Over one million vinyl albums were sold last year, making it the most successful year for the medium since 1991

>over one million vinyl albums were sold last year, making it the most successful year for the medium since 1991
What defunct media do you think will come back to life next?

I'm rooting for 3.5 inch floppies

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Cassettes have been growing in popularity in recent years. A few big name artists release limit edition cassettes like beach party and lana del ray. Lots of punk bands still use cassettes and the whole hipster vaporwave and synthwave stuff release cassettes. I have a cassette deck in my hifi set up and I love to stick a tape in when I am reading or cooking.

This. I fucking live cassettes; they're practically indestructible.

I have a deck right next to my computer and it's the primary way I listen to music, as dumb as that may seem.

I bought 6 vinyl albums this month.

Cassettes are still the best portable medium. In the car or in a Walkman, they are easily shareable and duplicable

The vinyl resurgence isn't entirely a meme, it's just mostly a meme.
The cassette tape meme is 100% meme, They have no redeeming qualities. I lived through the fucking cassette age, my first car had a fucking 8track player, I UPGRADED to a fucking cassette deck because that's what everything was coming out on now and guess fucking what, Cassettes were WORSE than my fucking 8tracks.

The cassette resurrection is entirely driven by hipsters, it's an intentionally lossy and degrading format that is unwieldy and inefficient, perfect for your ebay bought walkman while you're drinking a starbucks and pretending to work on that book you've been writing for ten years on your fucking macbook.

>how many posts until someone links me to the "You remember cassette tapes wrong, they were actually really really good" article?

Records I can understand, they still sound great but Cassettes always sounded like ass.

Saving music on cassette tapes today is retarded but, unlike vinyl, tape storage is still useful because it's incredibly durable and incredibly cheap.

Saw a Record player being sold at Walmart in the Electronics section. Alongside the portable CD players and boom boxes.

Still have a working MiniDisc player/recorder. That format deserved better.

I have no article to link, but I loved sharing cassetes and making dubs of my favorite songs from the radio. I understand quality wasn't great, but that was never the point. I am no hipster, I am an old head that remembers the joy, freedom, and sheer rebelliousness of drowning out my parents with Metallica cassetes on a Walkman.

Are you seriously implying duplicating cassettes is easier than running a music server to stream to your friends? Like what?

I have similar fond memories, when I was a kid I recorded the wind in the willows radio-play onto a little reel to reel and it felt incredible to be able to do such a thing.
And now doing that is as easy as a click and a drag.
No more 1:1 recording times, no more rewinding, no more tape snarls, no more loose drive bands or damaged loading tines.
And the price of blank cassettes is currently rising dramatically too.


Running a music server to stream music to my car stereo? Are you kidding me? Its easier to convince my friends to stream from my server when there's YouTube and Spotify? Please.

No that's NOT easier, or simpler. I'm not implying, I'm directly asserting that sharing music is easier and MORE FUN with cassettes. Friends get their own copy, despite with generation loss.

>hey user, you hear the new guns and roses album?
>no, is it good?
>yeah I'll dub you a copy

>hey babe I made you a mixtape
>gets laid

>hey user, you hear the new guns and roses album?
>no, is it good?
>yeah here's a link

>hey babe I made you a mixtape thumb-drive
>gets laid

Yeah man I get it, but the thing is, people stopped doing that anymore. It got so easy that it became meaningless

>responding to stale pasta

Still not quite the same; something has been lost

One can dream.

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>they're practically indestructible.

Are you kidding me? You know how many of mine and my mom's I destroyed easily? And not even on purpose?

I hate vinyl hipsters so much. Now I'm suddenly a hipster for buying CDs because I don't want to deal with garbage technology.

Vinyl has advantages over some other media and has never gone defunct.

hey someone give me a recommendation for a ~£100 turntable please

>scratch the top of a cd
>it's pretty much useless now and it's going to continue flaking around the scratch

>drop a hard drive
>looks like you'll have to find a similar enough donor drive and carefully replace the plates and hope for a chance of reading the data

>break the cassette
>just roll it onto another one

>cut the tape
>tape it together and it still works

>Vinyl has advantages
Such as? It flies farther when you throw it like a frisbee?

>scratch the top of a cd
Are you retarded? Scratching the label literally doesn't matter at all.

>i never owned a cd
You need to be at least 18 years old to post.

Analog rather than digital data storage.

Bumping this. I've received a few records from gigs/raves I've been too and would love to actually use them.

The thing is, all trolling and memes aside, Vinyl never actually died. It became super niche definitely but it never died. They never actually stopped producing albums on vinyl, it just reduced in output considerably, even at CD's peak there were still labels releasing on vinyl.
Consider in contrast the fact that legitimate production of cassette releases fully stopped in the west for almost a decade and you have to start wondering why.
That "why" is easy to explain, they may have been relatively easy for the end-user but from a production point of view both the player and the cassette itself are horrifically complicated with numerous points of failure all along the production chain, the players both portable, stand alone and car models were far more mechanically complicated than the CD players that emerged, CD players are more TECHNICALLY advanced but MECHANICALLY they are a lot simpler and that equals easier production and more reliability. Cassette tapes held on for a few years while CD players were in their infancy and dealing with teething problems but they soon nailed all that shit down and cassettes just slipped into the mists of time.
At small level production, say an indie band who plays a few bars then yes cassette tapes absolutely were the easiest and cheapest way to release something but industry standards don't take that into account and outside of that aspect they have no remaining qualities that would make you pick a cassette tape over a CD or MP3 player.

That's a disadvantage.

atlp-120 is probably the okayest you'll find for 100 unless you go used. I'm hardly knowledgeable in turntables though, just spouting what I've read in the many articles I've searched on the topic

Disregard this. I'm retarded.

Thank you for sharing the knowledge, I'll look into it user

Normally yes, but there is an artificial reason why in this case its an advantage.
Retard labels are pushing to make the disks "louder", even if this means crushing the audio quality in the process.
Vinyl is more resistant to this kind of shit than CDs, except of course when the source is already digital and already crushed.

But in the right hands, the CD just lifts vinyl off the floor and blows it up, krillin style.

Attached: Michael_Jackson-Black_or_White_Loudness.png (822x1680, 36K)

It certainly is not. Our ears can only process analog signals, so something recorded as an analog signal is easier to reproduce for human ears. It may be trivial to convert from digital to analog and vice versa, but it's another step nonetheless.

How is the loudness war even real, like, just turn your volume down nigga

The problem is not the volume, but the audio that gets crushed on the sides.

Vinyl is generally just as compressed. Don't be retarded.

DACs are literally mathematically perfect.

That was the joke, yes.

>3.5 inch floppie
Still use those for backing up my source code. Also bought 2 vinyl lps in the last 12 months.

>Vinyl is generally just as compressed. Don't be retarded.
Yes, but the hipsters also get access to old vinyl and think all the stuff are like that when,they're not.

Also DACs are not even close to perfect. Many of em just use PWM to approximate the correct levels.
But given the frequency they operate at and precision etc.. they do give old tech a very harsh beating.

If you're buying indie short-run releases then buy them on vinyl.
If you're buying indie short-run Lo-Fi releases then buy them on cassette.
If you're buying anything else then just buy the digital release.

>tfw always go out of my way to find a flac release to buy

Thankfully most of what I listen to these days has their own bandcamp where they directly post their albums for download.

Vinyls dropped in price back in 2000 - 2002 during the CD boom.
I wish I should have hoarded vinyls back then.

Nowadays vinyl prices are inflating due to the collector market + soyboy millenials curious to hear what a vinyl sounds like.

Pic related.
She is the girl from Scorpion's "Virgin Killer" album.
Imagine the price of that vinyl / or that elusive scorpions vinyl.

Nowadays consider yourself "rich boy" if you even managed to get your hands on one of these rare vinyls:


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99% of DACs are just memes. Literally all you need is a sufficient sampling rate and the analog signal is perfectly reconstructed from the digital signal. The only time something goes wrong with a DAC is if it's just poorly made and has electronic issues.

>when your hobby becomes some expensive placebo riddled retarded consumerist shit heap.

vinyl is a fucking meme; amp+dac retardation is a meme. you're all horrible.

What hobby would that be?

listening to music.

That's like saying your hobby is breathing air.
Everyone fucking listens to music.
Some dumbfuck muslim goatfucker in a field is listening to someone smacking a rock with a stick right now. Your "hobby" isn't exclusive in any way.

How do you miss a point this hard?

Having a physical, analogue copy of music is cool, no matter what year current tech exists. I'm not going to debate whether or not it's better quality but it's just cool to have something you can touch. So cassettes and vinyl are cool. It's a little plastic box filled with tape that holds some songs, how can you hate that? It's neat. CD's aren't cool though because they're not as analogue as the first two.

Stop hating fun

CDs are objectively the superior physical format. Stop living in the past gramps.

Awww yisss:

Milenial soyboys btfo

Why do we still use CDs for music when DVDs can hold more data?

Attached: dvd audio.png (211x126, 7K)

We talkin about vinyls here, son. Go find other thread.


Because audio is extremely small and there is no need to hold more data.

>Having a physical, analogue copy of music is cool

cd's are a fuckload more error resistant and better quality.

There's something satisfying that comes with the click of the buttons as you push them down and the needles that bounce to the music.

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>better quality
LOL look at this clueless milenial soyboy and his definition of "better" ahahahaha what a fool...


Is that some marantz I see ?!?!?! Very Nice!


>muh analog warmth
>muh pops and crackles
Enjoying eating shit over there? Then again, I am replying to a namefag, so this is clearly a waste of time.

You do know that real "artists/ songwriters" wants us to experience the "warmth and pops and crackles" of their music.

Oh wait nevermind.
Justin Belieber doesnt like his fans getting upset

My parents bought that two years before I was born and for a good part of my childhood I listened to tapes on that thing. A year ago I replaced the belts and now it's good as new.

>You do know that real "artists/ songwriters" wants us to experience the "warmth and pops and crackles" of their music.
No they don't. Actual musicians want you to hear the music and not errors from imperfect medium.

This. if someone wants to put record sounds in their song for artistic effect, they can, but imperfections in the medium aren't even the fault of the artist and the pops and crackles are not his art

>Actual musicians want you to hear the music and not errors from imperfect medium.

Masking the "warmth and pops and crackles" just to produce a """"perfect"""""-sounding medium = stupidity.

Lmao. It's like getting circumcized and then gluing a skin on your glans to make it appear "uncircumcized" lmao CDfags fooling themselves and the record industry btfo!

I hope both of you are just pretending.

Why did these fail to take off? So goddamn good.

I want them back

Attached: 250px-Sony_Hi-MD_front.jpg (250x241, 17K)

>cd but proprietary

Soyny shit software
iPods taking off and beating them to the pulp


larger album art
discs dont die after 10 years

>larger album art

>discs dont die after 10 years
Completely untrue. CDs will last well over a lifetime as long as you're not a retard that leaves them out in the sun or something. On the other hand, vinyl literally degrades every time you play it.

not true


>The mean lifetime for the disc population as a whole was calculated to be 776 years for the discs used in this study.
Thanks for proving my point.

Best, most comfy portable audio I ever fucking used.

Bring it back, netMD functionality with GB discs that can store other data too. Sony's Hi-MD's came out too fucking late.

Attached: sonymd.jpg (5312x2988, 2.94M)

you're a fucking retard

Compressor distorts frequency distribution, not just increases volume (which already is maxed out). If you turn down volume of compressor processed audio, it even starts sound wrong.

>he doesnt want to spend 10 grand on deprecated technology
>he cant hear ultrasonic frequencies 4x above human hearing
>he doesnt enjoy coma inducing loudness levels from his 192khz 24 bit rips
>he doesnt know the warmth
You're just listening to 1s and 0s, while I'm listening to electrons being converted and shit. Its the way the artist intended. I feel sorry for you, kid.

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You can literally use the meme stairway wave as the output and it will still sound fine on a physical transducer.

41 degrees f with lo humidity? that's not realistic, and it's not required for vinyl

Bunch of slack jawed faggots in this thread /

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Vinyl literally degrades every time you play it. Never playing it is not realistic.

You're a fucking retard. Your shitty record breaks every time you touch it, play it, probably even when you take it out of it's sleeve. You need cleaners and brushes and shit. You can't take it anywhere. The only thing records have going on is dynamic range and that is unquestionable. If people started mastering their shit correctly then vinyl is truly pointless.

Reminder to btfo vinylfags with this video.
>digital audio has no stairstep, reproduces audio perfectly
>analog has lower bit depth than digital

Vinyl degrades the same way, on account of being made from the same shit. Granted, the damage a CD could take before crapping out if miniscule compared to resilience of an analog record 10 times it's size and half the play time.

ok, but whatever happens is comparatively minor to not being able to read the disc at all

Evangelion approved

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> Never playing it is not realistic.
> not doing 32bit/768khz rips of your vinyl and looking at the pretty album art and liner notes

apply yourself nigga


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Which is to say, if CD was the same size and data density, it could outlive vinyls given same conditions.

Stop the memes. I have plenty of cds pressed in the 80s that read perfectly. The trick to having your CDs last for decades is to not be a retard and store them properly. On the other hand, vinyl literally gets worse every time you play it.

Great article and video. But something that I learned recently was vinyl loses some quality as the needle gets closer to the centre. CD's play at a constant rate and are perfect, but because records use constant angular velocity it degrades like I said near the centre. Thats why many albums start off with something loud and impressive, because they couldn't do it near the 'end'.

>a cluster of poorly handled/manufactured CDs fail early
>most of them are 50+ years

What's the point of using vinyl then? Accumulating hipster brownie points? It sounds worse than fully digital, so you don't do that shit is your care about the music

I owned that DAT walkman since 1999 and legitimately listened to a napster download of the NGE soundtrack on it.

Was the coolest kid in school that day ;)

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You were the coolest kid in your head, you weren't considered cool by anyone else.