. Although I feel videogames mentally engage someone far more than Sup Forums.

>It's a way to escape reality.
He says, while posting on Sup Forums.

Is it popular among normies?
You better not admit that you like it, even if it's something that actually works quite well.
Don't want to be called a cuck-soyboy? Then better pick the most obscure unusable piece of shit tech that you can find, make an image or screenshot of it and show everyone how advanced your tastes are.

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Being involved in any field that isn't computer or electrical engineering.

> Trying to achieve fake objectives in a simulated world that means nothing.
> Discussing technilogy with other people.
> Thinking these are the same level of escaping reality.
Nice try kids

>>> Trying to achieve fake objectives in a simulated world that means nothing.
that describes reality pretty well, too, desu


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> imagine being this out of touch

programing is fun

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Having freedom is fun. What is fun your eyes OP?

>he thinks his pseudo intellectual NEET having is more intelligent than a videogame

Sup Forums loves anime and Touhou. So you are wrong.

>associating with females for any reason other than producing offspring

>it's a way to escape reality
As fun things do.

Sup Forums code as much that Sup Forums play games.

having autism and making your life as hard as possible is fun!why dont you try it OP?

Are you saying to OP get married?

>get married
never if you have autism

Every time I see anything anime related on Sup Forums there's always at least one person telling them some brand of fuck off.

>relationships with any other human being
You people don't belong here. This entire website is a cesspool of wallowing in our own sadness and pity.

That's not fun, though.

OP here. I own a librebooted x200, and it's fun to mess around with.
I also use social media and other normie services because I have friends and I enjoy seeing their posts and interacting with them when we can't meet up irl.
I also enjoy movies and videogames and have a windows partition on my PC specifically for playing them.
Sure, I'm not a big fan of data collection and security holes, but the benefit they bring to me is greater than the detriment.

>technology board
>being surprised that they hate anything that doesn't have to do with technology

>submitting to surveillance capitalism because of peer pressure
>using proprietary shit and giving up your freedom just to indulge in entertainment products

I used to compromise like you when I was younger. It's not worth it anymore. If you give those people an inch, they will take a mile. Have enough self-awareness to know that while you chase some endorphins for a few hours they are building a dystopia.

pic related


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can't find the banner for this, but it's up there sometimes

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> always at least one person telling them some brand of fuck off.
Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumstards.

Divorce and alimony are so fun.
>won't happen to me! My girl truly loves me!
Stop lying to yourself.

>walk outside
>it's either too hot or too cold
>generally shitty people around
>can't install gentoo
Where's the fun?

>He thinks that there's nothing worth seeking in real world
>reality is too rough to me, video gaymes! I'm in control here!

if you like any of the following, you dont belong here:
>anything made by apple
>windows, especially windows 10
>video games
>women in tech
>social networking
>tech celebrities like fuckerturd and sweaty balls
>comic sans
>any laptop made after 2003
>fags who have never built a pc
>providing tech support
>brand loyalty
>all browsers

>Video games are waste of time.
Yet here you are, on a Saturday night, shitposting on Sup Forums...

No. Fun let's you relax and forget your troubles.
Escaping reality is what people with mental issues do.

>t. I think that reading some website is same as giving full concentration to a video gayme

If you live in a western country that lost any semblance of a moral compass, that's what will happen, sure.

Sup Forums actually play games, I go in a 3x3 thread and I've played like 5% of the games listed there.

Counter-example: Sup Forums likes anime, and anime is fun.


>Sup Forums hates people who use windows for games because games are fun and fun is based
>Sup Forums also uses linux for fun as there's no other real reason to use linux as a desktop os

really gets the neurons firing


Remove yourself from the memepool

But there is.
>muh uninterrupted brograming
>muh freedom
>muh I use compooter how I want
>muh sekret klub
Lack of games is just a convenience.

just use cygwin, also most of the Sup Forumstards that use linux use a shitload of non-free software daily

that isn't to say i don't like linux, i just think the real reason everybody uses it is fun

Fun for a bit until they inevitably crush you emotionally.

have you ever thought this to its logical end? be careful, you might turn into a suicidal nihilist if you try

The "logical" end is that video games are at best a timewaster and at worst, propaganda. How many times do you need to play some shit military shooter before you realize that they are pumping pro-war imperialist garbage directly into your brain.

No, the logical end is that you question every activity you do and will realize that almost every one of them is basically just a pointless waste of time. Movies? What are they good for? Going out and enjoying nature? I mean sure, you could go fishing but you'll realize you're just holding a stick into water for something which could be obtained easier and faster by going into a super market. Books? Better not reading any fiction. Music? Memers claim classical music is educating, but that's never backed by hard facts.

And after you rule every "waste of time" out you'll awake one day, realizing that existence itself is just a pointless struggle against entropy.
The only reason why most people with that attitude don't do it is because they aren't consequent enough. A better approach to life is accepting that time which you enjoy is never wasted.

lol you made him realize he isn't as smart as he thinks he is. regardless, does the statement "time which you enjoy is never wasted" take opportunity cost into account?

It's very hard to be 100% botnet-free, actually it's impossible or extremely inconvenient.
There'sone important thing though. Using Linux you support freedom and privacy.
Also, linux is pretty comfy, at least for me:
- community behind
- BASH and cli is great
- I'm in control
- I have choices

Your idea of fun is different from other peoples idea of fun. They might hate everything you find fun, in that sense you're absolutely correct. What's wrong is expecting everyone to find the same things fun that you do.
There you go, proven wrong.

>people are spending all their free time watching movies, reading literature, listening to music or in other activities. Just like people who play video gaymes.
Sure, pal.
>Hurr durr, I'm going into metaphysics now!
No one is talking about meaning of life. But how you spend that little time you have.

>Movies, Music, Books
These are also propaganda
Yes good citizen, now that we have destroyed all arable farmland, chopped down all the vegetation and plugged up all the rivers... come and enjoy the 10 trees we planted, walk on the artificial grass, go fishing so you can enjoy the fish that taste like chalk and give you cancer because we inbred them by the millions.

>existence itself is just a pointless struggle against entropy
The worst part is your kind doesn't realize the rest of us have to pay for your shit narcissistic attitude. The best part is we have learned how to severely limit the damage you do just by distracting you with more propaganda.

>not discussing tech, news, and banter in a multiplayer video game
get on my level

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Only if those opportunities promise a greater joy of life.

Hot arguments, bro.

I didn't knew Ebeneezer Scrooge posts on Sup Forums

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Strawman'ing that shit isn't going to help you. Just accept that other people spend their time in different ways and b urself


>I didn't knew Ebeneezer Scrooge posts on Sup Forums
Funny how when you live a life dedicated to consuming propaganda, you lose the ability to respond to anything in a way that isn't shit memes

Did you even read the comic?


Sup Forums humor threads are fun

well there's comfy sights, if you're in the right place, at the right time. depends on circumstances. and money too sometimes.

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Dragon dildos.

No they are not.
Memes are not funny.

There's one thing to have fun and a whole new story to escape reality.
In the end after some time most feel regret and suffer from this kind of fun.
When did you or anyone felt bad for reading a book, listening music one likes or doing pretty much anything they like?
Unless you're talking about casual gaymers. But it's not true, isn't it.

I'm not your brother, buddy.

lmao funlet

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Are you mongoloid?

And /pol hates Jews. You get the golden star, Einstein.

Fake news.

>/board on Sup Forums/ hates anything remotely fun.
Jeez ya think

Well I mean we do talk a lot about goverment efforts to censor the web and engage in surveillance

>someone do a stupid code
>blame AI

Sup Forums likes Linus the creator of Linux

Attached: linus.jpg (1024x740, 88K)

Why people like this retard?

is this oglaf?

Fun doesn't mean anything. It's completely 100% subjective and the ultimate not an argument.

sadly this

How come? Retro threads are a thing.

Except for cognitive boosts and multitasking capabilities provided it isn't an addiction

What do you expect from a bunch of pajeets with ass burgers

I can't speak for Sup Forums but personally I hate myself and by association everything that occupies the same universe with me

I'd like to have intimate relationship with a non imaginary 3 dimensional original biological female but it's not my fault that my genes and my lousy upbringing (teachers and parents) made me this disgusting being that makes any woman throw up just by being near me


Does anyone else close their eyes as the train is approaching and imagine how it would be to jump in front of it at the last moment and explode in a big ball of blood?
I'm doing it more and more often lately, pretty soon I'll do it without even realizing it

>that pic
I'm a CS student at a university and I suggested that there is nothing wrong with saying "good morning" to a random woman and everyone around me said "uhm that's pretty rapey user"
Kill me

You're wrong.
Sup Forums is technology masochists.


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Only when you say it