Is VirtualBox still the best VM?
Is VirtualBox still the best VM?
VMware is the king. the only reason some people dont like it here is cause its not open source or whatever so that automatically means that its a botnet.
Then couldn't I just argue that Parallels is the best VM software?
Can't run headless VMs unless you get the paid enterprise version.
Parallels is still shitty and clunky.
It's good if you want something free, VMWare is superior though.
libvirt kvm/qemu has the most features
this. you can get whichever frontend/gui you want as well.
I don't know if qemu is available for winblows thou
you can run qemu on windows but not kvm, so it's going to be slow
virtualbox has never been the best anything in the history of the universe
I wanted to like VirtualBox, but it would randomly crash with memory errors and also mounting a USB in the virtual OS wasn't straight forward.
VMware was more easy to do so. It just "works" for me.
Hyper-V because I run Docker on windows.
Virtual box was just a decent open source VMware alternative. There's no answer to which is best but it comes down to what do you want to do
How long until KVM becomes mainstream? Its still hard as fuck to configure
what do you mean hard to configure? with virt-manager it just works like virtualbox, it's point and click
This user know
does no one here use xen/xenserver?
Yes it can you fucking moron.
Virtualbox is a broken mess, just pirate VMware instead
It's the best for quickly making and running an x86 VM with Windows, Linux, or BSD. Otherwise QEMU is the absolute best, specifically because of the ability to emulate non-x86 architectures with decent speed. I can run all my old PPC Mac software on it and use it to run SPARC and MIPS legacy software and do testing. It can even run Android (ARM build) with the Play Store and everything. QEMU can even handle the old RISC versions of Windows NT.
The only thing holding back QEMU is the lack of user friendliness. It would blow away the competition if someone (no me, I'm lazy) could write a decent cross-platform GUI for the thing. All of the graphical frontends for it are total trash, so half the time I just manage the VMs from the command line. Even on my workstation where I use Fedora as the host to run QEMU and several guest systems I literally wrote scripts that launch the VMs and put them on the desktop, changed the icon to the OS logo, and then I double click to run. That's how abysmal the GUIs for QEMU are.
virtualbox or vmware player for wangblows?