Did I get ripped off?

So I made the mistake of actually buying music on a CD the other day. This is the spectacle-gram of one of the tracks from the CD after ripping it. My question to Sup Forums is, did I get ripped off? This looks kinda like a 320k AAC that got burned onto a CD. Shouldn't a legit CD pretty much ceiling out at 22,050HZ?

Attached: Did I get ripped.png (1920x935, 2.42M)

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Demanding a Quick Rundown

You don't know what AAC looks like, do you?

Attached: capture (1).png (1253x477, 463K)

Either that or you have such shitty taste in music that it is all electronic and they just didn't use any frequencies above about 21kHz.

Nigga, we both know that example is above 320k.

you didn't ripe it correctly

Eh, only because it's six channels.
Using 320kbit would be like using 107kbit for two channels. Of course that would sound awful.

That one is, but only because it's 6 channel and so its "320kbps" quality level is upwards of 700kbps.

Attached: Capture.png (1250x471, 493K)

Looks like you bought a bootleg or some shit to me. Here's a spectrogram from one of my FLAC CD rips. It should indeed go up to 22khz.

Attached: 2018-03-23-225741_swaygrab.png (1804x718, 2.86M)

Not all music is the same.

Attached: Untitled.png (626x473, 211K)

The one you posted is basically at 22khz. It doesn't look like an unnatural cutoff to me. However, looking at OP's picture again, there are some spikes that go over 20khz. It's a very odd spectrogram result at any rate.

lmao you got scammed nigguh

Attached: vlW9AA5.jpg (1920x964, 741K)

>not 192kHz

Yeah man you're missing all that amazing 22kHz audio.

Not all songs/albums need to go above 21kHz. The equipment used might roll of before 22kHz. The mixing engineer or mastering engineer might've low passed at 21kHz. Either way I wouldn't worry, everything above 20kHz is just really quiet noise.

it's probably just the way the audio was mastered, I don't see any clipping and some spikes go above 20kHz. If it's some edm genre it's most likely just the producer using a filter to get rid of frequencies above 20kHz. he didn't seem to butcher the dynamic either with just a single lowpass filter on the master, so I wouldn't worry about it. the human eye can't see above 10 kbps anyway

That looks nothing like AAC. It's probably legit, music is different. Just because it doesn't reach 22k, doesn't mean it isn't original.
But keep in mind, many times the ones who produce the music use in-house compression methods such as pass filters. This means the music may indeed be compressed, in fact, it likely is. However this is still the 'original' CD recording. Maybe one day a better remaster will be released, possibly as a high sample digital download.
Other music may even just by nature end lower than 22k.

And he probably can't hear above 16kHz either.

>buying music on a CD
yes, you got ripped off

tl;dr it was mastered that way by amateurs

by the way the thread is le trollin u

Attached: actual mp3.png (1920x975, 2.23M)

Here's an example of AAC that's apparently only 268 kbps. Your whole life was a lie OP.

Attached: actual aac.png (1920x975, 2.28M)


Attached: aac vs flac.jpg (1248x388, 750K)

Just a shit song

Seems legit to me. Probably mastered below 20kHz

I'm not an audiofag so I don't get this. Why would you want 20kHz audio? Isn't that just really high pitch screeching? Who would want that on their music? I understand if you're doing one of those hearing tests and you need to be able to tell if there's any sound at all, but I wouldn't listen to that on my free time. Is this all just because you want to look at graphs and don't want them to cut off early?

You don't really want it, but you also don't want ranges getting suddenly cut off.

how much did you pay? It couldn't be that expensive it cry out about it.

Higher frequencies indicate higher quality. For example a 128kbps MP3 loses everything above ~16kHz, whereas a lossless file (WAV, FLAC etc.) will go up to 22kHz.
But it's not always true, sometimes things are just mastered without those super high frequencies, and the audio will still be good quality.
As for actual listening, you're right, it's not very important to be able to hear stuff above 20kHz, but it is better. Remember that our hearing range does include 20kHz, and some people will actually say it's higher.
And yes, technically a 20kHz TONE would be "really high pitch screeching", but it's never a tone. Very high frequencies in music are usually the "crispiness", "definition" or "space" of sounds. A lot of nice recordings have this really fine noise/hiss at the top of frequency spectrum, which makes the instruments sound super clear and defined.

Why do you fags who listen care about 20khz dog whistle frequencies also listen to the worst possible type of music, lofi, shoegaze garbage? It is music (noise) that is literally distortion of real instruments it's not fucking music and all these Japanese sound engineers mask their bands poor playing behind filters that percussion sound like tree trunks on a drum, guitars like its behind a brick wall, and vocals that sound like they have been downsampled to oblivion

what if the song just got mastered this way? with a LPF cutoff around 20k


>So I made the mistake of actually buying music on a CD the other day.
Why is it a mistake??
It is the only valid way to pay for music! Vynils are shit and pay for mp3 or stream is for idiots

This thread perfectly exemplifies what's wrong with audiophaggots.
You literally don't even care about sound quality, only about "muh bitrate".

Attached: MFW.png (213x342, 141K)

Did you use EAC and have it configured properly or did you just use iTunes XD

There are people out there who don't even notice brickwalling or think Beats are the best headphones.

Just used iTunes, is that bad? :-DDDDD

>doesn't say what cd
Come on user. Nobody cares about gr15 here.

>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Control the British crown
>keep the metric system down
>keep Atlantis off the maps
>keep the martians under wraps
>hold back the electric car
>keep Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanovs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Get woke.

They learnt to speak native nigger fluently. It is even theorized that they created the language itself so that niggers could finally have a way of communication.

Attached: matrixbog.jpg (644x632, 136K)

This is the only Sup Forums meme I like

Welcome to the hell of hot masters.
Although it's bullshit from a technical perspective, this is part of the reason vinyl editions are sometimes better than CD; there is a physical limit to how terrible a master you can press to vinyl. The needle actually has to stay in the groove.

This is almost as bad as Sup Forums at this point.

>Remember that our hearing range does include 20kHz, and some people will actually say it's higher.
If you're under 16 maybe.

>being over 12
Hags out.

Why would a hot master have fewer high frequencies?

You can't hear it anyway, if you're a tennager you might hear 20,500Hz, but pass 30, you're lucky if you can reach 18,000Hz.

synthesized with audiopaint

Attached: 1384623120301.png (492x492, 207K)

>mastered that way by amateurs
This. Most "music" nowadays is done this way. Cheap garbage for idiots.

everything above 20kHz is practically unlistenable

it might result in some extremely minor harmonics but it's nothing you can't really detect

op your rip is fine ffs

Funny fact: When you're over the age of 25 in about 99,5% of all cases you'll not be able to even pic up details that go above 20kHz anyway. If you're over 30? Haha, good luck getting those ranges over 15kHz.
You're over 50 years - get your ears checked and enjoy your hearing aid grandpa.


OP's point wasn't that he was missing out on those frequencies (that can't be heard anyway). He's concerned as to whether or not the CD he bought was a legit original or some high bitrate compressed bootleg,

I know I can't hear it, that wasn't my point or question. I was concerned about the authenticity of my CD.

I hope you read the rest of the thread then because you got your answer dozens of times

I did, and have come to the conclusion that it was just mastered that way.