/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and _monitor_ suggestions; click on the blue title to see notes
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>NO R3 1200/1300X or R5 1400/1500X. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY THE R3 2200G AND R5 2400G
>R3 2200G - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM) or for gaming WITHOUT a graphics card
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>R7 / i7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal
>Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports

Graphics cards:
>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up or depleted stock
>MSRP of standard 1080p cards: 1050 Ti, 140USD; 1060 3GB, $200; 1060 6GB, $230; RX 570 4GB, $170; RX 580 4GB, $200
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080 Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>GTX 1080 Ti

>A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor


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Other urls found in this thread:


Seems there is an "unpleasant surprise" within Zen+. I hope it's nothing too significant.

inb4 requires 4xx chipset for new xfr

and no I'm not reading the article

The article didn't mention anything about what the surprise was.

Just getting my guess in now.

It's either
>power consumption - basically the same process with higher clock speeds and higher TDP
>thermals - see above
>compatibility with existing motherboards - likely related to above
>worse clock-to-voltage curve than Ryzen
>a new bug decreasing performance over Ryzen
I bet my virgin ass that it's power consumption. You can only do so much to get an architecture and fabric like that to use the same amount of power for higher clock speeds on what amounts to a lightly reworked process. I bet cheapo motherboards aren't playing nice with this new power demand either.

Can we update the graphics card part of the OP?
It should be
>GTX 10X0 for gaming
>Radeon for non-gaming
as Radeon GPUs are not meant for gaming. AIBs have already corrected their mistakes and are removing "Gaming" Radeons from their line up.

Your only choice for gaming at any resolution is Nvidia.

>not GTX XXX0

>The AM4 socket will NEVER have chips that draw more power than the launch lineup!
Said no one ever.

>R3 2200G - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM) or for gaming WITHOUT a graphics card
This is misleading information. It is not recommended to play games without an Nvidia graphics card. The iGPU of any Ryzen G Series is not meant for gaming.
Please replace with
>Core i3-8100/Ryzen 2 1300X and an Nvidia GT 1030 Gaming graphics card

Is there a gaming branded GT 1030?

Shut the fuck up you invalid retard

>12 posts and 4 posters
the absolute state of pcbg

>building a pc
>current prices

Attached: 1517952762189.png (613x821, 76K)

Any Nvidia GT 1030 graphics card is Gaming ready at HD or lower resolution. The GT 1030 Graphics card Gaming potential is very strong.

Welcome to making a new thread
Neck yourself

Might as well custom build something actually not a potato with a 2400G and drop in a GPU later.
>2400MHz RAM
Of course!

>would literally cost $800-$900 to custom build that
The absolute state of pcbg.

>Might as well custom build something

>Completely ignores the rest of my sentence
Why even. have periods

My point was it's a very middling build jacked up by the 570. Get an all-around-strong-but-GPU build for the same price and pray.

>single channel ram
good meme

How is this? Wanted the budget to be roughly$2000(AUD) and wanted the PC to look somehwta pleasing on my desk. Using it for gayming with 1440p144hz monitor

Nice meme.
Literally everything uses GPU acceleration these days. There's barely any point to go beyond mid range CPUs.

Anyone ever used PNY memory?
Contemplating grabbing 3 sticks of 4gb 1600mhz off Amazon to get a budget X58 system up and running.

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Anybody here has a experience in pc case modding?

My case pic related front pane is scratched to shit and i want to cover the logo, i wonder if i can cover the whole panel with a sticker? like in the cars, what kind should i buy?

Attached: 11-139-072-09.jpg (640x480, 18K)

Why black out the $199 dildo?

Sticker is not modding user

I got the same case and I'm contemplating the same thing. Vinyl wrap is your best, easiest bet.

okay then, lets use the buzzwords """"""""""decal""""""""""

t. no stickers-fag

Alright guys,

I'm building a new computer for gaming on an ultra-wide monitor I recently picked up; will y'all help me fill out my build?

My budget is $2,000 USD.

Here is the monitor: Acer Gaming Monitor 37.5" Ultra Wide Curved XR382CQK bmijqphuzx 3840 x 1600

Here is a part list I've hacked together so far: pcpartpicker.com/list/bzTd6s

I'm unsure of what to pick up for a motherboard and CPU. Additionally, I'm not certain the GPU I've selected will be enough to run 3840 x 1600 on high. The Samsung SSD is something I've wanted to switch to for a while now, but let me know if there is a better version.

Let me know what parts you guys would add, if you were me.

P.S. any suggestions on desktop speakers? Mine are currently dying.

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if you want to lower the amount of money you can get a smalled SSD or change the 8700k for a r5 1600 or r7 1700

Hey man, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

I own the same case, and tbqh it looks gay. Just don't cover with any sticker to make it even more gay.

no problem dude you might also consider this one

>Fractal R5 false flagger

Looking at building a remote backup/NAS.

Interested in:
- very quiet, decently small case
- low power CPU
- will probably plug in a monitor every few months but headless the rest of the time
- 4+ full-size drives (3TB each or so), for software RAID5
- a small M.2, 32 GB would be enough
- fast ethernet

oh and I figure 500-600 USD unless that turns out to be unrealistic

remember to hide and report paid novideo shills

10/10 post
I too have been looking over how the AIB partners have been approaching this whole Geforce Partnership Program with interest.
While I personally, and I'm sure all of Sup Forums wouldn't give a shit whether or not a GPU is marketed as "gaming", the fact is the majority of Sup Forums sheep follow this wank. It's to be seen as to whether this hurts Raedon sales, but looking at the partners distancing themselves from saying the AMD cards are even designed for "gaming" is both hilarious and sad.
I know at the end of the day none of us give a shit whether there's a "ROG Strix" or "Aorus" branding on our GPU packaging, and I'm still awaiting the arrival of Navi.
On a side note, I'm disappointed no one picked up on the facetious nature of this post.

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2200G is fairly low power and has integrated graphics
B350 (if you want to undervolt/downclock), buy a LAN card if you need more than gigabit
I don't know much about HDDs so I could be wrong in choosing these, read reviews and failure statistics.
If you go any smaller on RAM or SSD you sacrifice quite a bit of value, it might be smarter to get a 32GB USB or SD.

Whoops, I forgot to look at the warnings.
This board can handle more drives, but you'll either have to drop a drive, the case will either have to be more expensive/larger, or you will need to get creative with double-sided tape.

It isn't because nobody got the joke, but because the joke wasn't funny.

Honestly I can just drop a drive. 6TB is more space than I'm using anyway. Thanks for the lists.

The power company sucks so I want to get a UPS too. With that power supply do I need to get a >550W UPS also?

Okay I need a bit of help. I'm working on top of an old setup to build a budget gaming pc. What I have done so far is doubled my ram to 8 GB for 33$ and got a Xeon x5450 for 19$. All I need is a decent GPU to run 1080p.

>Current budget build
>Xeon x5450
>8 GB 1333mhz ram
>GeForce GTS 250
>Motherborad MSI G41M-P33
>PSU 650W

I'm building around the limitations of my motherboard, it keeps me within my budget. Bare in mind I'm currently limited to PCIe Gen 1. What's left of my budget is 100$ to 150$ maybe a bit higher. What GPU would be best for this build without bottlenecking? Right now I'm looking at a GTX 670 2GB for 80.80$

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Can someone recommend a good case for this board?
I want at least 3 external drive bays and room for my radiator.

You don't have to, but it makes more sense in case you need to swap it and use it with another system or if you ever decide to do something else with this one.
Your best option is to save up for an APU and use that CPU as a server or something because it really sucks

What does it mean when it says the motherboard needs airflow? As in it needs an extra fan blowing down right on top of the VRM? Also, wtf do the different colors mean?

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>It isn't because nobody got the joke
>hurr durr shills

Is that even an option for my build? Also it's tons better than my old Pentium E5400.

This list is obviously not finalised, and I feel like not much thought went into the ratings. What would be much more useful is a Buildzoid-style breakdown of the current they can handle and how much heat would be produced by that.
However, there are boards out there that will trigger OCP pretty early, (which usually means) shutting the system down when they get too hot and the only ways to prevent it are to use a downdraft cooler (think stock) or to have fans right next to the VRMs (either in your case, having them as intake is better for this purpose, or literally taping a fan onto the heatsink).
Even the cheapest i3 and R3 are about twice as good

Need advice on monitor & power supply. Mid-way through this build: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/9ZHCyX

Any suggestions?

ok so what if I already have the intake and outake fans that came with my define nano s and a fan on my noctua nh u12s? Should I replace the case fans with noctuas? Or do I need a separate fan?

Just curious how you went for the motherboard? Did you use a 771 server board or did you modify a consumer 775 to work with the 5450?

Does this look good? Want a new computer that will last some time. Thinking about spending all of my wageslaving money on this shit. Also won't have to put it together myself since I'm a lazy fuck and they have an offer for free now.

Attached: pc.png (266x933, 54K)

Don't buy windows
Get an IPS display
This depends on how much current you're drawing. Even low-end boards should be fine in most situations, especially since your cooler only has one tower.
Don't you dare try to run an 8600K with the 212 Evo
960 is also retarded

What is wrong with the 960 and the 212 Evo? Do I need something stronger, weakre? What would you suggest? Preferably within the same cost/budget.

what's wrong with the 960?

I'm limited to a 775 socket. This build dies with the motherboard. I'll start anew when I save more and the prices of RAM and GPUs stabilize a bit.

I did a mod on the MSI G41M-P33. The best bang for my buck. And I believe it's the most my motherboard can handle.

960 isn't better than the 860 unless you know what you're doing, also having 500GB is usually much better
You'll want a dual tower such as the D15 since Intel's thermals are terrible

you mean as far as installing an OS on the 960? what usually goes wrong?

The 960 costs more, but usually performs the same. Purchasing a 500GB 860 would cost less and be just as good (for almost anything the average user does).

what's the best thing to test non avx loads? prime95 26.6?

Do you mean pic related? If that is the case they won't assemble it and I'll have to do it myself which isn't all that good for me. They only assemble under 750g and that one weighs 1.3kg. Does the 212 Evo not suffice or are you just recommending that I should get this one as it is better and not a must?

Attached: big ass fucking cooler.png (861x632, 291K)

>I did a mod on the MSI G41M-P33
Yeah, it's a good bang-buck that's been hovering around for a while although star ting to get a little long in the tooth with 1366 and 1156 i7 systems getting cheaper.
You could always swap the Motherboard for an X48 unit to get PCIE2 and keep your x5450

what about evo vs. pro versions? is it worth getting the pro?

The 212 evo will be fine, AT STOCK. It doesn't make sense to buy an overclocking CPU and then fuck yourself by not getting a capable cooler. Get the 8400 or 8700, which are non-overclockable.

PRO is usually also not worth it, unless you're buying used.

i see, thank you for the info

Ultrapoorfag here. I can get the CPU and RAM right now but I'll have to wait for a few months to get the rest. Should I?

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Ryzen 5 or i5 8400? I am running a smaller budget and i am going to use my PC mostly for gaming. If i OC the ryzen i lose my waranty though thats why i am leaning towards the i5 8400. Which one is more future proof?

Pro's only worthwhile for professional applications where they're constantly reading and writing. For personal use they're redundant.

If I were to pick any other cooler, what would you suggest? As if something were between the Evo 212 and D15.

Are intel really considerably better than Ryzen for games?

Just took a look at some i7s, I see what you mean. Thanks, for the advice. However getting a new motherboard and a GPU to take advantage of PCIe2 is out of my budget right now. My thinking is to spend a little now and spend a ton later when I start a new build. I just need a decent GPU to run old 1080p games, maybe some new on low settings. Could I do better than a GTX 670 2GB for 80.80$?

Ryzen 7 or Threadripper?

Cryorig H5 or NH-D14

U14S maybe, it's like a half-size D15.
It depends on a few circumstances. If you're at 2160p, no. If you're at 1440p and don't have a 1080 Ti or Titan Xp, also no. If you're at 1080p and don't have a 1070, no again. Also depends on the games where some games will be maxed on either.
PUBG has a strong preference for Intel in every scenario here.
Depends, Threadripper is like a copy/paste of Ryzen so expect it to be better at what it's good at. If you're rendering or doing streaming on one machine only and have the cash it isn't a bad idea.

Yeah, multi core. My plan is to use it as a Linux host, GPU passthrough for gaming and general development pc for programming.

yes. i mean it doesn't matter in newer games if you're gpu bottlenecked (using gtx1060/1070), or on higher resolutions, but for older games or when you want to hit 144fps intel will be much better.
not saying you should overpay for intel. i5 8400 is better enough while not being more expensive.

technically speaking ryzen is more future proof since it has more threads and socket will be supported for 2 more years. i'd wait for ryzen2 which releases in less than a month and compare how it performs. if you care only about gaming performance then yes i5 8400 is going to be better.

not you shouldn't. if anything buy only ram, since you have few months to get a good deal. as for the build:
- get 3000/3200mhz, it matters a lot to igpu performance
- you don't need 750w psu, something like seasonic 520 will be enough even if you add a gpu in the future

What about 1080p with a 1070?

Not a terrible idea then.
It depends on the game. Most titles are bound to IPC and clocks, so the 8400 is usually better than the 1600 for example. In old games it doesn't matter too much, and some new games can use every thread.

Yeah, I think you're on the right path.
If you can, try to find a card with around 4ish gb of Vram. Something like a 4gb GTX680 or GTX770 maybe? Mind you it'd probably cost another $50.
Otherwise for 1080p gaming, a 2gb card is still a doable stopgap measure.

It gets interesting for the lower core count chips - the AM4 spec requires every board capable of handling the 95w 1800x. Now assuming we aren't process limited for the moment, a factory hotclock on a 4 core or 6 core chip until it doesh it 95w means you could have pocket rockets on even the likes of A320 boards.

I'm unsure if the X470 spec will have a higher power draw limit within its specification but basically every X370 board can handle way, way more than you can push ryzen 1 (the top end boards like the crosshair are good for handling 200w monsters).

Attached: crosshair hero.jpg (1000x1000, 301K)

I wouldn't say that X370 boards in general can hamdle way more than Zen can, because heatsinks on these things are more like metal slabs and so you'll hit thermal limits even if your VRMs can handle a fuck ton of Amps.

>because heatsinks on these things are more like metal slabs
Not quite. They still have proper heatpiped and finned heatsinks, just with a shroud on top.

Attached: ASUS_RAMPAGE_VI_EXTREME_MOTHERBOARD_036.jpg (1920x1472, 514K)

Go listen to buildzoid


What's a good 27'' monitor for 1440p gaming today (paired with gtx 1080)?

Hey, I am looking to build a 1080p 144hz gaming PC. I play games such as CSGO, WoW B4A
and Path of Exile. I get the CPU and SSD for free, my budget for the rest is about
1100 euros - I live in Finland.

CPU (FREE): Intel Core i5-6500, LGA1151, 3,2GHz, 6MB
SSD (FREE): Samsung 250GB 960 EVO SSD, M.2, NVMe, 3200/1500 MB/s
PSU: Seasonic 550W FOCUS+ 550 Gold, Modular, ATX-PSU, 80Plus Gold
GPU: Inno3D GeForce GTX 1080 iChill X4, 8GB GDDR5X
RAM: G.Skill 16GB (2x8GB) Fortis, DDR4 2400MHz, CL15, 1.20V
CASE: SilentiumPC Regnum RG2 Pure Black, ATX

Any thoughts on this setup?

Attached: setit2.png (937x492, 73K)

>waiting on 7nm for both CPU and GPU upgrade
>literally not one shred of news coming out for any products regarding it
>check news almost 5 times a day looking for something, anything to shed some light

Why do I torture myself doing this, AMD still hasnt even released Zen+, the mining craze means both GPU companies are still selling like hotcakes and have no reason to release GPU architectures anytime soon, which is why I assume 12nm Vega/Polaris was also canned, i mean seriously if smaller lithographies made chip production so fucking efficient why would it take so fucking long to get mass production going, its a rhetorical question but dear lord this shit is always on my mind

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I'm thinking of getting an used videocard, from a more or less reputable seller on an auction so I can get it for a little less.

What do you think would be a better choice?

1060 6GB (for around 250-300), or a 1070 for around 350-400?

I have an i5 3470 with 16GB Kingston Value RAM, with a fucking GT730 so I can't play anything modern properly.

The thing is, how bad is a videocard that has been used for mining for a month or two? Would you get one, or is better to only consider sellers that at least claim the card hasn't been used for that at all?


I'm trying to put together a build for casual gaymen like Fortnite and League but I'm having trouble coming up with anything remotely in my budget so I started looking at craigslist and came across this posting for $400:

Intel i5 4590 CPU - 3.3ghz (able to be OC'd to 4ghz)
NVidia GTX760 GPU
MSI Z87-G41 Motherboard
Seagate 250GB Boot Drive w Windows 7 Ultimate Installed
Seagate 2TB Storage Drive
8gb Trident DDR3 RAM
Corsair CX750M Modular PSU
Asus DVD-RW Optical Drive
Microsoft Keyboard/Mouse
Corsair Custom Desktop Gaming Tower w/USB 3.0 Inputs

Would that be worth $400? What about buying used from someone on craigslist? Anyone have any tips on how to not get murdered?

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Oi lads
Sapphire RX 560
MSI GTX1050 ?

The 1070 is actually supposed to be between $350 and $400, keep that in mind.
I personally would never touch mining cards because there is no telling what conditions they were in.
560- 1024 or 896?
Also, prices?

RX560 4GB

RX560. More vram and crossfire potential should you find a second card cheap down the track.

>1024 or 896?
No idea , man. No info on that.
Same price range, just difference of a few bucks.
Thanks mates.

Do you at least know how much VRAM it has? If the 560 is 2GB then I would choose the 1050, but if it's 4GB I would go with that.